I just never felt like i fit in since i was a kid. I never could put a finger on it. I liked different things than lots of the other kids, and even the things i liked that they did it never was the same because i often looked at it from a completely different angle. I was often alone, hanging out with any other kid that didn't fit in or being by myself. I spent alot of time drawing and daydreaming. I sucked at sports--- but i could sure run! This came in handy since I was otherwise an easy target for bigger kids. I was even different to my family--- they just figured I was just me.
I grew up feeling outside the perimeter, even when i tried to be "one of the group". My likes tend to border on obsessive, and few people share my enthusiasm for them so they become mine alone and this further isolates me from alot of people. Honestly, how many people can love things like Oldsmobiles or wig collecting like I do?
I went from being shy to not giving a crap--- this makes me come across now at times as loud and very open but it is usually one way and most people don't like that. Other times I clam up--- I don't have much to say to people since they won't understand anyway so what's the use?
I'm sad now because 2 of my best friends ( they are about as "out there" as I am) are moving out of state. This leaves me with almost no true friends at all here. But I don't think it would be any different if i lived anyplace else, so I'm staying put.
I never knew why I was this way or why things always felt so hard with people.
I used to drink so that I'd open up and be social--- it made me act dumber, but so did all the other drunk people and everyone could at least be on one page. I at least felt like talking to people, but i don't really care for alcohol anymore. So when i came here, I found all these people who also didn't feel like other folks and it felt good for me--- I don't feel like I need to change myself. I've been feeling better the last couple of years anyway, accomplishing goals and doing things my way, finding a loving partner and pursuing my loves (have an Oldsmobile now:-D). Let people accept me or let them leave me be. Sometimes i'd like to feel like "one of the gang" and feel like everyone else, but then i wouldn't be me.