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Do you think that everyone is a genius?
No. 76%  76%  [ 63 ]
Yes. 5%  5%  [ 4 ]
I don't know. 13%  13%  [ 11 ]
wat 6%  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 83


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11 Dec 2013, 2:50 pm

ResilientBrilliance wrote:
This thread is crazy...Ya got people implying everyone is a genius, people mad Michaelangelo isn't a genius, and others downplaying the genius of Einstein and Newton, 8O
It's 2013...Science is built off of other already discovered science. So I guess the car was a "hack" invention since the wheel was made so long ago??

I think there are thousands of Einsteins, Bohrs, Newtons living today. They just do not get the PR that these three did.

I still don't understand why these guys are genius, and Facebook's Zuckerburg is not a genius for building a product that made him the world's youngest billionaire, and one of the biggest market capitalized companies in the world. Sure, he says dumb things. I am pretty sure, Einstein, Bohr, and Newton were thought of as dumb by people too. However, hard work is what genius is all about.

I don't understand why it has to be science?


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11 Dec 2013, 9:34 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
I still don't understand why these guys are genius, and Facebook's Zuckerburg is not a genius for building a product that made him the world's youngest billionaire, and one of the biggest market capitalized companies in the world. Sure, he says dumb things. I am pretty sure, Einstein, Bohr, and Newton were thought of as dumb by people too. However, hard work is what genius is all about.

Do you think that creating Facebook took hard work? And what does being a billionaire have to do with it? Making money only requires creating a product that people want and are willing to pay for; a person can get rich on a stupid, uncreative idea if people want the product and the price is right.


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12 Dec 2013, 12:08 am

starkid wrote:

Do you think that creating Facebook took hard work?

Yes, making FB was very hard work. It took many years, lots of investment, and a lot of manpower.

So, if Einstein developed his theories in a week, then he would not be genius for thinking of the same theories, because he would not pass the "hard work" factor ?

Anything anyone makes is real easy to make once you see it made. The genius is being the first person to make it. You could argue that for any invention made is trivial because now that you see it - you know you could duplicate it.

Making money only requires creating a product that people want and are willing to pay for; a person can get rich on a stupid, uncreative idea if people want the product and the price is right.And what does being a billionaire have to do with it?

It shows the exceptional nature of his invention. It was so successful that it generated billions in personal value, billions for his employees, generated lots of jobs, and added to his society.

You did not answer the question though. Why science guys are geniuses for thinking of theories in science, and entrepreneurs, inventors, everyone else is not?


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12 Dec 2013, 5:00 am

Some of you guys might be interested in reading 'Outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell. In it, he examines some of the factors that lead to success, such as IQ, luck, your date of birth, and hard work. You really should read it before you jump to conclusions. Date of birth is actually a big, totally non-mystical factor for some forms of success.
My conclusions about Facebook based on what I learned from reading it is that Zuckerburg might have needed a certain amount of intelligence and creativity, but the bulk of his wealth is due to other factors, and if he did not do it someone else would have. The internet already existed, and social sites were inevitable. He just made a popular one first.


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12 Dec 2013, 5:55 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:

You did not answer the question though. Why science guys are geniuses for thinking of theories in science, and entrepreneurs, inventors, everyone else is not?

I didn't answer that question because I'm not the one who said that only scientific works qualify as works of genius. That was somebody else.


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12 Dec 2013, 7:59 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
ResilientBrilliance wrote:
This thread is crazy...Ya got people implying everyone is a genius, people mad Michaelangelo isn't a genius, and others downplaying the genius of Einstein and Newton, 8O
It's 2013...Science is built off of other already discovered science. So I guess the car was a "hack" invention since the wheel was made so long ago??

I think there are thousands of Einsteins, Bohrs, Newtons living today. They just do not get the PR that these three did.

I still don't understand why these guys are genius, and Facebook's Zuckerburg is not a genius for building a product that made him the world's youngest billionaire, and one of the biggest market capitalized companies in the world. Sure, he says dumb things. I am pretty sure, Einstein, Bohr, and Newton were thought of as dumb by people too. However, hard work is what genius is all about.

I don't understand why it has to be science?

For whatever reason, you've decided money = intelligence. I know people think Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian are smart for making themselves into a brand and getting rich(er) from it. I disagree. I do not think hard work is what genius is about at all. Genius is about intelligence.


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12 Dec 2013, 9:36 pm

ResilientBrilliance wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
ResilientBrilliance wrote:

I don't understand why it has to be science?

For whatever reason, you've decided money = intelligence. I know people think Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian are smart for making themselves into a brand and getting rich(er) from it. I disagree. I do not think hard work is what genius is about at all. Genius is about intelligence.

I never decided money=genius. I suggested it as evidence of genius.

Yes, genius is about intelligence everyone agrees. It takes intelligence to make money; it takes intelligence to make inventions that people want.

Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian, since you mention them, would dominate Einstein in social intelligence agreed ? Or are we still stuck on that only people with science degrees can be genius ? I believe in comedic genius, personality genius, marketing genius ...

What about Sara Blakely, the world's youngest self-made female billionaire with her SPANX inventions ? Genius ?


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12 Dec 2013, 11:24 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
ResilientBrilliance wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
ResilientBrilliance wrote:

I don't understand why it has to be science?

