I fear I might become racist against NT's...

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05 Aug 2010, 11:17 pm

Er, you can't be 'racist' against NTs. Just like they can't be 'racist' against us. Essentially what you're saying is that you don't like a certain type of person.

I don't think there is such a hard and fast definition of NT and non-NT in any case.


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06 Aug 2010, 9:34 am

nara44 wrote:
PHISHA51 wrote:
As Luke Jackson would say "prejudice works both ways" pg 185 Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome

It is not.
I've never abused, tortured or bullied nobody no matter how different and strange he appeared to me ,
Actually , i like the strange and the different and look for it and after it with curiosity and love,
on the other hand i was abused,used, tortured and bullied from the day i was born just because i appear very strange to others and don't like and can not follow what is considered the norm,
Mind u,i don't force my set of values on others the way NT do, i just try to live according to the way i sense reality without breaking fundamental moral codes (like hurting another person and such).
so excuse me if i tend to look at such false symmetries as an hypocrisy that doesn't stand the test of real life experience/

nara44 I understand what you saying. It dosen't apply to everyone like you. It probably applies to me cause although they were in the past, I still regret those moments of a little bit of teasing and values.


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06 Aug 2010, 3:40 pm

I had a friend with AS who was always bullied in middle school by everyone including his teacher. He got transfered to an all AS high school after he left middle school. According to him he was bullied just as much at the all AS school as he was in middle school. When you concentrate a lot of people with AS together it becomes more similar to the NT world. NTs bully people with high functioning AS, people with high functioning AS bully people with low functioning AS, and people with low functioning AS bully retarted people. It's like the food chain. everyone is capable of being an a** no matter where they are in the chain although not everyone is an a**. I've been stabbed in the back by both people with AS and NTs. My friend is paranoid of everyone because he is bullied often by both people with AS and NTs. One time this other kid with AS was verbally bullying my friend so my friend punched him in the face and made his nose bleed. He would even vandalize things that were owned by his teacher and his classmates for revenge. Being constantly bullied has made him paranoid of me and sometimes he tries to vandalize my stuff even though I have never done anything to him.


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06 Aug 2010, 11:28 pm

I understand the sentiment.

Even though I haven't been officially diagnosd with Asperger's -- yet, I also built up a ton of resentment toward NTs. I didn't realize how strong those feelings were until I was about fifteen. I was asked to take a driver's ed lesson with a group of about a hundred other teenagers. It was weird; I thought I had actually worked through a lot of the feelings that had previously built up. But in that moment, I was shocked at how hateful I actually was towards these regular kids; people I hadn't even met yet.

Whew. In a calmer moment, I can think about the actual nature of autistics and neurotypicals. I think "neurotypical" might be a goodterm not just for the autism community, but also for the gifted community, the mentally disabled community, the extremely introverted or extroverted, or anyone else who is wired differently.

A neurotypical is just someone to whom God gave a brain that works along a (mostly) typical guideline. This means an iq of about 100, slightly extroverted, left-brained, non-autistic, and prefers dogs over praying mantids. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. There are advantages and disadvantages to both NT and autistic wiring. An autistic might have a more acute sense of hearing, an NT might be more able to tolerate chaotic environments. An NT might be better able to determine another person's motivation, an autistic might be less concerned with fitting in.

The point is, both types of minds are God-given and unique. The world needs to have people with all different kinds of wiring to function properly. If you can remember this, even when you don't feel it, it'll be impossible to be a monster.


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08 Aug 2010, 10:11 am

Wow...that post seems like something I could've written. I'm trying to work through the resentments I still sometimes have--because I don't see it as a good thing to allow or perpetuate in oneself. Contempt only breeds contempt; it doesn't solve any problems. And I agree with you that there is a purpose for all of us as we are. :)

Official diagnosis: ADHD, synesthesia. Aspie quiz result (unofficial test): Like Frodo--I'm a halfling? ;) 110/200 NT, 109/200 Aspie.


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08 Aug 2010, 10:25 am

ChrisVulcan wrote:
I understand the sentiment.

Even though I haven't been officially diagnosd with Asperger's -- yet, I also built up a ton of resentment toward NTs. I didn't realize how strong those feelings were until I was about fifteen. I was asked to take a driver's ed lesson with a group of about a hundred other teenagers. It was weird; I thought I had actually worked through a lot of the feelings that had previously built up. But in that moment, I was shocked at how hateful I actually was towards these regular kids; people I hadn't even met yet.

Whew. In a calmer moment, I can think about the actual nature of autistics and neurotypicals. I think "neurotypical" might be a goodterm not just for the autism community, but also for the gifted community, the mentally disabled community, the extremely introverted or extroverted, or anyone else who is wired differently.

A neurotypical is just someone to whom God gave a brain that works along a (mostly) typical guideline. This means an iq of about 100, slightly extroverted, left-brained, non-autistic, and prefers dogs over praying mantids. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. There are advantages and disadvantages to both NT and autistic wiring. An autistic might have a more acute sense of hearing, an NT might be more able to tolerate chaotic environments. An NT might be better able to determine another person's motivation, an autistic might be less concerned with fitting in.

The point is, both types of minds are God-given and unique. The world needs to have people with all different kinds of wiring to function properly. If you can remember this, even when you don't feel it, it'll be impossible to be a monster.
AMEN. These traits are double edged swords so this whole superiority crap is nonsense.