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05 Apr 2014, 10:06 pm

I was born at 32 weeks, but I was larger than most for 32 weeks. I weighed 5lbs. My mother started bleeding and was rushed to the hospital and out I went.


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09 Apr 2014, 1:03 pm

I was 5 weeks early by C section. I don't know how big I was. But I do know that I came out gray, whatever that means :scratch:

It was a VERY stressful and complicated pregnancy. The main complication was placenta previa. My mom and I nearly bled to death more than once and she was on complete bed rest in the hospital for 3 months before I was born, meaning that she was not even allowed to sit up all the way for 3 months entire months! But she says without a doubt that it was worth it and she would do it again at any time if she got a baby in the end. :heart:

In the hospital she had blood drawn I think about every couple of days or so, so that the hospital was sure that they had donor blood that matched my mom always on hand in case she had a severe bleed.

She was also under a lot of stress during her hospital stay because, first of I or both of us could easily die at pretty much any moment, on top of the fact that my three older siblings ages 6, 5, and 2, were at home. I read somewhere that when the mother is under a lot of stress during pregnancy can "hard wire" the baby's brain to be highly prone to anxiety. This might explain why I have such severe generalized anxiety disorder. Other people in my family, especially my dad, have difficulties with anxiety but not even remotely close to the extent that I have.

My mom was also given weekly steroid shots which were supposed to make my longs develop faster in case I was born premature. I don't know if this did any thing wrong or not. I do know that they no longer give steroid shots for this sort of thing, but I'm not sure if this is because it was found that they are harmful to the baby or not. One thing for sure is that I have very good lungs :D

My mom was scheduled to have a c section on a Friday, but she had a bleed on Monday, so they doctors moved the c section to Tuesday.

My older sister was born a couple weeks early by emergency c section because she was breach so the incision on the uterus was longitudinal(vertical). But since mine was planned they did the standard transverse incision instead. I have absolutely no idea if this made any difference or not.

I was not just a normal baby. I was a good baby with none of the signs of fussiness or anything else that is usual in babies with autism. I did not even cry as much as a regular baby. But that only lasted my infancy, because was I 2yr. old I really made up for it. My sister on the other hand was a VERY fussy baby, but although she was symptoms of AS, it is to mild even to be diagnosed, while I on the other hand, have full blown AS and especially bad sensory difficulties.


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09 Apr 2014, 1:47 pm

I was born ten days past my due date and my mom had a complicated birth with me. I wouldn't come out and I got stressed due to my mother trying to push me out so it made me poop inside her and I had to be pulled out with forceps and I was all covered in BM and it went into my throat and lunges and had to be in intensive care. I almost died. They didn't give my mom a c section when they should or even fly me to another hospital like thy should where they had better care.

I have also heard of a link between complicated births and autism. I wonder how they are connected. I know parents can have them too with NT kids because my brother was a big baby so he got stuck during coming out and he finally popped out and she also should have had a c section with him because he was a big baby. They were going to cut a bone in his shoulder or cut a bone down there on my mother to get him out and it meant either he will have a paralyzed arm or my mom wouldn't be able to carry more kids. But he finally came out and he flew out of her actually from what they told me. I picture him coming out like a bullet after my mom did one last hard push and a doctor caught him in his arms. My son was a big baby too even though he was skinny and only 20 and a half inches and he fit through my birth canal fine and I tore a little. But he lost a pounds after he pooped and it took him two weeks to be back up to his weight again he was at birth.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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09 Apr 2014, 4:35 pm

I was born 3 weeks premature, and I was somewhat underweight at birth as a result. My mother also had a fairly long and difficult labor, which may have been exacerbated by the fact that she refused any sort of pain relief other than laughing gas. If I recall correctly, I also had some problems with jaundice.


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09 Apr 2014, 5:06 pm

Also note, just because a baby is born early doesn't always mean they were premature. My son was a week early and he was not premature and neither was my youngest brother because they were full term. They are just considered early but my hospital didn't consider mine early despite having him at 39 weeks even. A baby is full term at 37 weeks but not always. I once heard of a baby being born at 35 weeks and surprisingly that baby was healthy so I assume it was already full term. Even each baby develops at different rates in their mother's womb.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.

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22 Apr 2015, 2:55 pm

I was born at 23 weeks, weight was 2lbs 14oz. I spent almost 3 months in an incubator. This was the early 70s, so from what I was told it was kind of a big deal. I do remember my mother saying she'd been told there would be a high chance of cerebral palsy, but I don't know if autism was discussed at all.


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22 Apr 2015, 3:37 pm

Eh I'd be skeptical about such a correlation- not every single premie is on the spectrum and not every single person on the spectrum was a premie.
I actually was born two weeks late and had a seizure when I was born, leading be to be on phenobarbital for the first year and a half of my life. I think late births like that are rarer and an even fewer amount have seizures due to head being too large for birth canal.

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22 Apr 2015, 11:21 pm

I was born almost a month late, but (also?) have some genetic factors.

FWIW, there have been a ton of studies on this and related questions. One study found a fivefold increase in autism risk in premature babies born weighing less than 2 kg. The meta-analyses that have been conducted generally show a significant (but not superstrong) correlation between autism and at least some kinds of complications in pregnancy and childbirth. Here's one (and a more accessible writeup of a later survey by the same author), and another.

IMO, if we think of autism as a mode of difference rather than similarity (i.e. "autism" embraces a wide range of nonstandard configurations of certain networks in the brain, rather than one particular nonstandard configuration), a connection to birth/pregnancy trauma makes sense: the brain is more likely to end up wiring itself in a nonstandard way if it's been bumped "off course" by some nonstandard trauma.


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23 Apr 2015, 12:38 am

I was born exactly on my due date


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23 Apr 2015, 1:06 am

I was born 3 weeks early. Not sure if there's any correlation between that and being on the spectrum though.

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23 Apr 2015, 10:19 am

I was born on Jan. 13. My due date was Feb.1. So a few weeks before. It may seem like a cause but a few weeks back is not premature.
In fact, the specific way I got my autism was regression. I was born with a delicate stomatch until it got better when I was older. my parents say it was the vaccines as it was given to me. But even tough that could be an experience, i say that vaccines were not the cause.
The cause of how I got autism (through regression) using my skills in biology is proubably a defect in a gene INSIDE Chromosome 21, which also explains why Down Syndrome people are more likely to be autistc. In specific with Chromosome 21 and my autistic regression my smart guess would be a mishap in the N6ANTI gene inside chromosome 21. This has been proven in Down Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder, a disease which tweens and young teenagers with Down Syndrome regress into autism kind of the same way I did when I was 2 1/2 years old. See the site for proof:
But at present functioning, many of my characteristics are similar to what Hans Asperger found in his patients.

RAADS-14 score is 23.