For whatever reason, you've decided money = intelligence. I know people think Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian are smart for making themselves into a brand and getting rich(er) from it. I disagree. I do not think hard work is what genius is about at all. Genius is about intelligence.

I never decided money=genius. I suggested it as evidence of genius.

Yes, genius is about intelligence everyone agrees. It takes intelligence to make money; it takes intelligence to make inventions that people want.

Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian, since you mention them, would dominate Einstein in social intelligence agreed ? Or are we still stuck on that only people with science degrees can be genius ? I believe in comedic genius, personality genius, marketing genius ...

What about Sara Blakely, the world's youngest self-made female billionaire with her SPANX inventions ? Genius ?

My very first post. I stated I don't believe in social intelligence.
Believe in any type of genius you want to. It does not take intelligence to make money. I So yup, my opinion is the same.


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13 Dec 2013, 12:23 am

LoveNotHate wrote:

I never decided money=genius. I suggested it as evidence of genius.

Yes, genius is about intelligence everyone agrees. It takes intelligence to make money; it takes intelligence to make inventions that people want.

Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian, since you mention them, would dominate Einstein in social intelligence agreed ?

Are you serious? Surely not. :? Might I play devil's advocate and offer some counter-evidence? :wink: As entertaining as this clip is, Jessica Simpson certainly doesn't come across as any sort of genius; social or otherwise. Kim Kardashian is no better. Quite frankly applying the term to anyone who makes a quick buck really cheapens the term 'genius' and devalues the people to whom it genuinely applies. Thanks for the laugh though, I really needed it! :lol:



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13 Dec 2013, 12:38 am

ChameleonKeys wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:

I never decided money=genius. I suggested it as evidence of genius.

Yes, genius is about intelligence everyone agrees. It takes intelligence to make money; it takes intelligence to make inventions that people want.

Jessica Simpson and Kim Kardashian, since you mention them, would dominate Einstein in social intelligence agreed ?

Are you serious? Surely not. :? Might I play devil's advocate and offer some counter-evidence? :wink: As entertaining as this clip is, Jessica Simpson certainly doesn't come across as any sort of genius; social or otherwise. Kim Kardashian is no better. Quite frankly applying the term to anyone who makes a quick buck really cheapens the term 'genius' and devalues the people to whom it genuinely applies. Thanks for the laugh though, I really needed it! :lol:

I never said she was a genius.

This video provides no counter-evidence. I said she has superior social intelligence than Einstein. How does this video counter that assertion?

It is very distressing to see such poor reading comprehension repeated over and over - that is the "laugh" you should be concerned about - the one when an NT person laughs at you for making silly conclusions.

Also, I really don't like seeing a video of her being used to show to that she is supposedly not intelligent. It is akin to name-calling. :evil:

Further, the logic makes no sense. I could provide a link that Einstein was a bad speller and use that "logic" to discredit his genius.


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13 Dec 2013, 3:08 am

This thread is hilarious! Honestly, it's fantastic. :D

Talk about an Aspie moment - If you can't see that that post was largely coming from my amusement* at how far from stern and serious logic this thread has slowly drifted and my choice to see that as fun rather than simply being horrified and utterly dismayed at the tragic state of humanity then, well then we're both in the right place. :wink: My ability to find the debate richly entertaining does not diminish my intellect one iota.

No need for the schoolyard bullying behaviour - I stood up to far more cruel bullies than you and came out alive and thriving. You can't patronise me into a quivering pool of tears and blood. Putting me down won't lift you up, you know. :wink:

*Clue for future reference: The use of goofy little emoticons was a clear tip off that I was lightening things up a tad.

Jessica is an entertainer, in an industry that requires people to outwardly become their product. Marketing savvy and attractiveness don't hurt either. Her value as a person is a given - I shouldn't need to state that for you. Good grief, is that even up for debate? 8O How frightening! She is most famous for playing up the ditz routine for the entertainment value and allowing herself to be mocked, as seen in the reality show I gave an example from. That's how she made an awful lot of her money. That's her public persona, her schtick! I didn't say she's not intelligent, I said she doesn't come across as a genius - Crucial difference! I gave an example of Jessica's well known work to illustrate her image. There is this delicious irony in people saying she's a genius for making money... Which she made primarily by marketing herself as a stereotypical fool! She is very well known for the "Chicken of the sea" comment and the following debate over if it was staged for the cameras or genuine.

It might be worth noting that one of her role models is Marilyn Monroe - Famed as a ditzy bimbo when she was actually very intelligent.

Enjoying the humour in her being given as an example is only insulting if you think both that she genuinely isn't bright and also that not being clever would negatively affect her worth as a human being. Neither of which are views I expressed as I most certainly do not hold them. Do not project your own negative attitudes about people onto me or my comments.

Saying that pop iconicity being hailed as genius devalues the term genius does not in any way devalue pop culture or entertainment in its own right. They are both valuable but they are not the same thing. Saying that being a successful star is only significant if the compliments can be stretched to paint it as a type of genius is the real insult to pop entertainers.


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13 Dec 2013, 5:04 am

I know quite a few people who are geniuses at complaining. :D

Some people are geniuses at drinking beer and eating chips.

A couple dudes I know are geniuses at being offended.

If you mean a genius is someone who's passionate about something and is really good at it.

If we're just talking about 140+ IQ then of course most people aren't. Curiously about 1/3 of the people I know would still pass by that definition.

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