How Can We Prepare for Social Unrest & Civil Disorder?

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How Are You Prepared for Civil Unrest and Social Disorder?
I've got guns, a food hoard, an attack dog and I live in the outback 19%  19%  [ 15 ]
I have some food and medicine that will last me about a month 15%  15%  [ 12 ]
I haven't done anything differently to prepare for social disorder 37%  37%  [ 29 ]
I'm one of the looters and burglars that they're warning about! 10%  10%  [ 8 ]
Social disorder? You mean Asperger Syndrome??? 19%  19%  [ 15 ]
Total votes : 79


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27 Mar 2009, 4:41 pm

ephemerella wrote:
I can't sit here and feed this thread, just putting the question out there... I won't be ale to answer anyone 'cause I'm doing taxes anyways. This is more to share my concerns that others might not have thought about how they might cope in times of social disorder.

Are you prepared in the event that there is social disorder in your neighborhood?

I've spent some time looking at economics and the problems we face, started early last year. Because I eat a lot of organic food and was expecting a bad time in some countries where, say, organic brown rice is grown, I stocked up on 2 years' worth of food. I put together 2 years' worth of organic food (mostly brown rice, beans, cans of tomatoes, spaghetti, dried mushrooms and stuff like that) because regular food with pesticides and additives makes me sick, and I didn't want to have to live off regular American processed food in case the organic markets went out of business during bad economic times.

But now I'm glad I did that because the thought of being sick with rashes and food allergies in the middle of social unrest and upheaval is kind of scary!

What is the probability that there will be social disorder or social unrest due to the economic crisis? Who knows? Maybe about the chance of having your town hit by a tornado if you live in Kansas. But even if that chance is small, people who live in Kansas do prepare on what to do if a tornado warning goes off.

Has anyone other than me thought about what life might be like in case of social unrest, war and economic collapse? Do you have family to call or someone in the neighborhood you've been meaning to introduce yourself to and get to know? What would it take to have a few weeks' supply of medications in place? How can we mentally prepare for periods of stress and anxiety, left to fend for ourselves for days and weeks? If stores were closed for a few weeks, or the streets weren't safe in a city, what things do we really need to get by? Do we have our papers in place?

I wish I could find a special article on how AS people can prepare themselves for times of social disorder and emergency... but these have all appeared in the past few days.

Motley Fool: The Four Things You Need (in case there's social disorder)

International Monetary Fund head: "The Financial Crisis Can Lead to Social Unrest and Even War"

United Nations: Unrest looms in Asia-Pacific

The interviewer, Glenn Beck is a radical right crank, but the guy being interviewed is good:

I will probably try to create militia and try to beat up and move away looters. Alternatively join revolutionary movement.


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27 Mar 2009, 8:20 pm

State and local agencies don't have a military so they are a nonissue.
A good place for people to start if they are serious about any of this is some of Mormon sites on self-sustaining preparedness. They are very good at distrusting D.C.
I am not particularly paranoid about any of this but I did buy a new shotgun today for my wife just in case. If everything is rosy then we'll just take up skeet shooting as a hobby. If everything goes into the toilet then we'll be like the characters living in basement in movie 'Tremors'. I seriously doubt if the army will be behind this new movement so I do not anticipate having to actually shoot at anybody. Perhaps it'll be like it is in other third world countries where we all shoot aimlessly into the air and kill people four blocks away with falling lead.
Better safe than sorry. Civil unrest can actually be a good thing.

I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.


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27 Mar 2009, 8:25 pm

^^A bit of revolution can be a good thing from time to time… ...
~Thomas Jefferson~.

Alis volat propriis
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27 Mar 2009, 8:29 pm

I was going to bring up reading the original 'papers' but I thought it would be misunderstood by the younger members.

I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.


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28 Mar 2009, 2:56 am

State and local governments will be the first to go, the day the patronage paychecks stop

They are mostly bankrupt, they lost half the retirement funds playing the market, and they were underfunded to start with.

Housing taxes, income tax, sales tax, have all just died. States have huge bond debt from building sports arenas and convention centers, the defaults are coming.

They are already opening the prisons, next they close the non essensials, schools, libraries, and they have already cut back on water, sewer, road, bridge repair, twenty years ago.

Louisiana has refused the extra extended unemployment money, those people would just want other services, food stamps, and should just leave the state, and go be someone elses problem.

It will become what it is, the Republican and Democrat gangs supported by armed security forces. No townie cop is going to die for the Mayor.

Without income, credit, long term debt, and with hyper inflation, everyone wanting a raise, government falls.

Government is not about water, sewer, garbage, education, fire protection, it is about Lawgivers who are above the Law, and their armed power to use the law against everyone else, enrich themselves, and control ever having to answer for their actions. .

