What "social rule" do you dislike the most?

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Snowy Owl
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19 Feb 2009, 1:49 pm

b9 wrote:
there is much more i can say, but my post is too long now and i know it will not be read anyway.

I read your entire post as well, and it was nowhere near being too long. I write essays sometimes on forums, I find typing to be far far easier than speaking, even though I have no problems with speech most of the time.

I also find it extremely uncomfortable when people enter my personal space without permission, or remove my choice by leaning their head so close to me I can smell their breath. It took me a long time to get used to "surprise" hugs from my partner, and I'm still not always comfortable with them. There are very few people I feel comfortable hugging, but because I feel comfortable with those people being close, I try to encourage it, in the hopes of getting more comfortable.


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19 Feb 2009, 2:19 pm

Calvin wrote:
I hate it when every person greets me. The worst is when there's a gathering at my place or that of another and everyone says, "Hello. How are you?" I always have to be 'good' or 'fine', just like them. Then they ask me how my family is and how school is. Why can't we have a discussion about something emotionless rather than catching up on each other's news. It's predictable and it's my least favorite routine. I'd rather kill myself than feel an emotion about violence. This is why I have used drugs to get chronic depersonalization. I'm empty (emotionally) and safe (feeling) but empty makes me suicidal but I take care of that by doing research on psychopaths and by stealing things to sell on the black market to fund certain charities.

I fund charities to help protect people against psychopaths. My one friend is a psychopath and I have been harming him to keep myself independent. I can do everything for myself and I don't need the help of others. Someone says I'm f**** up but what the actual reason (reality) is is damage to the frontal lobe and mirror neurons, resulting in certain personality traits that people consider to constitute AS.

Oh I can SO much relate to that (upper part)... I actually found the way you described it funny :P
I HATE when people, in the morning at my education place, when I'm sitting and eating my breakfast, have to say (oh crap, don't know the word in english, but it's something you say when another person is eating, please tell me the word if you know it (or even use it in other countrys), in danish it's "Velbekomme"). Or sometimes they also (While I'm still eating) ask me "Goodmorning, how are you?"...


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19 Feb 2009, 3:25 pm

I hate the rule that some things are socially "invisible" and you must identify them and ensure that you do not refer to them explicitly, or even appear to "see" them.


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19 Feb 2009, 10:24 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
They want me to be more like they are and I want to be silent and morose. I have never been good at the same stuff they are. I notice there is only one type of person who is good at it and the others are more like me. I fit in better with minorities.

Yes this, you said it so perfectly. I hate having to put on a face. Why, as a woman, should I be expected to smile all the time? I hate it when men tell me to "smile beautiful." Just because I'm not smiling it doesn't mean I'm miserable, and even if I am, I don't know why its any of your business. Also, when I'm out in a bar it is not necessarily an invitation for you to talk to me! If I am doing something solitary it is your job to leave me well alone. Drinking alone is not an invitation to chat, neither is playing pinball, reading a book or dancing for that matter. I don't care if its unusual to see a girl playing an arcade/pinball game and doing well. I've heard it before. You see this book? It means I'm not interested in talking to you. And no I don't want to tell you about the book. And no, I'm not impressed that your favorite book is The da Vinci Code.

Also, small talk really is the worst. Sometimes I answer that dreaded, "how are you?" honestly. Sometimes people are pleased and we actually have a decent conversation other times people get mad.


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19 Feb 2009, 10:27 pm

There are actually social "rules"?

That's a new one to me.


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20 Feb 2009, 8:08 am

TheDoctor82 wrote:
Catster2 wrote:
The hypocritical BS like that people swear around you and stuff but if you swear in front of old ladies or kids for example or "mixed company" and you are younger that isnt allowed. Either everyone swears or no one swears same rules for everyone.

I actually refuse to call it "swearing", because it has a religious reference to it...same with 'cursing/cussing" I just refer to it as "profanitY", because while it does have a religious reference, ti's not one that makes it sound bad, as profanity ISN'T bad.

In fact, the entire idea of it being bad is based on very hypocritical religious ideas, and those ideas constantly conflict with each other. This was apparently shown on Penn & Teller's "Bull$#!+", and some woman said "just say 'holy cow'"...the problem with that is cow is sacred in some other company..but she had no problem using THAT in vain, because it wasn't sacred in HERS. It's total hypocracy.

But most people are very hypocritical.

Why do you think most parents won't properly teach their kids about drugs, drinking, smoking, etc? Because they did it too, and the kids won't care, since the parents turned out fine. Unless you DON'T DO IT yourself when you're younger, you have nothing to tell your kids. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen too much when most people are so pragmatic...

I agree I use the words s**t, arse, bloody, damn, hell and w*ker a bit and to me they arent a huge deal just part of conversation. I refuse to be told by people who say worse themselves "you need to watch your language in front of old ladies" crap they can cope if I say its a pain in the blood arse besides my grandma is 95 and says s**t, a***hole, damn and hell all the time. And my aunt the one telling me that says f**k all the time often spelling it out like with Meet the Fockers saying that sounds like "Meet the f*****s". O my uncle who swears at me a lot telling me off (by swearing) for swearing in mixed company or for getting angry and calling my grandma a f*****g coward (with good reason I might add) it is hypocritical and just BS. Swearing is allowed or isnt simple as that.

Blue Jay
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26 Feb 2009, 9:26 pm

Having to make eye contact. My life would be a thousand times easier and more comfortable if I did not have to try to make eye contact and if I didn't have people attempting to make eye contact with me.

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26 Feb 2009, 9:34 pm

Sky wrote:
Glad to see so many others are mentioning the "How are you? Fine, and you?" social paradigm. It seems so unnecessary, and I feel embarrassed when I realize I've answered the question without the expected reciprocation.

It's also unpleasant to be in social situations where there's not a specific purpose. It's hard to tell what people are getting out of the situation unless there's an actual exchange of ideas and information, yet people carry on happily even when there's nothing particularly noteworthy being discussed.

And eye contact, also excruciating.

I had this same problem as a teenager, and I went as far as to remove all speech that does not serve an exchange of ideas or information. To sum up: It did not go well, people stop talking to you.. It is almost impossible to make new friends or connections.

What I DID learn: Small talk, like "how are you" actually has a purpose! This brainless talk is a way of establishing fimilarity with people and a way of showing them you recognize their presence. Small talk can be an instant door to deeper conversation, OR frequement small talk spread out over a period of time will allow the other person to feel comfortable enough to let the conversation go into meaningful topics.


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26 Feb 2009, 10:19 pm

patternist wrote:
No flatulence in public. I mean, come on.

How would you like to be in a crowded elevator and have someone break wind? There are times when flatulence is air pollution.

I remember from the early Star Trek days, that Klingons farted in air locks.



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26 Feb 2009, 10:49 pm


So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.