skibum wrote:
Criticize each other and put each other down.
Deb1970 wrote:
I don't know about 10 things but I know at least one. "Tell someone with AS that there an NT"
And this, whether the person has been diagnosed or not (this is each person's business, whether they want an official diagnosis or not). They know themselves a lot more than you know them. They know what they've been through in their life, and they know why they came to the conclusion that they are autistic/have Aspergers, and they know why it explains pretty much everything they didn't understand about themselves, you don't (because you don't know them).
ghoti wrote:
Dismiss one's feelings and/or experiences.
And also this.
That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along. ~Madeleine L'Engle