So why is there no psychopath awareness?

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11 Dec 2008, 4:51 pm

violet_yoshi wrote:
I was just thinking how interesting it is that there are images of nude women everywhere. That if someone wants to see a nude guy, the presumption is they're a gay male. I guess then the message is men would rather have us all be lesbians then?

Firstly, women as well as men like to look at nude women, for some reason. Maybe it's because we are all connected to gender-specific aspects of our mothers' bodies as babies whereas the men don't breastfeed, etc.. Secondly, I don't know if anyone assumes that someone who wants to see a nude guy is a gay male. I'm not really that visual when it comes to who I like and who I don't like. Thirdly, I don't think that men are bothered by lesbianism (I think that some of them really like it).


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11 Dec 2008, 5:15 pm

I have no problem with gay or lesbian people, for the record. I think men would mind, if they weren't getting laid anymore, because women would only be getting with women. Most women don't like to be reminded that they have to meet up to what for most women, is an impossible ideal of beauty. Furthermore, there is a double standard where it's become almost blatant to how many images of nude women out there, yet mens' bodies are considered off limits.


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11 Dec 2008, 6:24 pm

Well, yeah, but since there are enough gay men to make up for unavailable lesbian women, that's not exactly a problem.

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11 Dec 2008, 7:03 pm

ephemerella wrote:
kittenmeow wrote:
So is BPD the result of someone who was raised through a very bad enviroment, abused and abandoned? I know not all who went through that will be labelled with BPD but is this the triggering factor?

It is my understanding that BPD is the result of abuse that creates within the child a need to split from an unbearable reality. As if the parent was the abuser, for example. The child will "split" off the experiences or behaviors that traumatized it and have black-and-white thinking where the "bad" behavior is evil and "good" behavior is safe. Because of the intense need for safety and security, the child will develop an intense attachment to caretakers who are perceived as good and extremely profound anxiety and loss of self when the caretakers are absent. The child also fails to form a strong independent identity and the splitting may be so extreme that the child dissociates, or forgets, that which he/she split off. They may even develop separate personalities (identities) to contain the split realities. This disorder may develop into multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder).

Other symptoms are related to the emotional insecurity and mood swings associated with the acute fragility of the self of the BPD. The BPD may also experience intense bouts of feelings, like a manic, where the polarity is in different affective states.

People with borderline personality disorder generally inherit a more sensitive sympathetic nervous system and thus are more prone to anxiety and other negative affect than the general population. Under an invalidating environment (neglectful or abusive parenting, bullying from classmates, etc.), an insecure attachment style and feelings of low self-worth can form. The dissociation is more an aspect of posttraumatic stress disorder, which can certainly be comorbid with BPD. Under these conditions, emotional intelligence (i.e., emotional self-control and delaying gratification, putting oneself in a positive mood, handling conflict with maturity, empathizing with others) are unlikely to form (largely for want of practice and encouragement). I take it the splitting, or dichotomous thinking, is a result of strong emotions preventing a borderline from having the objectivity to handle nuanced thought. Whether borderlines can handle ambiguity and complexity in less emotional contexts (maybe some philosophy or science), I don't really know.

I take it the identity disturbance in BPD is a result in part of temperament (the emotional excitability which makes new trends and identities stand out as exciting) and the invalidating environment (who they are isn't good enough, so they'll be someone else).

I take it in males the impulsive acting out of BPD is more reckless and aggressive rather than directly self-destructive; additionally, the gender norms for males mean BPD males may try to shut out close relationships entirely (an avoidant attachment style). In other words, borderline personality disorder in males probably tends to resemble a typical case of antisocial personality disorder (if not necessarily hardcore psychopathy).

I met a woman about a month ago who seemed to have possible characteristics of BPD. I suspected she was a bit different when I first met her given her unusually high level of personal openness (which frankly is a positive thing, especially for an aspie—not complaining) and a statement that she'd "cry all night long" if she didn't get accepted somewhere. We went on a date a week or two later, and then I was whacked with her recent backstory yet despite that found her overall very intriguing (I don't know if that says something about the trouble getting a date around here more than anything). She did seem to show a maturity and sincerity about things, so she might have been growing up after some rougher times (hard to say after one date).

Anyway have I been closely involved with a BPD? I don't think so. Fortunately, when you're aspie, avoiding the troublesome people is as easy as avoiding the non-troublesome people.


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11 Dec 2008, 7:07 pm

violet_yoshi wrote:
Most women don't like to be reminded that they have to meet up to what for most women, is an impossible ideal of beauty.

But you aren't competing with the women on the magazine covers, you are competing with other women on the street. And most are not supermodels. And you don't even have to be competing with anyone, anyways.

Is the standard of beauty that impossible? I'm not sure about that... men aren't that hard to please. They aren't all cool, savvy connoisseurs of women. Some are just happy to have a date. And many are genuinely happy to have a date with a woman who doesn't play games and pretend to be things that they aren't.

violet_yoshi wrote:
Furthermore, there is a double standard where it's become almost blatant to how many images of nude women out there, yet mens' bodies are considered off limits.

Men are more visual. And their brains aren't as complicated for relationships as women's brains because they are less interconnected between the right and left hemispheres. So they are happier with pictures than women are, IMO.

Men aren't that hard to please. Perhaps there is more emphasis on visual appeal, with men looking at women's bodies more than vice versa. But they aren't unreasonable creatures. Maybe you are more worried than some men are, about whether a woman's body measures up to what fits the current published standard of beauty?


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11 Dec 2008, 7:43 pm

ephemerella wrote:
violet_yoshi wrote:
Most women don't like to be reminded that they have to meet up to what for most women, is an impossible ideal of beauty.

