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06 Jan 2013, 10:22 pm

I drank a cup of normal coffee today (for a change, once in one or two months I drink coffee with caffeine, usually it is caffeine-free coffee). I am much more tired at the moment and will probably go sleep in a minute or two. It does relax me and make me tired.
I should sleep anyway, it's 4:22AM now and I have to get up at 7AM at the latest so I can start with my "duty routine". :|
I hope I will start to tire after 2PM when I get back home so I can take a little nap to go through the rest of the day and be tired earlier in the evening so I get to sleep around 0:00 for a change.

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06 Jan 2013, 10:29 pm

Zilphy wrote:
For a person with ADD, caffeine will slow down cognitive processes and allow for much greater focus and relaxation.

^^^ this ^^^

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06 Jan 2013, 10:35 pm

No, but it does make me jittery, and cloud my thought process by making me think to fast. I made a couple posts earlier on, under the influence of a couple cups, I had lots of editing to do ... I quit coffee. Luke warm Green Tea calms me though. I have been using it as a sleep aid for the past few days.

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06 Jan 2013, 10:40 pm

I used green tea some days to get tired and go to bed earlier, the result of it was being tired 24/7. I have no idea why the effect was this strong... Maybe because my sleeping pattern changed and I was out of balance or something? :?

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06 Jan 2013, 10:54 pm

It could be the strain of green tea. Some are meant to be more relaxing than others.

Sylvastor wrote:
I used green tea some days to get tired and go to bed earlier, the result of it was being tired 24/7. I have no idea why the effect was this strong... Maybe because my sleeping pattern changed and I was out of balance or something? :?

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06 Jan 2013, 10:59 pm

Ah, thank you for the information! I guess I'll have to experiment with some other sorts of green tea then and check if others are better. :)

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07 Jan 2013, 12:31 am

The only reason I drink coffee is for when I have school in the morning and because I have to get a bus I have to wake up really earlier and coffee just helps me to quickly wake up and get going.

And for energy drinks. Every energy drink that I have had other then V immediately hurts my heart in a massive amount of stabbing pain - Yeah... I shouldn't be drinking energy drink but luckily I don't ever drink energy drinks, though I will admit that I have V every now and then.

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07 Jan 2013, 9:21 am

(At risk of partaking in the bumping of a 2011 thread): I too am put to sleep by caffeine, and am put in a nervous frenzy by sedatives. In other words, the reaction to things like sleeping aids and even IV medications to induce sedation or partial anesthesia, hype me up and make my heart race. A pot of coffee and I'll be right to sleep... Sugar, while it's not caffeine, has the same effect. When I was a toddler, and would be running around acting up, I'd calm down and sit still if I was given a few lumps of brown sugar.


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07 Jan 2013, 10:16 am

Drinking coffee makes me feel uneasy, the same way a starting flu would. I can't relax properly, I'm not comfortable in any position... Coffee is not for me.


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07 Jan 2013, 11:37 am

Coffee is what pulls me together every morning. It makes me calmer, focused, and takes away morning anxiety (blood-sugar sensitivity related). I have another caffeine boost in the afternoon also. Really helps me.


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07 Jan 2013, 12:17 pm

Coffee has never affected my energy levels, but it has affected me in other ways.

I used to drink a lot of coffee (only black) everyday. It would depend on the day. When I went to school, i'd have 4/5 cups, but when I wasn't at school I'd have a lot more - the most that I've had in one day is 16 cups. I stopped drinking the coffee and nothing happened wth regards to my energy. I did become a lot hungrier though (it acted as an appetite supressant).

Now that I have M.E, I've been told that I'm not supposed to consume caffeine; although I haven't noticed a difference, so I drink decaf coffee. Tbh, I can't taste the difference, and I only drank it for the taste so it doesn't bother me. On the odd occasion I will have a caffeinated coffee (if for example someone doesn't have decaf coffee to give me), and the only effect it has is a laxitive effect if it's on an empty stomach, so I just make sure that I eat something with it :). Likewise with sugar, I'm not suppsoed to eat/drink things that are high in sugar because of the 'crash' that follows, but that never happens to me either.

Tbh, I have noticed that a lot of things don't seem to affect me :S. Unfortunately, in my past I tried a lot of illeal things (I won't name them as I'm not sure if I'm allowed to), but they didn't have the desired effect. No matter how much I had, I've never been stoned, nor had all the other 'normal' effects :S. I have however been drunk (it was horrible and I don't desire to feel that way again - I only very rarely drink now, maybe a mulled wine at Christmas but that's it).


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07 Jan 2013, 2:15 pm

I try to keep my coffee intake down to two or three cups a day anymore. It helps my focus tremendously, but not my anxiety. No weak, tepid stuff though...I like a bold, fresh, oily roast. :coffee:


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07 Jan 2013, 10:15 pm

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07 Jan 2013, 10:18 pm

kx250rider wrote:
(At risk of partaking in the bumping of a 2011 thread): I too am put to sleep by caffeine, and am put in a nervous frenzy by sedatives. In other words, the reaction to things like sleeping aids and even IV medications to induce sedation or partial anesthesia, hype me up and make my heart race. A pot of coffee and I'll be right to sleep... Sugar, while it's not caffeine, has the same effect. When I was a toddler, and would be running around acting up, I'd calm down and sit still if I was given a few lumps of brown sugar.


It nice to know I'm not the only one in that boat. I have to use nerve suppressants and hypnotic drugs for surgical work not sedatives or Id be jumping up and down on the surgical table.


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08 Jan 2013, 11:15 am

Yes. I drink coffee before naps so I can fall asleep.


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08 Jan 2013, 11:30 am

Coffee well i think it has no affect on me.
There's times i've drank a huge coffee from starbucks and passed out afterwards.

So i can't say it does anything for me.
Sometimes i'll drink it if my NT is making some.
I usually never drink it all and end up dumping it down the drain.