kraftiekortie wrote:
The kids who write in "kids crater" are probably "advanced" for their age. They have Asperger's, primarily. Sometimes, Asperger's is manifested by enhanced writing ability.
I was a very good reader and speller when I was very young--12th grade reading level in 6th grade----but my writing was probably "average," and it was sloppy.
The Marine Guy's posts are maybe better than mine sometimes LOL-----and I have a consistent IQ in the 110's.
LOL I was trolling AOL chatrooms when I was 12. I never posted on message boards then. These days kids are young as preteens. You have to be at least 13 to use social media but I know kids younger than that use Facebook and stuff. I doubt they're all autistic.
First of all, OP is far too eloquent to have a below average intelligence.
Well I'll take that as a compliment. It's when people are talking to me having conversations is when they start to think I am slow because of how many times they have to explain things or me not grasping things. Even one of my online friends think I am dumb because of me not always getting things and how many times he has had to explain something. Maybe it's not my social skills after all if someone stops talking to me, maybe they just thought I was dumb and lot of people don't like dumb people.
Plus I was never advanced like other aspies were. I was always academically behind even though I picked up with reading fast and writing by my preteens. But my work needed to be modified, I was not good in abstract things and I thought that was Asperger's because I was told aspies are very concrete but then I find online it's the opposite. I actually found it's slow learners who are very concrete and they excel at things when it's very concrete. So they can sound very intelligent too an know lot of stuff. Kids post intellectual things here, I would not have been able to do that. They all sound like adults while I sounded like an 11 year old online when I was 17 because of the feedback I have been given back then. No way would I have been that intellect at age 12 or 13 though I could still post online in today times. Back then I didn't know how to do it because I was internet illiterate lol. I only knew how to use chatrooms for AOL but not for Internet Exploror or any other browser. I didn't even know how to actually look things up online for something specific until my mid twenties. It would not occur top me then s a young adult to just look something up if I am curious about something so I remember a member here was a jerk to me about it when I asked him how does he know someone who sang the star bangled banner song is autistic and he took it as me attacking him and saying if I was truly curious I would have done my research and did the homework for me. I have hated him since because he never apologized. This was back in 2007. That member isn't around anymore and I still have him on my bad list.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.