Today was the first day back at work since before Christmas. At one point a coworker walked by and he changed his hairstyle slightly and I did not recognize him. Like, he looked vaguely familiar, but it took me a while to figure out who he was. I don't have major faceblindness issues, but every now and then it can be a problem.
Mine happened this afternoon when I was making a small pizza for lunch in the oven, and my stepmother had cooked a quiche in the oven last week that gave the inside of the oven a funny smell. Somehow, when the oven was heated up, the heat combined with the smell would trigger the smoke alarm to go off even if the oven door was opened only for a minute. My stepmom kept opening the oven to see where the smell was coming from, and so the smoke alarm kept getting set off. The smoke alarm, mind you, was only a few feet away, and the beeping sounded and felt REALLY LOUD to me. I kept having to trudge over to the smoke alarm and wave a towel under to shut it off, since neither my stepmom or my father were (I've learned that when my sensory issues get touched off, the only person I can depend on is myself) and about the 5th time this happened, I asked, annoyed, "Can we PLEASE take the batteries out of that thing already??" Of course the answer was "no," the way it was when I still lived at home most of the time and the seemingly constant ringing of the phone bothered me and I asked if we could disconnect that, too.
I'd probably want to throw the thing out the window if it kept going off like that.