Autigender-what's your opinion?
Sea Gull
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firemonkey wrote:
Not fine= Being abusive and aggressive, because as a late middle aged man I struggle to keep up with what is an ever growing list of genders.
I don't think you have to keep up? Gender is a social construct, so there can be unlimited amount of them, as long as one can force society into recognizing them.
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League_Girl wrote:
firemonkey wrote:
Fine= Using a term you think fits you
Not fine= Being abusive and aggressive, because as a late middle aged man I struggle to keep up with what is an ever growing list of genders.
Not fine= Being abusive and aggressive, because as a late middle aged man I struggle to keep up with what is an ever growing list of genders.
You asked, I told you my opinion about the term and it just looks like to me an attack on the trans community to keep their identity being invalidated if the trolls can make everyone believe trans people are full of it. Yes I have even seen them admit it too and will create fake tumblr blogs pretending to be a SJW and pretend they identify as something. This taught me to not believe everything I read online and if it sounds bad or ridiculous, it's most likely not true.
If you see something that seems like an uninformed parody of so-called SJWs, odds are there's a thread on /pol/ cackling gleefully over it that will insta-debunk the BS.
I was ashamed of myself when I realised life was a costume party and I attended with my real face
"Many of us like to ask ourselves, What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." —Former U.S. Airman (Air Force) Aaron Bushnell
HeroOfHyrule wrote:
firemonkey wrote:
Fine= Using a term you think fits you
Not fine= Being abusive and aggressive, because as a late middle aged man I struggle to keep up with what is an ever growing list of genders.
Not fine= Being abusive and aggressive, because as a late middle aged man I struggle to keep up with what is an ever growing list of genders.
No one's been aggressive and abusive, besides for a few of the people getting their undies in a twist over the term. If you think someone disagreeing with you is aggression then I don't get why you made the thread. lol
In no way was I saying that anyone on this thread was behaving like that. It was a comment based on experience beyond this forum. It was not an unreasonable comment.
If people want to use the term that's fine by me. I did not intend this thread to be a vehicle for contempt towards those people. I just wanted to know more about it, and thought there were those here that could do that.
Your response, to what was a reasonable comment, just adds to my growing disillusionment with the autistic community
StrayCat81 wrote:
firemonkey wrote:
Not fine= Being abusive and aggressive, because as a late middle aged man I struggle to keep up with what is an ever growing list of genders.
I don't think you have to keep up? Gender is a social construct, so there can be unlimited amount of them, as long as one can force society into recognizing them.
I was speaking from personal experience. I don't think that anywhere near even 10% of people using alternative genders are abusive and aggressive. It's just that when you are subjected to such behaviour it's very hurtful and unpleasant.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 9 Jun 2021
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SandWitch wrote:
Mouka wrote:
You see often in people who call themselves non-binary, when asked why they don't just call themselves male or female, it's because they "don't feel they fit into either role" It has nothing to do with biological parts, no body dysmorphia or anything like that, just the subconscious idea that pink=girl and blue=boy that deciding to enjoy things regardless of gender really screws with that idea and leads them to create these new labels in an effort to both understand themselves while still holding onto those ingrained ideas.
I guess I'm not in the "so often" crowd of what it means to be nonbinary.
Yes, there are many trans and nonbinary people who don't believe one needs gender dysphoria to be trans or nonbinary for that matter.. I'll refrain from my objective opinions on that; as I'm trans-nonbinary.
I suffer immensively with body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria, am currently and actively pursuing social and medical transitional treatments to reduce the urges of ending my life. I flucuate on a gender spectrum of "in between" or a little bit of both genders..
naturalplastic wrote:
smudge wrote:
I like pizza. That's a gender.
Oklahomans as well as Texans.
Smudge... Pizza is not a gender nor are Texans or Oklahomans because I wouldn't consider ingesting one's gender (as much as I love pizza) or be able to fit the size of all Oklahomans and Texans into my stomach for my cannibalistic colarie intake needs.. (a little sarcasm for the pompously self-righteous ignorance shown on this thread)
Back to the topic at hand..
Personally, I believe neogendered pronouns and identities are a little absurd to me and go more into the realm of mental illness / attention seeking behaviors / narcissistic charactistics and aligns with huge egos or extreme confusion. (Not being hateful, just my opinion; if I'm wrong on this topic; stone me, accordingly.)
Being trans-nonbinary, it's disheartening knowing that some don't take nonbinary people that do indeed transition into consideration, yet here I am doing just that, as we do exist... so it's unfortunate that people like me are under represented in the discourse of nonbinary/trans identity discussion.
Back to answering OP's question; I find that anything outside of she/he/they prounouns (unless influenced by cultures outside of modern western civilization gender norms prior to colonization and following the erasure of multiple genders in cultures of indigenous people's around the world; e.g. "two spirit" etc..) is a little extreme and going into a different areas not related to trans/nonbinary issues (trans-racial/species etc.., for instance.. somethings I feel are very damaging to actual trans and/or nonbinary people..)
