Mafiawarsfreak wrote:
I hear about this addiction but the fact is that marijuana gives you a SHORT TERM boost, making u feel better while DEADING YOUR MEMORY AND MENTAL FUNCTION IN THE LONG TERM.
Personally, i started smoking marijuana on a daily basis in college when I was miserable, and binge drinking and developed bipolar disorder, which made things a WHOLE lot better. There is VERY little information on marijuana but it is known that it can change the pleasure center in the brain and increase anger, decrease motivation and sex drive and make you less able to concentrate or remember information. I took a bunch of easy tests with 50s and 60s when everyone else got A's because i could not remember information.
In addition, the people you get marijuana are ABSOLUTELY NOT YOUR FRIENDS and they will get you into trouble. If you continue one day you will come by their house to pick it up and find urself getting arrested in the process. THESE PEOPLE GET BUSTED VERY OFTEN and THEY WILL ALMOST IMMEDIATELY RAT OUT ALL OF THEIR CUSTOMERS TO SAVE JAIL TIME. I once called a stupid person who I knew sold and was talking to a police detective on the other line and had to tell them that I was trying to ask about homework and REMAIN SILENT when they described the drugs.
I just hope this helps, I would hate to see you meet the girl of your dreams when ur older and find that she DOES NOT WANT TO INVOLVE HERSELF WITH YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR HISTORY AND LIFESTYLE! and if ur smart marijuana will keep u from passing a drug test and getting a good job.
Cannabis has many medicinal uses including psychological......It actually can help with some peoples anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental illnesses. However like any drug some people will react well and some people wont. I mean anti-depressants are supposed to help with depression right? well I tried some anti depressants and after three weeks they made me way to over-emotional and paranoid. And my personal experiance with cannabis says it provides relief from anxiety, depression, PTSD and aspergers related social problems. If I get arrested for self medicating so be it......also I strongly oppose drug testing, so I don't think i would really want to work at a place that puts an empasis on it. I currently can't work because I cannot function well at a if I found a job that did not drug test that would be quite nice. Because I function a bit better when i am regularly smoking cannabis.
Even then sometimes I get suicidal and such, but hey cannabis is not a cure its a way of getting relief.