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08 Mar 2011, 7:10 am

JSMC wrote:
I've seen many pothead and different guy who does harder drugs... Doing stupid thing is related to the persons personnality. Many of my friends who do cannabis don't do stupid things while high, well not more than when they aren't high.... But I do know many of my friends who takes alcohol and do many stupid things, like fight over nothing, say stupid things... When you're high on pot you don't do stupid things because you're high, but because you are less shy... while alcohol profoundly change the behavior and judgment. In fact, I'm much more polite while high!

quoted for truth,
mostly when i drink i only drink a couple of units, if i get too hammered i feel disgusting.
even then its limited how many times i drink, more of a social thing usually.

//through chaos comes complexity//

the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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21 Jul 2011, 1:46 pm

I have really enjoyed reading this thread; including the misinformed, badly constructed arguments!
Everyone is different and everyone will have their own opinion - that is on EVERYTHING in life not just this topic.
I am surprised that no-one has mentioned the website 'Erowid' during the discussion - I am too new here to post links yet, but if you put Erowid into Goodle it *should* come up. This is a good website documenting up and down sides of various substances (included LEGAL ones like Valium, alcohol and tobacco). It also includes chemical constructions, which may be of interest to the more scientifically-minded! :o)

I will leave with this thought: "Just because a person has had a past negative experience with an activity doesn't mean that everyone has had the same experience, or agrees with your point of view". I had a bad experience once with a friend taking drugs, but that doesn't mean I am going to demonise everyone who has previously partaken in substances, or is potentially going to partake of them in the future. If one bangs on about one's opinions to the detriment of the debate, people will assume you have poor debating skills and will get frustrated and your (probably) valid point will most definitely fall on deaf ears.

P.S. How is Mel Gibson being drunk and ending his career at all relevant to this thread?! Or have I missed something? LOL

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Dec 2011, 6:38 pm

Personally I have used cannabis about 1 year daily now. I feel better in general, the anxiety and especially I stop thinking so damn much, as I do when sober. Socially I have gotten more good friends while using cannabis, than during my whole life. Yes they do smoke cannabis, but they are also the most compasionate, friendly, kind friends I have ever had. All my other friends, became friends with me because they would gain on it somehow.

Regarding the gateway theory,
I have tried other drugs such as Cocaine, Amphetamine, Ecstacy, Schrooms & a couple of mild opiates. Sure I did smoke cannabis before this, but I would surely tried the other drugs because I am a very curious person. In fact, Alcohol is the gateway drug if anything. I have now tried those drugs, and the only ones I would continue to ever use is Ecstacy & Schrooms, wich are very not harmful unless a high overdose. And they may be fun and enlightening to use, but cannabis is my drug of choice if I had to choose.
I can pretty much swear that if cannabis was not illegal in my country, I would still never have gotten the chance to try the other drugs. Think about that, all haters.

I will probably never do any other drug in my life besides some beers, cannabis and possibly LSD since it also is harmless. I never have bad trips, because I know way to much about drugs to actually take an overdose.

What am I trying to say? Well, Cannabis helps me to feel like I want to feel. Why would anyone want to take my happiness away? I am of course not saying cannabis is a saint sent from God, but it helps me feel better about myself, and to cope better in life.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jan 2017, 5:52 pm

I use cannabis for autistic anxiety and to fully let my mind roam. It CAN be stressful and cause paranoia if you aren't in a comfortable situation or you are worried about getting in trouble. But I, and at least three other friends on the spectrum, have benefited from using cannabis. We don't have to have it, but at times it can enhance the positive cognitive and creative bents of our minds. Of course, I don't want to encourage anyone to break the law in their state, but if ANYthing helps my state of mind and helps me sleep, it is worth a try. I enjoy my mind on cannabis and off of it, the secret is not doing any more than you need to function.
I KNOW other people out there who are Aspies do this, or is it just in MY town?!