would you abort if you knew baby will be profoundly ret*d

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would you abort if you knew baby will be profoundly ret*d
no 58%  58%  [ 88 ]
yes 42%  42%  [ 63 ]
Total votes : 151

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 Jul 2011, 3:53 pm

druidsbird wrote:
No. The severely ret*d are people too, as deserving of a chance at life as anybody else.

Besides, eugenics is a dangerous path for a society to go down.

There is a difference between profound and severely.

My answer is no. I believe every child can make great progress.


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16 Jul 2011, 3:58 pm

It's a tough decision, one that I wouldn't want to make. Either way I wouldn't be happy with my decision.

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16 Jul 2011, 4:14 pm

mizzfamousone wrote:
druidsbird wrote:
No. The severely ret*d are people too, as deserving of a chance at life as anybody else.

Besides, eugenics is a dangerous path for a society to go down.

There is a difference between profound and severely.

My answer is no. I believe every child can make great progress.

You do mean there's a different between profoundly ret*d and severely ret*d, right? So, what's the difference between the two?

(edit) Nevermind, figured it out. Profound = very severe. So, profoundly ret*d, are, well, more severely ret*d than the severely ret*d.

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16 Jul 2011, 4:15 pm

I don't really have a strong opinion about abortion for other people, but I myself, wouldn't choose to abort, except in extreme circumstances. And they would have to be pretty extreme, like life-threatening, for example.


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16 Jul 2011, 4:15 pm

Absolutely not! If it was an unwanted child, do what is best and give it up for adoption, don't kill it!
If it was a wanted child, you have to love and accept what quirks might come with it.

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16 Jul 2011, 4:17 pm

I doubt I would abort. There is more and more scientific evidence showing just how much fetus' are actually people (ie. they even dream--this was something I heard from a scientist just recently). Well, if a baby is developed enough for them to be able to tell it is profoundly ret*d, if it can sense things, feel things, dream things, how could I just get rid of such a baby. From the vantage point of someone who is not profoundly ret*d, maybe we see them as "better off not even born". I know someone once said that to me once, whether they realized it or not. Basically that it would have been easier for me to not have been born. Who is to say my life isn't worth living? I might think it much of the time, but who else should have the right to think that? It is not up to another human being to decide who should have the right to exist and should not, and I do believe that every soul born has a purpose in this world.

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16 Jul 2011, 4:39 pm

No, I would not have the baby aborted. There is a school near where I live that serves these children. It has been renamed---but the old name was Happy Hearts. The meaning of that old name is interesting---Happy Hearts. The reason??? These children (for the most part) usually seemed to be very happy. Sure, they need a lot of assistance---but that price far outweighs the price of terminating a life that I feel deserved to live (in my opinion).

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16 Jul 2011, 4:57 pm

Well it would not be the reason....my thing is I just don't want kids at all at this point so if I did somehow get pregnant and missed out on the morning after pill then I would have to try and abort because I cannot afford to go through a pregnancy or take care of the resulting child at this point in life. Only early term though.

I don't think people should be able to abort because they don't like what kind of child they might have, I think there should have to be a more valid reason. Though also there are some rare cases were abortion would be better.....like according to a doctor I was talking to he said he has seen babies born without complete brains.....like with no frontal lobe if they found something like that was true of a fetus then I think abortion would be the best thing to do.


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16 Jul 2011, 5:35 pm

No. I used know someone that was ret*d and he was one of the nicest people I knew.

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16 Jul 2011, 6:06 pm

of course I would, why would someone put their child through that when they can just try again for the child to be completely healthy :?

Many healthy children are alive today only because their parents aborted, deciding to give another child a chance for a happy healthy life instead of allowing the child before them to suffer through life. what if the parents had not aborted the first child and as a result could never have the second child because they were far too busy with the first? How would you feel if you were that second child? The one who didn't get to live out your healthy life all because your sibling got to be born into a life of suffering before you.

Even if the child doesn't suffer why should we not strive to have the children with the best potential? If you were choosing to adopt for example wouldn't you want the child who you could make the biggest difference for? Since all potential children in this case do not exist yet, that means choosing to conceive the child who would have the brightest future. Is it all about the fetus who's sperm won the race? or who's egg just happened to be around at the moment of conception? Because a fetus is simply that, it's the genetic mass that won the race and gets to form the body; the vessel of your child. It doesn't have any sense of self yet.


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17 Jul 2011, 4:14 am

Absolutely I would. I cannot care for such a child and I know it.