Set of scientific tests related to Autism Spectrum Disorders

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08 Nov 2015, 5:29 pm

How is that I am able to score perfectly on the mind in the eyes test?

Reading facial expressions is much harder in real life. This was easy, all I had to do was a process of elimination.


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11 Nov 2015, 12:21 pm

xile123 wrote:
How is that I am able to score perfectly on the mind in the eyes test?

Reading facial expressions is much harder in real life. This was easy, all I had to do was a process of elimination.

I have the same problem with this. I've learned how to answer these without looking at the eyes at all.

My scores:
1. The Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire
Your result for The Broad Autism Phenotype Test ...
You scored 113 aloof, 99 rigid and 119 pragmatic

2. The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Test
41- I've taken it a couple times over the last 18 months as I have come to understand what/how they are asking things.

3. The Empathizing Quotient and Systemizing Quotient (I don't love this test. I am not interested in railroads, construction, stocks, and politics. But I love spreadsheets, and use them in many of my interests. My husband scores VERY high in the SQ as that is all he does.)
Your Empathizing Quotient is 17. Baron-Cohen (2003) suggests that this means "you have a lower than average ability for understanding how other people feel and responding appropriately".

Your Systemizing Quotient is 31. Baron-Cohen (2003) suggests that this means "you have a lower than average ability for analysing and exploring a system".

4. The EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) Test
Score: 48 (I did not copy the following information)

5. The Highly Sensitive Person test
Over 20 out of 27, I stopped counting after 20.

6. Understanding Facial Expression test
34/36 or something like that, but my complaint is found above.

7. Face blindness test
83% of faces I was familiar with I got correct.

8. Aspie Quiz: Most recent score:
148/200 ND
50/200 NT
First one ever taken: 122/200 ND; 68/200 NT

I've also taken the RAADS test again after speaking to my mom about my childhood behaviors, and answering in light of that information, and my results were:
Social Relatedness-88
Circumscribed interests-36

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Nov 2015, 9:17 am

There should be a warning that test number 1 will waste a fair bit of your time, because having completed all the questions it demands that you sign up to OK Cupid before it will give your result! Very annoying (especially as I do not want to sign u for that).

Please make this clear so that others don;t waste time on it!

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Nov 2015, 9:29 am

What the hell is going on? How can someone have got the full set of test results on 12th November 2015? I've just gone through them with these results:

Test 1 - you get to the end and then get told you have to sign up for the internet dating site to get your results! No thanks.

Test 2 - I skipped as I've done it before (score was 41 if anyone's interested)

Test 3 - Doesn't exist any more

Test 4 - Another one you have to sign up for (at least it tells you in advance - I get enough crap sent to my email without inviting more, so skipped this one)

Test 5 - Doesn't exist any more

Tests 6 & 7 - by this time I'm so pissed off I'm not wasting any more time on this!

Why doesn't somebody update this, as it is a "sticky"?


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21 Dec 2015, 7:24 pm

i scored 32 in the second test on origional post... i gravitated towards this forum due to suffering social anxiety and as my name suggests i blush at innapropriate moments, even when im not embarrassed! do any other posters get this? not solely based on the blushing / social awkwardness but i do feel im on the spectrum to some degree. im in my 30's is too late to do a "proper" test?


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21 Dec 2015, 7:40 pm

No, it´s never too late. Many of us in here were tested at a far later age (I was 60). If you feel, that you´re on the spectrum and need to know, getting a professional evaluation/test will probably be the best thing, you could do for yourself.

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21 Dec 2015, 7:53 pm

Jensen wrote:
No, it´s never too late. Many of us in here were tested at a far later age (I was 60). If you feel, that you´re on the spectrum and need to know, getting a professional evaluation/test will probably be the best thing, you could do for yourself.

wow thanks for reply, how did you cope until the professional evaluation did you develop any strategies? also how has the test improved you quality of life?

im kind of in two minds about finding out for sure, but want to get to the bottom of it for sake of my wife and child. did you find that personal relationships were sometimes tested? if so would you mind stating in what way? as far you feel comfortable on a public forum


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22 Dec 2015, 2:44 am

not sure how that last post comes across on text, but basically i often find myself immersed in a project, topic or story and literally cant quit until ive resolved all the nagging questions in my brain. then find it difficult to adjust to the the trivial yet most important tasks that come with a young family. also, if the outcome of whatever black hole it is i have gotten myself in isnt agreeable to me i can find myself frustrated and quite happy been alone at the detriment of my family.

