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12 May 2007, 1:53 am

Oh, and my 'Rolla is FRIGHTENING when I'm sustaining 140km/h on the highway. I've hit 190km/h in it, but it was only for a few seconds.

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12 May 2007, 2:31 am

I like driving, especially on my commute home around 11pm because the freeway traffic is relatively light. I also like driving on the weekends as well, and since I've got a 4-cylinder car, I can do a 4-hour round trip on a full tank of gas.

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12 May 2007, 6:11 am

I have booked ourselves (My Lotus and I) a performance driving lesson with a half day on a race track < G >

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12 May 2007, 2:11 pm

i'd dont think i'd like driving even if i could do it. it just seems so pointless. maybe driving for fun on a racetrack would be cool though

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12 May 2007, 2:26 pm

I hate cars. I avoid them whenever possible.

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.

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Tufted Titmouse

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13 May 2007, 2:42 am

And hooray for finally having my SL1 back! No more slushbox rental! 8)


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21 May 2007, 8:16 pm

Yo TruenoBlues...let me warn you, the last guy that threatened to take the motor out of a 22B cried for days when I was done with him ;) No touchie. Nooooooo touchie. There are only 400 of them and in one piece they're phenomenal (like the S201 no one seems to have heard of) and shouldn't be ripped to pieces for parts :P

Stroke out an EJ20T, or pinch a USDM WRX engine...give it a port & polish, forged pistons and voila ;)


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21 May 2007, 8:25 pm

It would be nice to be able to drive I guess but im not really exited about driving.


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21 May 2007, 8:52 pm

Hard to answer. I learned to drive at age 34 (I'm now 37). I crashed after 3000 miles and have drove very little since then. Oh I crashed driving recklessly on a country road.

I did like the freedom of being able to go anywhere but at the same time I had no place to go so I mainly just burned gas on pointless trips.

I do think an usually high number of people on the spectrum can not/do not drive. Thats likely ranges from inattentive ADHD, dyspraxia, high anxiety, sensory problems, etc. Which is why I think some question like that should be on RDOS aspie test in the future.


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21 May 2007, 9:26 pm

sgfto0609_front_corner2(800).jpg 8)

Thats my FTO
I've got a new spoiler on it now thats less 'flamboiant' and new rims but cant afford the tyres for them yet.

I do motorkhana and the occasional superkhana (track racing)

Handles alright but the coilovers I have atm give it too much understeer because they're designed for a lancer with a small 4 cyl, that shares the same chassis thats why they fit, where as the FTO has a heavy v6...

Have to say driving both gives me something for my mind to do but stresses me out at the same time with all the distractions around


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21 May 2007, 9:58 pm

I am 31 years old and have never had a drivers liscense.


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21 May 2007, 10:24 pm

motherofhim wrote:
Driving can be all of the above; but it gives one independence and freedom. Is that the part of it that aspies are afraid of? That they have to haul their own load?

oh, no. . I am a true Aspie, I drive trucks. I load up a big 26ft UHaul with my sweet little Chrysler LeBaron sports car ( convertible, naturally! and Daytona red, too! and I love to drive HER too!) on a trailer on the back and drive from Minneapolis to Astoria, Oregon. I want to tell you, driving mountian passes in the driving snow with the sides of the truck scraping along the banked snow and gravel. . .well, all I did was keep the rear tire of the car trailer on the right side of the yellow line and I made it though!

I have driven 8 times across various parts of vast land masses in a Uhaul or a Penske ( never did care for Ryder trucks) trailing some car or other. Nothing feels better than having it all with you (and the cat in the car carrier!) and moving along. I hope someday to have a live in RV so I can ALWAYS move when ever I want. that is solid freedom to me. so. . no, motherofhim, I love to 'haul my own load' . . .

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21 May 2007, 10:27 pm

I like to drive on some days... days like today however, no way.

I was pulling out of my street, making a right. There was a cop waiting for a chance to make a left across the street. Since I was making a right hand turn, I had right of way... the cop still turned and almost smacked right into my car. 8O


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22 May 2007, 5:38 am

I'm in one of those moods right now where I WISH i could just drive (my Oldsmobile Cutlass, of course) since things at work are just unbearable right now. I would love to drive until I ran out of road. I could listen to the motor hum and I could hum with it and i would feel the wheel in my hands and I would feel one with the car and we would just GO. I wish sometimes I could drive and not turn back. Sometimes I feel like I just don't like the world and the people in it. I've never had a car behave maliciously towards me the way people have. Sometimes I wish people were all gone and I was left with nothing but all their cars.


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04 Jun 2007, 3:56 am

Well I have just had a wonderful weekend, I drove some 600 miles round trip learnt skid control on a skid pan and How to drive a racing line round a circuit in my beautiful blue baby :)


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04 Jun 2007, 7:34 am

SG wrote:
sgfto0609_front_corner2(800).jpg 8)

Thats my FTO
I've got a new spoiler on it now thats less 'flamboiant' and new rims but cant afford the tyres for them yet.

I do motorkhana and the occasional superkhana (track racing)

Handles alright but the coilovers I have atm give it too much understeer because they're designed for a lancer with a small 4 cyl, that shares the same chassis thats why they fit, where as the FTO has a heavy v6...

Have to say driving both gives me something for my mind to do but stresses me out at the same time with all the distractions around

Nice one, my father had one for a while. I was only 16 at the time and still an inexperienced driver so I only got to drive it down to the train station to pick him up once or twice. I loved the sound of the mivec kicking in. The seats are great to sit in too, and I actually have a pair of FTO seats sitting in my lounge room at the moment that I want to put in my soarer. We used to have a strip of freeway just behind our suburb at the time and one day we went out together to get something from the shops. He just decided to boot it and we were doing 180kmh with the windows open along this curved section of the freeway. Good times :)