The whole issue of government, is the right to the sole use of force. This only works when the governed allow it, other than that, there are now much larger gangs who use force.

The Government who did not protect our homes, jobs, savings, money, and the future of our children, has no right to exist.


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28 Mar 2009, 3:28 am

garyww wrote:
State and local agencies don't have a military so they are a nonissue.

But see the example of the Netherlands on May 1940: The army was defeated by the German troops, Queen Wilhelmina and the government was in London in exile. Neither a central government exited, nor there was any military force behind it: But the local authorities were still working and doing their job.

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28 Mar 2009, 4:47 am

I've got enough tinned food to last me a few months (if I ration) and I can get to my nearest shop quickly enough to loot some water if the water goes off. We've got a lot of wood in the back garden that I can reinforce my house with. I don't have any firearms so I'd stay in my house and ride it out.

DX'd with Classic Autism.


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28 Mar 2009, 9:42 am

I guess I’m semi-prepared for lack of a better term. I don’t live in the outback but I have guns (it’s my obsession, get over it already), ammo, canned food and other things that might be needed. I don’t live for this day because it will surely be a mess that may drag on for who knows how long. Most if not all of the services, conveniences, and security we take for granted will be no longer during this time.
I’d be apprehensive about what kind of society and government we’d be left with after it’s over, too.

Everything about Katrina was a mess and I’m glad I don’t live anywhere near there. I don’t think it would be that quite that bad where I live because we don’t have the corruption New Orleans had (probably still has) and we generally have a better grade of people than many of the convict grade individuals New Orleans is host to.
Those two things alone can make a big difference when things go to hell.

Being prepared for this, logistically and mentally, does not mean we eagerly look forward to it actually happening.
Likewise, just because we wear our seat belts doesn’t mean we want to be in a wreck.


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28 Mar 2009, 12:22 pm

Raptor wrote:
I guess I’m semi-prepared for lack of a better term. I don’t live in the outback but I have guns (it’s my obsession, get over it already), ammo, canned food and other things that might be needed. I don’t live for this day because it will surely be a mess that may drag on for who knows how long. Most if not all of the services, conveniences, and security we take for granted will be no longer during this time.
I’d be apprehensive about what kind of society and government we’d be left with after it’s over, too.

Everything about Katrina was a mess and I’m glad I don’t live anywhere near there. I don’t think it would be that quite that bad where I live because we don’t have the corruption New Orleans had (probably still has) and we generally have a better grade of people than many of the convict grade individuals New Orleans is host to.
Those two things alone can make a big difference when things go to hell.

Being prepared for this, logistically and mentally, does not mean we eagerly look forward to it actually happening.
Likewise, just because we wear our seat belts doesn’t mean we want to be in a wreck.

The top corruption rank was the Fed, Corp of Engineers, FEMA, the President, and the whole of Congress lead the looting.

We had three of our Commissioners of Insurance in jail at the same time, a Governor and his son.

The poor and kept uneducated in Louisiana happen to own a lot of offshore oil. As much as Iraq, with the same results.

The most European of American cities, the oldest, with first the best port and crop land, then oil, has brought nothing but invsasion from the north to put our property in their hands.

Like most third world countries, political donations come from out of State.

Jesus would not have shown white people and oil companies our land unless God wanted it to be white ruled.

We lost 1570 dead, and over 100,000 who the UN calls refugeees, with a right of return, which has been denied.

The loss of those votes gave out of State White Christians control of the State.

This was the same Christian Right, KKK, and Oil Company money that got Bush elected.

New Orleans was Lynched.


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28 Mar 2009, 2:17 pm

I was prepared for the recession in 1971-3 here in the States, having moved to Washington State and living in the country. We 'went back to the land' and I shoveled chicken crap and mouldy straw every morning to have breakfast of eggs and dinner (every now and then) of chicken. I lost a lot of weight and got very fit. Grew potatoes and lived off of the digging for edible food items from the local vegetable market we gathered for 'compost.' Chopped and hauled wood for heat. Fished in the streams for cutthroat salmon We weathered the gas crunch and the dirt poor existance, probably because we were young and ignorant of what a slender thread we were on.

fast forward to early 1980's. This time we were a little more set up for living on the the land and it didn't rain as much in southern Oregon. We actually grew our own vegetables and traded and bartered what else we needed - gas and electricity for the main house and chop and haul wood for heat. I lost a lot of weight and got very fit. Then the financial crunch of '87 missed me as I was in college ( a good place to be when the economy is in the crapper.)

Then I boomed with the Dot.Com boom and busted with it too, I moved back to Oregon and lived in a tent on my friend's land, lost a lot of weight and got pretty fit. I suffered along with everyone else, but grew lavendar and thyme and rosemary - sewed headbands filled with polymer moisture holding beads for the super hot weather and sold them at farmer's markets to pay for what ever I couldn't grow in food. Thank gawd for saving up my unemployment. I would have carked it with out it.

