2ukenkerl wrote:
mechanima wrote:
Let's keep it real shall we?
An huge proportion of jobs are totally superfluous. If they do not consist in one variation or another on "digging holes and filling them in again" then they could be rationalised out by improved efficiency.
Then there are the service industries, that are completely unnecessary, and industries that are created, or retained at artificially labour intensive levels......
You ARE, unfortunately, right about the fact that most are nonsense and could be wiped out by improving efficiency. Still, if everyone thought as you, life would be VERY different! NO computers, NO stores, there would be almost no people on the planet, etc....
Oh no, I don't mean that AT ALL. The shocking truth is that the lifestyle we live is kept at artificially labour intensive levels. Huge amounts of jobs could be cut without changing our lifestyles at all, a lot of people go to work every day to do nothing except find ways of feeling useful, or "part of something". They could all stay home without changing a thing.
2ukenkerl wrote:
Lightning88 and crack and those that said similar things are right. Outside of the few that are REALLY incapable or VERY inefficient, etc... people are just being unreasonable if they want to live their lives without working AT ALL!
Why? Plenty of people live out their lives without working at all simply due to economic forces...wouldn't it make more sense for those who cannot work to do so?
2ukenkerl wrote:
BTW AS ISN'T a disability in the proper sense of the term. OK, it can limit your options, but it is STILL a good sized list.
Only in the sense that Multiple Sclerosis and Spina Bifida aren't disabilities "in the proper sense of the term". The disability is not in the condition itself, but in the degree to which the condition impairs your ability to function.