Our lives as trans folk are already hard enough as it is.. some clowns needs taming, some troll-clout chasing opportunist's (oli london for example ) need humbling and some mentally-ill people simply need treatment.
Auitigender being another neopronoun/gender identity outside of the mostly accepted 3 gendered normed ideals; it's a difficult discussion to be had, as I won't argue with another on the spectrum on how they identify, because being autistic can be challenging enough as it is and if it makes them happy then good on them.
With that said, unlike some on this forum thread, I don't need to understand something to know that being a decisive as*hole about it/towards someone who uses neoprouns is an ethically depleted nuance.
Just be nice to people and let people live their lives (By the way, to be clear; no one is "indoctrinating" anyone else by simply existing and being comfortable and confident enough to be publicly open about their lived experiences), no matter their gender identity/race/sexuality/religion or political affiliations etc.. unless they're unbearable, confrontational, obviously attention seeking c*nt bags who don't know how to coexist with those that disagree or live outside their own bubbles of blissful ignorance.. then give em a proper knot to the face for making us all look bad as humans in general.
smudge wrote:
You so funny. What is a "c*ntbag" anyway?
Thank you lol... I like your username btw, for some reason it tickles me, the prospect that it may derive from a place of dark humor of which I'm a huge fan of.
To me I coined the term c*ntbag as someone with a mental-collective of multiple belief systems that are understood as intentionally promoting ignorance and hatred to simply "stir the pot" towards those that are of an oppressed group of peoples or minority, whilst aiming to offend them and then subsequently act like the innocent, play the victim and peaceful one, when confronted (by the very person's they'd unsuccessfully aimed to belittle) on their BS.
smudge wrote:
I just have a dislike of the crowd who throw the terms "TERF" and "Dead-naming" around.
I'll agree to disagree with you on the importance to at least try not to deadname trans and nonbinary people; the topic "deadnaming" is a serious issue for trans and nonbinary people (further making me question if you truly are nonbinary or a TERF in disguise); it's condescending, incredibly rude, and at times results in the extreme violence and the murders of many stealth trans and nonbinary folk out there (believe it or not, not all nonbinary and trans people are as abnoxious and "in your face" as you seem to think; "demanding acceptance, loyalty and understanding from those that subjectively disagree with their existance, no matter what".. truth is, most of us just want to live our lives out quietly and in peace)..
In addition, I understand your reasoning (I don't agree with all of it and that's fine too) of disliking those whom willy-nilly throw around the word "TERF" without proper context when identifying one (TERF's: short for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists)
I find it important to call out these transphobic extremists and their rhetorics that promote violence against trans and nonbinary people, coincidentally these ideologies fit snug within right-wing extremist's main talking points and narratives that foundate their existance. They try their damnest to deligitamize the facts that trans people do indeed exist; the facts that we simply just want to live out our our lives in peace and privacy.
TERF's imply and impose BS conspiracy theories that we are claiming trans indentity's to purely rid the world of cis lesbians and gays by "brainwashing" hetero and lgb youth to become trans, all whilst hiding behind old transphobic tropes; TERF's stating that trans people aren't anything but predatory threats whom choose to "fake" trans identity (changing their entire lives with irreversible surgeries and hormone replacement therapeutics, exposing themselves to being completely disowned/attacked and sometimes killed by people their loved ones and peers, destroying any chance of leading a successful life and career, etc.. all of that sacrifice and loss agony and pain we undergo to (according to TERF ideology) simply get the chance to fiddle youths in public bathrooms?! Give me a f*cking break! What RUBBISH!
It's absolute insanity and outright dangerous: these falsehoods being peddled around and pushed onto the already ignorant masses, by these TERF extremists..(*sarcasm ahead* because we all know how much trans people love to put their lives at risk, every chance they get to s**t and piss in disgusting public bathrooms ) ; when in reality, we hold our poo and urine in, until we get safely home to relieve ourselves; especially since we as trans/nonbinary folk are hyper aware in acknowledging the facts that most people percieve anyone under the trans umbrella as inherently predatory, which is utterly false and terrifying given the risks it imposes on our lives to just exist openly in an ever increasingly transphobic world.
It's wrong to assume these dangerous conspiracy theories and anti-trans tropes as factual in any way, as it's simply false in every way and thus deserving of absolute outcries in regards to expressing severe methods of denouncement and held against the utmost of critisms by those whom are mostly educated and sane people that know better than to be brainwashed by such stupidity.
Now onto another "TERF" ideology (which I feel is basic common sense and not exclusive to what "TERF's think) the ones that still acknowledge trans identities as real and valid (at this point, before evolving to outright denying our existances altogether; I speak of the belief that to be a "real" trans person, one must have a legitimate diagnosis of gender dysphoria (something that I do agree with).
