I guess I fall in the described category of ''all alone''. But I did the loneliness test and got 20, which is normal/not lonely. I learned that:
-just random people means absolutely nothing in terms of value of contact. They provide me with hardly anything, emotionally. It's those few people that matter, for the rest: superficial contact is ok, but beyond that: better not. And those people who really are an addition are VERY rare.
-I can feel both fine and bad when I'm alone OR with people, it's all in my own mind. (which has given me a lot of options to better my mood as this understanding is a vital point for me)
-having people isn't the key to either happiness or being unlucky. It's just a part of your situation, but your situation isnt ENTIRELY *you*. You as an entity and situations (which are often abstractions and not items) are seperate things. Neither provides you with happiness, it's all you (in the end).
I don't feel bad or lonely. But I get enough superficial contact, and for the less superficial contact I can't ''use'' (ugh sounds bad) them. And I already noticed that I help myself best.
College contacts/co-students are enough for me. And I feel fine this way.