Just because I have AS, do I have to respect all autists?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 May 2009, 9:09 pm

Zoonic wrote:
aspiesteve, you joined here today just to make 6 posts in this thread? I don't know, there are three possibilities.

1. (low possibility) You passed by and felt this was something you could identify with and made a user just for this thread because you felt very passionate about this matter.

2. (high possibility) You're a troll/multiple user of someone on this site who dislikes me and wants to thrash my thread.

3. (moderate possibility) You're the same guy who created and countless other trolls, like "Benji" who was trolling my blog recently. The unemployed, communist swedish fantasy author who's frustrated because girls ignore him and despise him IRL. My second "stalker".

This reveals more about you than it does about me. ;) Oh so this site already has a token sociopath?

1. You are here with multiple sock puppets or couple of like minded ad just having a little fun. I'm sure if that were the case, nobody here would get it anyway.

2. Thrash your thread? Oh no not at all. You see while others are putty and are clueless about the compulsive lying part of sociopaths, I see right through your bs. It takes one to know one I find it laughable how often it works. People always forget that our kind usually blame everything on something else even made up events. What a bunch of tools!

3. Another possibility is that maybe you a disgruntled banned member or someone who just wants to drive people out but if that's the case, you're going to need help doing it.

I will compliment you on your style but calling me a stalker? I haven't done that in a year, honest! Please that's all in the past.

To whoever was writing in such an understanding way about all I was saying was not be fat or whatever you wrote and whoever you are...thanks for dumbing it down so the rest of the imbeciles could get the point and not get their feelings hurt. Screw you for making it out to be something that has a nicer interrpretation and needs to be understood more. Go rot in hell.


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30 May 2009, 9:57 pm

if you think everone here is playing the victim card and don't like it then why are you here?
are you just here to make yourself feel better?
by trying to put others down, you seem to be showing typical bully tactics by picking on those that cannot defend themselves!
you should be ashamed of yourself, after all this is suposed to be a support forum.
if you enjoy trolling and flaming so much, there are plenty of other places where people do this.


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30 May 2009, 10:36 pm

f**k you.

We do not have a personality disorder.

Go find me all these Aspies who commit crimes, hurt and bully people, because of their personality disorder.

I won't be a burger flipping spastic buffoon. I'm doing a science degree. Just to clarify.

You know, aspiesteve, most of us have no desire to be sociopaths. You know, because a lot of us actually have these things called morals.

Oh my God, you make me so f***ing angry I could rip your ignorant little head off!! !!

You are a degrading, obnoxious, disgusting human being with absolutely no regard for other people's opinions, experiences and feelings!! !! You're obviously oblivious to the seriousness of all the issues you have just listed

think this thread broke my bull**** meter by page two. You can't be a sociopath without being a dickhead, but you can be a dickhead without being a sociopath.

Why don't you just go and die? You call us pathetic, but you're devoting a goodly proportion of your free time in here spewing anger at everyone else because we're using an AS support forum for the purpose it was created for. Your pitiful childish outbursts say more about you than us.

Just to clarify what i said earlier about people having no discernable personalities, in most of the posts on wrong planet it's true. But zoonic somehow manages to post questions that bring people's true colours out and i like that. This thread says pratically nothing about the forum troll either except for the fact he gets kicks from getting a response out of people. The thread does however say LOTS about the people who have posted here, not that i attribute postive or negative qualities to people, a personality is always a neutral thing. It's just ashame people can't regularly post with such passion.


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30 May 2009, 10:51 pm

In answer to the question posed in the thread title, I don't so I wouldn't see why anyone else should. Interesting that I haven't seen this come up before. I completely agree. This isn't going to win me any friends, but I find a lot of people on the spectrum repulsive, and those with Kannerian autism in no way related to me.

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30 May 2009, 11:06 pm

I just read a thread about asperger subtypes and it made me think. Maybe the reason for the mostly generic, stereotype approach to AS on WP is that most AS people who seek out internet forums are of a similar AS subtype. You don't see many "paranoid" or "angry boy" types here, the subtypes which best describe me. Speaking of my own experience, I hated my own AS and denied it for most of my life, just a few years ago registering on an asperger forum would have been unthinkable to me. It's possible certain AS subtypes don't normally join communities and don't normally speak about their AS.

As an example, I posted a thread about "violent behaviour as a kid" which got very little response. What defined my behaviour in younger years was in fact my violent tantrums where I destroyed property and sometimes hurt people really bad. This is a less common type of AS and it seems even less common on internet communities. The first thing on here I could relate to 100% was the thread about obsessing with people.