But you aren't competing with the women on the magazine covers, you are competing with other women on the street. And most are not supermodels. And you don't even have to be competing with anyone, anyways.

Is the standard of beauty that impossible? I'm not sure about that... men aren't that hard to please. They aren't all cool, savvy connoisseurs of women. Some are just happy to have a date. And many are genuinely happy to have a date with a woman who doesn't play games and pretend to be things that they aren't.

violet_yoshi wrote:
Furthermore, there is a double standard where it's become almost blatant to how many images of nude women out there, yet mens' bodies are considered off limits.

Men are more visual. And their brains aren't as complicated for relationships as women's brains because they are less interconnected between the right and left hemispheres. So they are happier with pictures than women are, IMO.

Men aren't that hard to please. Perhaps there is more emphasis on visual appeal, with men looking at women's bodies more than vice versa. But they aren't unreasonable creatures. Maybe you are more worried than some men are, about whether a woman's body measures up to what fits the current published standard of beauty?

Thank you, you have given me hope. I also do posess a quality most women do not that does give me an advantage. Skills at video games! There are a lot of guys who want a girlfriend they can game with.


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11 Dec 2008, 7:47 pm

"People have said the same thing about fat people, they must be fat cause they're eating to cope with bad emotions."

I like my womens with meat, boy!



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11 Dec 2008, 10:50 pm

violet_yoshi wrote:
Thank you, you have given me hope. I also do posess a quality most women do not that does give me an advantage. Skills at video games! There are a lot of guys who want a girlfriend they can game with.

Now that sounds like a winner! Men like women who are their friends first. There is more respect and fun in relationships that start that way. So many couples look good together but they don't know how to really play and have fun together...


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12 Dec 2008, 1:19 am

Your welcome


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29 Sep 2010, 11:33 pm

I'll read through the posts, but time is short right now. So here's a link to a site that shows (hopefully) some of what you are looking for:

Sociopath World

There're tons of websites against Psychopathy, so I'll not list any of those. All you need to do is Google the word 'Psychopathy' and you'll get a loooong list.

So yes, Psychopathy Awareness exists!...

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30 Sep 2010, 2:15 am



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30 Sep 2010, 7:09 am

Puzelle wrote:
I'll read through the posts, but time is short right now. So here's a link to a site that shows (hopefully) some of what you are looking for:

Sociopath World


I read through this thread and then read the posts about aspergers in the blog you linked. It all came full circle. In one of the blog entries, he quotes chunks of text from this very thread (without ever saying "wrong planet"). It was a little eerie.

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20 Feb 2012, 11:53 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
Check this guy out. He is a sociopath himself. He has been talking about us aspies.

I have just been reading that site and its HILARIOUS.
Even when they are trying to be documentary about themselves psycho/socio (for they ARE the same thing just different degrees) can't even get that right.

They act at being human, far more so than Aspies, and they do it badly.

It can be argued that we AS's are far more scary: we are "tunable" psychopaths, we can suppress the "human" bits of ourselves when we absolutely need to, and we know we are doing it for moral reasons (or if not, we damn well KNOW why we are breaking the rules).

I've also seen some quite convincing evidence that as Aspies get better and better at detecting when Newts are lying, this along the way makes us rather good at detecting psychopaths. I know I've outed a few along the way.

In fact, some stories of Aspies outing 'Paths might be rather good here?

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20 Feb 2012, 11:59 pm

Surfman wrote:

Sorry I know thats probably a troll, but Jet-A1 burns at 2000 C and will liquefy carbon steel, there was 90000L per plane, the plume accounts for significantly less than the full volume having burned away, and when the tower collapses you can clearly see still burning fuel ejected by the compression. Sorry, can never resist, personal thing 8)


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21 Feb 2012, 4:28 pm

Just a few days ago someone on Youtube accused me of being a psycopath because I responded to someone's comment about vivesection and said a few things about that if I had to kill my pet or my neighbor, I would go for my neighbor. I mintioned how one of my neighbors was a horrible bully and that I would appricate any oppertunity to get them off my back for good. This is what they said:

"Even if your neighbor is a jerk, you would seriously kill him over your pet? And you consider this to be normal? Are you a psychopath or something? I love my pets myself, but for God's sake, I wouldn't put their lives even over some of the meanest people I've known in my life. But you say you would "appreciate" the chance to kill your neighbor for free. And again, you think that is normal?"

I never said it was normal, but I NEVER did care that much for people and never will and I f*****g HATE humaboos with every fiber of my being. I think I remember coming across various articles about how true psychopaths practiced on animals to test the waters before the graduated to people. Abusing an animal is only a crime because the criminal might graduate to real people one day. If these people simply stuck to toururing animals, there wouldn't be any SPCA or animal cruelty laws. No one really gives a flying f**k about animals and all these anti animal cruelty laws only exist to protect people. I've always been acused of being a psychopath because I valued the lives of animals over the lives of people and if the shoe fits, I'll wear it.

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19 Jun 2014, 1:40 pm

Im really interested in psychopaths. Pure evil. I think that the public and indeed media interpretation of psychopathy is that its the preserve of serial killers. It would be disruptive socially if it became received knowledge that most businessmen and politicians have these traits and many are full blown psychos,

I think that psychopaths should be diagnosed as early as possible and held in a database where they can be tracked and monitored. It sounds Orwellian but these people really are irredeemable.

My history on this forum preserves my old and unregenerate self. In the years since I posted here I have undergone many changes. I accept responsibility for my posts but I no longer stand behind them.
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