No, but the diagnosis was different when I was young. A product of the era. My dad acquiring a final DX for me, came from some guy we went to Germany to see back in late 60s. He (*edit: as in my Dad) was a scion of industry, literally in who's who. I had private therapies for years before mainstreamed in regular schools.
The therapist for speech was okay, some others were ROUGH. I was FORCED eye contact (chin grabbed) and FORCED to "learn" to accept the violation of personal space and accept touching; learned to be a "perfect lil lady" on the outside when inside I barely identified my self as a "people".
Heh, in public school I had hell of a time when forced to learn to write with right hand. It caused some regression.
Of course, Dad flipped and put me back in private school again. In total, I only attended public school in 4 grades.
I was labeled smart/eccentric. My medical records were private until I enlisted in service.
Since I was started in horsemanship, chess, piano, swimming, and soft pitch before I was in primary school, I never had issues about motor control, in fact, I am kinda a jock (with exception of bike riding, stick shifts and motorcycles (age 8-24-35) but once I learned, it was solid as breathing). My 3 kids are all varied spectrum. My sons are like me, hyper-strong and agile. My daughter.. walked early but until almost 9, her hands she could claim "just washed them and can't do anything with them!" She couldn't swim or ride a bike or tie her shoes until she was 9 as well.
...I still can't tie my shoes <_< . Nor tell time quickly using a standard clock, or say certain words. My daughter and I: DX dyslexic, my sons:not.
I will likely need re entry to therapy and renewed DX. My ability to mimic norms has greatly dropped in last 5 years.
Secondary Education had 4.0 avg and 152 credit hours with one withdrawal (Canoeing-no time) but my two majors are still 4/7 credits short of AS/BA respectively. I ran out of money then when I had the money, no motivation.
FFFFF Captchas.