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30 May 2009, 11:13 pm

Oh, I've meant to actually write a reply to this.. but forgot because I was distracted by aspiesteve there.

The answer to the title question? No. No you don't. You don't have to respect all autistics, and you don't have to respect someone just because they are autistic.
You should not disrespect someone because they are autistic, or down's, or any other dx (general or specific) they may or may not have.
Nor should you dehumanize them.

jemir1234 wrote:
So yeah, f**k it, if someone named Ernie is autistic and he has a piece of hair sticking up from his head, and you dont like him because of that, then go ahead and not like him. Its a dumbass reason, but hey, who are we to say.

Okay. This.
Respect/disrespect is not the same thing as like/love/dislike/hate.
Nor do they always have to go hand in hand.
It is possible to intensely dislike someone/something, or even hate them; and yet still respect them.
It is also possible to like or even love someone/something, and not respect them.

To give you a few examples:
Dislike/hate but respect:
I do not like Jenny McCarthy. She annoys me greatly, and I dislike her. I find her idiotic.
But yet. I respect that she is a person, a human. I can even respect her dedication, even though the dedication is to something I find completely moronic.

Autism Speaks. A company I loath greatly.
But I can respect them for being quite good at getting people's attention. Even if they do it in ways I consider very wrong.

Flip-side; like/love but don't respect:
This one being slightly more personal...
My dad. I like my dad; love him most of the time.
But I rarely respect him; I find it near impossible to do so. I often think of him as a 13 year-old stuck in a man's body. He often uses words that are prejudice to insult people. I just can't respect that.

aspiestevetoo wrote:
What a bunch of tools!

Hon, I ain't your tool.
And don't forget, a tool may turn in your hand. Think about that, won't you?

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

Flavors of: Nobody. Slytherin. Autistic.


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30 May 2009, 11:22 pm

Please, people... don't feed the troll, whomever he/she is.

I also think that most people here do not categorize people and have the "us vs. them" mentality. I think that those that do have a tendency to stick in the minds of those of us that don't.

I've met some absolutely fantastic people here on Wrong Planet. I would say that very few of them resort to the type of behavior and attitude to which Zoonic refers.

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30 May 2009, 11:31 pm

buryuntime wrote:
There's also a grave misconception about AS being in direct conflict with sociopathy. I have sociopathic traits and I have encountered a few far worse sociopaths who also most likely had AS. Really ruthless and calculating people who actually benefited from the fact that they couldn't identify well with people. It helped them manipulate even better.

I don't see how someone with AS could be a sociopath to be honest. How can someone social engineer or manipulate if you do not know all the social rules in the first place? Or look "natural" in a social setting?

Yeah, TELL ME ABOUT IT! To be a sociopath would require things that go AGAINST AS, and the AS entry DOES say that no other diagnosis matches better.

And it is DUMB to say that a person with an attribute can have a diagnosis because someone else was likewise diagnosed. People with TANGIBLE and PROVABLE problems are misdiagnosed ALL THE TIME! They are either confirmed or rejected based on some test that says they CAN'T have it.

Psychiatry does NOT have that ability, at least not as far as many are concerned. Psychiatrists treat it as a cashcow based on whims and agenda.


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30 May 2009, 11:32 pm

fiddlerpianist wrote:
I've met some absolutely fantastic people here on Wrong Planet. I would say that very few of them resort to the type of behavior and attitude to which Zoonic refers.

Still, most seem completely unable to grasp my way of thinking and instead either dismiss me as "not having AS" or try to assimilate me by projecting their own AS-type on me, as if there were just one form of AS and it manifested itself similarly in everyone. I don't feel there's a lot of understanding here. However there is a lot of conformity.

There are a lot of presumptions being made all the time based on narrow ideas about how AS must manifest itself and what can and what can not be AS. There's basically just one AS sub-type officially represented on WP and most people believe it's the only one in existence. There's a lot of ignorance here.

Last edited by Zoonic on 30 May 2009, 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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30 May 2009, 11:36 pm

My neurological wiring is probably closer to neurotypical than to that of the average kanner's autie, or maybe even many diagnosed AS.
That's just a thought. I don't see all aspies as one of "my kind".
I also don't want to relate with this gay aspie guy who's a total pervert to me and in general. I also don't want to relate with any of the other autistics I've met IRL.
I don't fit in with anybody, aspie or NT. :lol:


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30 May 2009, 11:46 pm

i have no such "us and them" based biases, after all we all have NT family members.
NTs can't help being NT any more than aspies can help being aspies.
imho, you should hate/disrespect nobody just because they were born a certain way or because they look a little odd.
Is this more to do with just being embaraced to be seen with someone whose hair sticks up or whatever.
Why do people appear to be so shallow and judgemental? i just don't get it. :roll:


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30 May 2009, 11:47 pm

Justin6378 wrote:
i have no such "us and them" based biases, after all we all have NT family members.
NTs can't help being NT any more than aspies can help being aspies.
imho, you should hate/disrespect nobody just because they were born a certain way or because they look a little odd.
Is this more to do with just being embaraced to be seen with someone whose hair sticks up or whatever.
Why do people appear to be so shallow and judgemental? i just don't get it. :roll:

I personally do not in any way want to be associated with certain autistic types.