With all of that said, I believe everyone has the absolute right to be as transphobic as they'd like. I believe in the freedom to be a garbage person; I truly do, but let it be known that there are consequences to their bigotry and trans/nonbinary folk will fight back!
smudge wrote:
The way those few do it shut down arguments by calling people a few made up "anti" terms to anyone who dares disagree with them. Or perhaps it isn't so few.
We agree on more things with you than you've assumed I don't on.
smudge wrote:
I am non-binary, I dislike even calling myself that because I'm so pissed off by those who insist the world revolves around them.
I understand and truly relate to your feeling this way. I hate egotistical numbskulls of all breeds myself.
But, based on some of your now edited out posts within this thread (where you spewed something about the indoctrination of some new world order nonsense type of vibe), I'm not sure if you're just trying to claim that you are nonbinary now to save face or detract, but I as well may be just as wrong in my conclusive assumption, and if I am.. god bless you and I hope you that you heal.
You seem to have a lot of internalized hatred.. based on some really s**t stereotypes of nonbinary people blasted nonstop on media, unfortunately (as the freaks and oxygen suckers get all of the media attention to represent ALL trans and nonbinary people)..
Examples given: the likes of whom I've mentioned before: the gut-wrentching creep "Oli London", whom I honestly believe is a cisgendered man, a transphobic troll and pyscho addicted to plastic surgery and infamy, regardless of the bloodshed of the nonbinary and trans communities that are and will continue to be on his hands, having declared "nonbinary" identity and being "transracial" for claiming the pronouns "they/them/korean/jimin";
Also, we can't forget the likes of the gender non-conforming cisgendered man (ya, I said it) crossdresser, "Alok Vaid-Menon"; another fame whore confusing the world and whom is the epitamy of cringe and an actually proven pervert outed for his creepy poetry of the past, exposed by the lovely Blaire White (I adore her), he's said (Alok) many other troubling things like "you don't need gender dysphoria to be trans" and "if you don't date trans people, you're transphobic", which I believe is absolutely abhorrant and repulsively false.
Now those people... they truly add fuel to the fire towards trans/nonbinary hatred worldwide, and I share second hand embarrassment, shame and feel the consequenctual danger imposed on me everyday because of them; being the quiet and private lowkey nonbinary people that I am.
It angers me too that people like this represent the trans and nonbinary communities.. I share your repulsion and resentment of these kinds of people.
smudge wrote:
Want to relate autism to that multi-gender movement? Fine. Then I'm not autistic and want nothing to do with that label. I'll undiagnose myself.
I didn't create this thread, I simply added to the discussion. Nowhere in my post did I "relate to" the concept of Autismgender.. instead, I empathized that I won't argue with a fellow autistic person who claims that title, as it's hard enough already being bashed on for being known by NT as autistic.. it's not my place to judge them and feels wrong to do so.. So, if you want to "undiagnose" yourself as autistic, due to your belief in all of these conspiracies and silly terms such as "the Multi-gender Movement" ; by all means go ahead, I wish you all the best.
smudge wrote:
"Give 'em a proper knot to the face"? You're advocating that somebody punch me? That explains your agenda right there. You don't like it when anybody disagrees with you and you advocate violence. See why I want nothing to do with the gender movement? It's extremist.
[/quote]First of all, I have no "agenda", aside from engaging into a healthy discourse and exchange of ideas occurring on my favorite online forum with my autistic brethren and family, that is.
Secondly, to correct you again, I actually love engaging in discourse with those that vehemently disagree with me on any and all fronts. Life would being boring, if I never did.
Lastly, no I never advocated for violence against you. You seem to be quick to judgement and false assessments of the context behind my words, and have somehow applied it to a direct attack on you (a little ironically narcissistic of you).
I was speaking in general terms about all people who impose their ideas, stigmas and views on others, not you, exclusively; for that, I apologize for the miscommunication.
I advice you take a chill pill and not be so reactive to my criticisms of you, that honestly began and still remains with you using the old anti-nonbinary trope (oh no, I used the word anti to "shut your argument down without a rebuttal", guess I proved you right ) to clarify, I'm being light hearted, as I'm clearly just explaining myself and haven't shut down this exchange we're having, by not using the words, claiming your "anti this or that".
Personally, I agree with your annoyance of that tactic of SJW's (of which I don't claim to be or associate with) to rectify your intense misunderstanding of my original critisms of your post on this thread of the good ole reliable foundation of a meme: "I identify as an Apache Helicopter", by stating that pizza is a gender.. like wtf?..
That's extremely insensitive, rude and an "personal attack" against the integrity of my existance as a transsexual nonbinary person.. and you repeatedly posted it on this thread (twice to be exact), clearly looking for a reaction and you got one!
Yet, it was my post that was edited, by a certain moderator for calling you out on it.. and subsequently justified it being done so for the same reason that induced my "personal attack" on you.
Gotta love double standards.. smdh..
Anyhow, I wish you well and know that I understand/share your frustrations and agree with a lot of your sentiments, unbenounced to your knowing of it, given your "quick to bark style" of communication.