skibum wrote:
firemonkey wrote:
I'm very lucky . I get good support now . Many are denied support either because they have no family to do that , and/or even health professionals think they are too intelligent to need support .
That is one of my biggest problems. I keep getting denied support that I critically and desperately need because I appear too functional. And I have no family that is local that can help me. You are very blessed to have your stepdaughter.
It's terrible that you and so many others can't get the help they need.
I used to live in Essex. I moved to Wiltshire to be near my stepdaughter . She had wanted me to do so since her mum died .
My previous mental health trust in Essex saw me as being, as mentioned in my psych notes , 'awkward,demanding and troublesome' for asking for more help and support. Other remarks were 'very dependent narcissist' and 'illness is very Machiavellian in its complexity'
An anecdote about how difficulties can be misinterpreted . It's nearly 40 years since it happened . Things may or may not be better now
Last psych admission . I was sent to the OT dept to do a cookery course . One day I was given the job of peeling the potatoes . I struggled to do it , because I'm not good at that kind of thing . I was seen as being deliberately uncooperative and kicked off the cooking course.