I seem to have okay fine motor skills, so I can draw, playing music, drive, play videogames/type etc, but my more gross movements can be a little clumsy, I'm not great at throwing/catching a ball, mostly throwing as my aim doesn't seem to be too great...whenever I go out and about in the countryside I seem to get covered in bruises on my arms and legs but half the time I don't even notice what I banged into, but certainly tree roots even when I try to focus on tree roots and watch them as I'm walking I still get tripped up by them.....I suppose my problem is integrating my proprioception into spatial awareness of my surroundings....as this doesn't apply with fine motor tasks so I would assume that's because I'm not needing to be aware of the space in which I am working, just the task/object I'm working with.
It's quite frustrating....