That's an interesting piece of information. I have spent years being told I should get to a place of acceptance, with a place of acceptance being seeing that it was all for the better and being happy about it.
Well, some of the s**t that has happened, I am NEVER going to be happy about. I am NEVER going to be happy about all the abuse that has occurred-- the best I can do it to tell myself that, as a ret*d person, I probably brought it on myself and should be grateful for the lesson and glad it was no worse. I am NEVER going to be happy about the way things went with my dad-- there is NO UNIVERSE in which that was all for the best, and trying to convince myself that it was makes me want to die. I am NEVER going to be happy about the way things went with my stepmom-- and the only universe in which it was all for the best is the one in which I am such a selfish, lazy b***h that I'm glad not to have to spend time, effort, and resources on her (not a universe I wish to inhabit, thanks-- besides which fact it would be worth the time, effort, and resources just to see the look on her face if I were to bring the baby to her and say, "I TOLD you that if I had another damn kid I was going to assume you witched it to happen and name the little bastard after you!! !").
I am sick to the death of being pressured to be happy about all the s**t that life throws at me.
I wish, profoundly, that I could have permission for it to hurt, to be hurt, and to show the fact that I am hurt. For, basically, however long it takes. Not permission to stop functioning, of course-- but it would be nice for it to be OK for me to sigh while I wash the dishes and cry over the stove.
I wish, profoundly, that I could try to right a wrong-- whether mine or someone else's-- without being told that I'm still in denial or "being autistic again."
I think that, frankly, just accepting everything that comes your way is called APATHY. I think it's called LETTING PEOPLE WALK ALL OVER YOU. I think maybe that's why the crap about "acceptance" being applied to everything is now immovable cannon. Because people WANT you to let everyone walk all over you.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"