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30 May 2009, 11:53 pm

Zoonic wrote:
fiddlerpianist wrote:
I've met some absolutely fantastic people here on Wrong Planet. I would say that very few of them resort to the type of behavior and attitude to which Zoonic refers.

Still, most seem completely unable to grasp my way of thinking and instead either dismiss me as "not having AS" or try to assimilate me by projecting their own AS-type on me, as if there were just one form of AS and it manifested itself similarly in everyone. I don't feel there's a lot of understanding here. However there is a lot of conformity.

There are a lot of presumptions being made all the time based on narrow ideas about how AS must manifest itself and what can and what can not be AS. There's basically just one AS sub-type officially represented on WP and most people believe it's the only one in existence. There's a lot of ignorance here.

Yes, okay, I could see that. A lot of the "you have it / don't have it" opinions have roots in the "Do You Think I Have AS?" forum posts we get here quite a bit. WP members appear to be asked our opinion about this sort of stuff fairly regularly. I imagine it would be easy to get a sense of self-importance over this... that somehow we are "experts" on diagnosing people given a paragraph of their life story. Maybe some of us have researched / obsessed over AS long enough to be fairly knowledgeable, however it hardly makes us impartial judges of who has or does not have AS. If I ever give an answer to these posts, it is usually a non-committal response such as, "You seem to have a lot of the classic of traits AS that many have; go see a professional opinion if it matters to you."

I just generally think we pay way too much attention to the "have it / don't have it" line while missing out on the broader picture: who we really are.

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31 May 2009, 12:06 am

Zoonic wrote:
fiddlerpianist wrote:
I've met some absolutely fantastic people here on Wrong Planet. I would say that very few of them resort to the type of behavior and attitude to which Zoonic refers.

Still, most seem completely unable to grasp my way of thinking and instead either dismiss me as "not having AS" or try to assimilate me by projecting their own AS-type on me, as if there were just one form of AS and it manifested itself similarly in everyone. I don't feel there's a lot of understanding here. However there is a lot of conformity.

There are a lot of presumptions being made all the time based on narrow ideas about how AS must manifest itself and what can and what can not be AS. There's basically just one AS sub-type officially represented on WP and most people believe it's the only one in existence. There's a lot of ignorance here.

YEAH, I know what you mean. It is like saying all humans have no less than 8 essential amino acids, have red blood cells, are mammals, primates, and should have 4 limbs and opposible thumbs! Yep, IGNORANT!


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31 May 2009, 12:10 am

Zoonic, most NTs don't want to be in a group with certain types of NT people. Think jocs vs. nerds.
It only makes sense that we don't want people to think we're the same as someone else because we both have mild impairment of social skills and a little obsessive behaviour.
EDIT: There is a lot more neurological diversity on the entire spectrum than among just NTs, and different aspies and auties have totally different "differences" anyway, so maybe it's not quite the same.
Anyway, I have an aspie friend who I'd never want to be grouped in with. He's ret*d. :lol:

Last edited by protest_the_hero on 31 May 2009, 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.


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31 May 2009, 12:26 am

Yeah, TELL ME ABOUT IT! To be a sociopath would require things that go AGAINST AS, and the AS entry DOES say that no other diagnosis matches better.

Sociopathy isn't a medical diagnosis and there is nothing in the sociopathy criteria that discludes asperger's or autism. Infact, people on the spectrum are more susceptable to being sociopath's due to a poor theory of mind and broken empathy. Who we are as a person is mostly dictated by how we are brought up, who our parents are and what environment we live in. In most civilised societies people will not become sociopaths, that doesn't prevent extremely bad parents from mostly isolating their children and giving them an extremely skewed world veiw however.

Also the fact everyone veiws sociopathy as a bad thing highlights the misinformation about the condition and to be honest, with all the negative press and propaganda about autism, especailly with the news stories stating how someone killed somebody because of their autism i'd expect better from the people on this forum. There is nothing in the sociopathy criteria that states that the person MUST break laws, it is perfectly possible to be a sociopath and be rule-abiding.