not talking major issues here really, they could be something as simple as a hobby or debate with a friend. i find it all emotionally draining but also thrive on it at the same time.

hope i dont sound crazy :D


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22 Dec 2015, 6:27 am

wow thanks for reply, how did you cope until the professional evaluation did you develop any strategies? also how has the test improved you quality of life?

im kind of in two minds about finding out for sure, but want to get to the bottom of it for sake of my wife and child. did you find that personal relationships were sometimes tested? if so would you mind stating in what way? as far you feel comfortable on a public forum

I think, I have just been doing a lot of imitation and sometimes turned my back on everyone - giving them "the finger". I had spent most of my life wondering, why I couldn´t cope in ordinary jobs and friendships - not even in my own family. I allways knew, I was a specialist-type and apparently a second class human.

The DX was a huge relief and realising made lots of anguish and "neurotic" problems disappear at once.
I had self-evaluated first after being called aspie twice in a week and getting two inofficial dxés. During an awful work-trial, the complaints of the employer depicted classical aspie-problems, so I went for a professional evaluation, which led to the dx.

Now, I don´t have spouse and kids, but my friendships have often been at rough sea and have sometimes ended abruptly, because none of us understood.

I did it all for myself, but if you feel, that you and your closest relations could benefit from understanding certain things, I do recommend an evaluation. Understanding has saved many families.

Remember: There is nothing "wrong" with you. You might be different, but not less. Ever!

You could prepare by going back in time and see - and write, what you remember from your childhood, you and school, you and classmates and so on. If you still have a parent or others, who were close in your early childhood, you should ask about milestones and any unusual habits, ideas, behaviors.

So....good luck :)

Special Interest: Beethoven

Last edited by Jensen on 22 Dec 2015, 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Dec 2015, 6:35 am

appreciate that jensen, dont want to sound like a support group leader but thankyou for your wise words and sharing your experiences.. it really means a lot to know that

*my mum has already said i was advanced for my age in areas of spelling, writing, even speech was good but struggled with certain toddler milestones like catching a ball for e.g but not sure if thats relevant.. also prone to fits of rage but suppose thats normal even for a toddler. had whooping cough too when i was younger, quite serious, have heard that can be a cause of certain character traits in later life but not sure how true any of that is.

Last edited by BlusherBoy on 22 Dec 2015, 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Dec 2015, 6:40 am


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Tufted Titmouse
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27 Dec 2015, 8:11 am

Definitely never too late to get a diagnosis Blusher, I'm 56 in February and am going through the process now (it took 2 years and two months between my initial assessment and my fist actual psychologist appointment - it may be better where you are. I'm in Norfolk).

This bit's to other members who might read this:- Can i go back to my posts a few back up the thread? I would like to know how others manage to do these online tests, if anyone would be willing to explain, please? As I said in earlier posts, none of them work except the 1st one (but there's a catch with that one, which doesn't become apparent until you've wasted time doing the test - I hate this sort of thing), and the 2nd one, which I've done before and is easily findable on the 'net.

How do people get to the others? they come up as 'Page not found' 'Not available' etc for me...


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27 Dec 2015, 9:01 am

Cough as a cause for character traits later? Aaaaahr? Hardly, I should think. Who said so?

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Tufted Titmouse
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27 Dec 2015, 9:37 am

Jensen wrote:
Cough as a cause for character traits later? Aaaaahr? Hardly, I should think. Who said so?

I must be missing something here - what's this meant to mean? Is it aimed at me or Blusher? Looks like a cryptic crossword clue - please explain!


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27 Dec 2015, 11:27 am

It´s aimed at Blusher :
"had whooping cough too when i was younger, quite serious, have heard that can be a cause of certain character traits in later life but not sure how true any of that is".

I´m just expressing my serious doubt about it. :D

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28 Dec 2015, 3:22 pm

Technophobe wrote:
What the hell is going on? How can someone have got the full set of test results on 12th November 2015? I've just gone through them with these results:

Test 1 - you get to the end and then get told you have to sign up for the internet dating site to get your results! No thanks.

Test 2 - I skipped as I've done it before (score was 41 if anyone's interested)

Test 3 - Doesn't exist any more

Test 4 - Another one you have to sign up for (at least it tells you in advance - I get enough crap sent to my email without inviting more, so skipped this one)


Test 5 - the HSP-test has moved to

Test 6 - Doesn't exist any more

Test 7 - Doesn't exist any more

Technophobe wrote:
Why doesn't somebody update this, as it is a "sticky"?

I 2nd that request