This time, it looks pretty bad. I am living in a very inexpensive apartment in the capitol city of Oregon, I have a job detecting fraud in the medicare/health care provider sector and am stocked up on foodstuffs and canned goods for three months. I have a propane stash and a propane stove and hot plate. Come the revolution/social upheaval I am probably quite unprepared. I am older now and frankly, I don't care to live into decrepitude.


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28 Mar 2009, 4:33 pm

pbcoll wrote:
Rich warlords and starving peasants, and brutally suppressed peasant and slave rebellions, have been the norm for most of human history.

True, but you left out human prehistory, which covers maybe a hundred times more centuries than history, depending on how you define human.

The essential point is the same. What we call civilization is a recent fluke, not the normal state of affairs for our species. Most of us have never seen anything else in our lifetimes, so it seems normal, but it isn't.

The collapse of civilization sounds to me like the most realistic prospect for aspie equality.

Need a fire? Okay, it's a simple system, three variables; heat, oxygen, and surface area of the fuel. And remember, heat mostly moves upward. Adjust the variables to control the fire. Hey, what happened to the aspie disadvantage? It's gone.

Violence? There was a saying in the old west of America, a parody on the Declaration of Independence, "God created all men, but Sam Colt made them equal." (Sam Colt invented the revolver.)

That's a form of non-verbal communication an aspie can understand as well as anybody else. Nature and the physical world ain't impressed by social skills. Want somebody that can play the game of reality? I'll bet on the aspie.

They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...


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28 Mar 2009, 4:57 pm

CanyonWind wrote:
pbcoll wrote:
Rich warlords and starving peasants, and brutally suppressed peasant and slave rebellions, have been the norm for most of human history.

True, but you left out human prehistory, which covers maybe a hundred times more centuries than history, depending on how you define human.

The bosses of the men with spears calling the shots, while loners probably starved. Same difference.

Violence? There was a saying in the old west of America, a parody on the Declaration of Independence, "God created all men, but Sam Colt made them equal." (Sam Colt invented the revolver.)

Well-organised, disciplined armed groups will beat the lone gunman any day, except in Hollywood pipedreams. The military has ranks and chains of command for a reason.

Everybody complains about governments, but nobody moves to Somalia.

I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)

El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)

I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).


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28 Mar 2009, 5:27 pm

Gotta admit you got a point.

Contrary to contemporary perceptions, Genghis Khan's mongol armies were so successful because they were very well organized and coordinated.

Also, regrettably, I guess the stone age wasn't quite the aspie paradise some of us like to imagine, with aspie technical geniuses inventing better spear points. The native North Americans were living in the stone age just a few generations ago, so the genetic structure of their populations probably hasn't changed that much.

And they figured out crooked politics as well as they figured out how to ride horses.

They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...


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28 Mar 2009, 10:56 pm

Here in wyoming things haven't hit here yet, our unemployment rate is still 4%I've bought some survival food supplies and I went to a local gun shop and bought a giant thing of mace for use on bears just in case.

At work we've all been forced to take furlough days as a way to avoid layoffs. Our 10pm producer who is an economic guru says the economy won't slide into depression unless the banking system completely falls apart. What worries him most is the prospect of hyperinflation happening due to all this printing of money to pay for obamas stimulus package. That will happen if faith in the dollar dissapears.

I personally think the worst is yet to come. I was here on this board four years ago calling out that I felt we were on the verge of something awful and now I feel my prophecy is coming true.

I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...

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29 Mar 2009, 1:14 am

Couldn't we all just stop listening to RIGHT-WING Shock Jocks, Jack Van Impe and other deluded Liars and accept that it's not as bad as some people claim and that Civil Unrest/revolution/breakdown of society is just not going to happen. You guys make us all sound like members of a New World Order compoud in Omaha. :lol: Seems to me that the guys with the biggest gun collections are the biggest looters and crooks that we should all be wary of. I will happily fend off the looters with my trusty pen, fists and native cunning. Then soon as their backs are turned, it's mine, all mine... No, you will not have me lucky charms.

Consider the common psychological condition where an agressor considers himself the victim, because he has convinced himself that he is the victim. In reality the person he accuses is often his victim. :roll:


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29 Mar 2009, 1:32 am

^ in pop psychology it is known as the Victim/Persecutor/Rescuer Triangle.
and i hate to burst everyones' bubbles...but each of us is usually all three. :lol: :lol: :lol:

right wing politics tend to favour a rather primitive scenario that creates an enemy WITHOUT and BEYOND.
(see the Bush's terms of office for further historical illustrations.)