Please describe your perception of time.

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29 Apr 2013, 11:12 pm

Time is sort of... intangible for me. When I think about it, it can seem strange that people refer to 'measuring' it, almost as if it's something that has length or volume. And also how it seems to just... slip away, almost as if out of reach. There have been a few times where it's felt like time was more malleable - like I could walk back to a place I was earlier and change something - even though I knew it doesn't work like that.

I also get the thing where time seems to go a lot faster when having fun and slower when not. I was under the impression that this was a fairly normal thing ('time flies when you're having fun, and seems to crawl when you're in a disaster' - there have even been studies on that), though I still find myself surprised at how big a difference there is between 'fun and fast' and 'sucky and slow' sometimes.

In general, time seems to move on the fast side for me. I've been told that time seems to move faster as you get older, and maybe it's just my personal impression, but sometimes it seems like it's moving faster than it should, particularly for my age. One thing I've noticed that most people will generally use 'recently' to mean 'within a few days ago' while I tend to use 'recently' to mean 'within a few months'; a lot of it just seems to blur together and I have trouble judging what happened when. It also seems strange to me how I can feel 'now' very firmly as I sense the world around me, but 'then' can feel almost as unreal as a daydream sometimes.

I also tend to grossly misjudge how much time things will take. ('Oh this is simple, it will only take a few minutes' ... NOT!) When doing something I like for a long time, it feels less like I spent a lot of time doing something and almost like much of that time didn't happen at all. Between these and hating to change what I'm doing if I'm enjoying what I'm doing (and planning/writing a schedule taking too much time to be worth it in my opinion), I tend not to stick to a schedule beyond 'this is when church happens, this is when school happens, and this miscellaneous event happens at this time on this day.' I like to know roughly what to expect and when I'll have time to do whatever I feel like, but that's about it.

So I guess in short you could say time is very surreal to me if I think about it. It also still feels like there's less of it than there should be, and not just because it seems like there's not enough time to do everything I want to/should.


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30 Apr 2013, 5:21 pm

i misjudge time alot & often I'm late even for work. i prefer not to deal with time if i don't have to.


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30 Apr 2013, 5:42 pm

I strongly resent the pressure of time - having to get ready for a certain time when I have appointments/places to go

I would abandon time if I was in charge and just have Day and Night

I don't have an accurate perception of time as if someone else says they are going to the toilet, when they come back I think they've been gone what seem like seconds so how can they have had time to go to the loo?

I think that a) other people are much faster when they go to the toilet than I am and b) I misjudge the length of time that has passed as well

When people are visting me they are able to give an accurate estimate of how long it will take them to get here - I marvel at this
as no way could I do this myself

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Apr 2013, 7:30 pm

I have always had a good understanding of time. (EX: when I was 4-5 years old my friends were complaining that it was SOOO long until vacation, while I was able to understand that it was only 5 weeks. they were flaberghasted when I said "only")

I usually am good about telling or guessing the time.

however, depending on the day, things can move exceptionally slow where if feels like 10 minutes is an hour.
but I fill my time with excessive, intense daydreaming...


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30 Apr 2013, 8:24 pm

It is very difficult trying to explain how I perceive time. I realize there are different ways that I think about time.

I visualize a year as a calendar divided into seasons and holidays and each part of the year is different but every year is the same. when I think about a year I think about the weather of the different seasons and the colors and decorations and food of the holidays.

I perceive time in general as a rectangular block. Everything I know about the past and my lifetime up to the present moment is part of that block. It is all meshed in together with no timeline. Things I anticipate will happen in the near future are also part of the block and everything that is part of the block is now. it is my eternal now that I live in and everything I don't know about the past or future doesn't exist. I don't plan for the future that doesn't exist and I'm not afraid of the future that doesn't exist.

Theoretically, I understand time as change. The universe is in a constant state of change. If nothing ever changed, time would stand still.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 Apr 2013, 9:12 pm

time is A great river washing us pebbles along wearing us down till we are but sand .

I have a big problem with entropy so don't really like time too much. Things brake a crumble with time.

The big problem I have with time though is the length of a day . If only the earth could slow it's rotation a bit four or five hours extra
in the day and My sense of what a day should be would match a lot better .