Since studying is more or less what I can do best (only if intrinsically motivated), I just moved on from university to doctorate studies, and I'm working full-time as a scientist. Saying full-time, however, is a bit of an overstatement, since my work routine tends to be pretty messed up (sometimes I work mornings, sometimes evenings, sometimes from home, etc.). I do get some support from my workplace, in that I have a flexible schedule (I can work from home if needed, if my anxiety is too bad, etc.; workplace doesn't know about ASD but it knows about anxiety), but I also work long hours doing experiments in the afternoon, evenings, and weekends, so it kind of balances itself out. I often think I wouldn't be able to support myself if it weren't for the type of job I do, and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep it up. Probably looking into non-ordinary jobs (with flexible schedules, self-employment, part-time jobs, etc.) is one of the best bets for some of us. Good luck with figuring things out, I know how draining it can be!
Really enjoyed being a yellow-throated woodpecker while it lasted.
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