What was your wierdest obsession growing up?

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20 Feb 2012, 2:15 pm

blueroses wrote:
I was obsessed with horticulture and botany. That's not a really weird interest to have, if you're a retiree or something, but it wasn't really something my peers shared with me in elementary school.
Hey, that's the obsession that's dominated my life ever since I was a teenager. :D

I regret that I chose computer science over botany in college, though. Stupid decision, that was.


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20 Feb 2012, 3:11 pm

kestrel wrote:
blueroses wrote:
I was obsessed with horticulture and botany. That's not a really weird interest to have, if you're a retiree or something, but it wasn't really something my peers shared with me in elementary school.
Hey, that's the obsession that's dominated my life ever since I was a teenager. :D

I regret that I chose computer science over botany in college, though. Stupid decision, that was.

Yeah, well, I chose an English degree, so my decision was even stupider. (Sorry to have to one-up you like that, lol)


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20 Feb 2012, 3:26 pm

blueroses wrote:
kestrel wrote:
blueroses wrote:
I was obsessed with horticulture and botany. That's not a really weird interest to have, if you're a retiree or something, but it wasn't really something my peers shared with me in elementary school.
Hey, that's the obsession that's dominated my life ever since I was a teenager. :D

I regret that I chose computer science over botany in college, though. Stupid decision, that was.

Yeah, well, I chose an English degree, so my decision was even stupider. (Sorry to have to one-up you like that, lol)

No worries. :lol:

English was my third choice when picking an area of study. Problem with CS is that there is an overabundance of graduates in that field. If you dislike competition, it can be harrowing.

I'm considering going back to school, yet again, for botany. I do better in school than I do in the workplace, anyhow.

But... must not derail thread. I have a bad habit of that.


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20 Feb 2012, 6:27 pm

Weirdest obsession....

Possibly the occult, my father dated a Wiccan for a while. She provided a stuffed black cat for Halloween and actually came to the school in costume to give a talk. This was well before Harry potter and I was completely obsessed with her barmy spell books. In retrospect it was her son who got me into computers (I had forgot about that), he had a commodore 64..


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20 Feb 2012, 11:02 pm

When I was 14 years old I was obsessed with tropical diseases. Spicifically malaria and kala azar :shrug:

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21 Feb 2012, 6:05 pm

Age1600 wrote:
Mine was dog breeds :lol: ! I know every kind of dog breed out there, including the rare ones like kanguls, and dogo argentinos haha. I was obsessed with studying canine breeds for hours, haha don't ask me why! To this day, I can point out a mutt, and what breeds hes a mix of haha. What was your weirdest obsession growing up as a kid?

I thought I was the only one! I read an entire encyclopedia of dog breeds once. My parents just thought I was doing research to convince them to get a dog (it worked; we have a dog now).

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21 Feb 2012, 10:42 pm

My weirdest obsession was insects. It always varied though, I would be interested in rollie pollies one week and then the next week I would gather dozens of snails in a shoe box. I also loved making my own ant farms from mayo jars, collecting grasshoppers in mayo jars, light bugs, etc.


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22 Feb 2012, 3:07 am

let's see...
*david cassidy
*the hues of english people's feces
*toilet plungers
*custom cars made out of coffins and outhouses
*the munsters tv series and that cool car they drove on it
*hotrodded volkswagon buses

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22 Feb 2012, 10:17 am

Ghosts, ufo's/ebe's and such like. I was totally obsessed and my parents would buy me loads of books on these topics when i was a kid. I also had and still have a fluctuating interest in the occult, serial killers (another one from early childhood) and the history of capital punishment and methods of execution

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22 Feb 2012, 12:06 pm

From ages 3-16 it was urination, the urinary system, and especially urological disorders. I had my most intense fixation on bedwetting. All my imaginary friends were bedwetters, I read all the books I could find about it, and the whole time kept the obsession secret from everyone else because I manages to realize how socially unacceptable it was.


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22 Feb 2012, 12:10 pm

I, too, was obsessed with gems and rocks. Thankfully, any amusement park or place meant for entertainment purposes back then had stands with little cloth bags where you could fill up the back with gems for a certain amount of money. I purposefully sought those places out, and had quite a collection that I kept in containers that I think were meant for jewelry. I'm not sure where my collection is today...but if I saw one of those gem stands again, I'd definitely be tempted to fill up one of those cloth bags. :D

I guess the 'weirdest' obsession I had when a child was reading medical books. My mom went to one year of college, where she wanted to study to become a doctor, so all of her old text books were in my great grandmother's house. I read every one of the textbooks she had related to her medical courses. That obsession ended, though, when I ran out of books.

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22 Feb 2012, 12:52 pm

I was really interested in the bubonic plague. Also, English and German grammar.


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22 Feb 2012, 1:46 pm

Hmm, Insect collecting. Later, UFOs and paranormal. Also, cryptozoology. LOL



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22 Feb 2012, 1:47 pm

oops, those are NOT my weirdest ever.
That was Hansen's disease aka Leprosy. Obsessed with it big time senior year in HS.



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22 Feb 2012, 1:52 pm

Bank forms

I was the only 5 year old girl I knew that was more interested in collecting and filling out bank forms than playing with dolls...


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22 Feb 2012, 2:01 pm

This is going to be my undoing, I'm going to over extend, especially now that I'm in my 30's and I'm going to clutch my heart and fall over. But Blood donating, (which I used as a "base" service, and expanded from there).

I have a geeky desire to join all those "gap year" like programs. Katimavik (failed, because I'm an Aspie and didn't get along with the others), Olympics volunteer, and etc etc. So much that my brother's ex playfully called me "Spacey Casey". Because I was like a space cadet doing these NGO-organization things.

Call me silly, but I'm a very insecure babyish person. I need to be "clothed" with something, doing some momentous project. Like If I go on vacation, instead of relaxing. I'd be like doing some crazy like Sea Shepards, (a group of "eco terrorists" (according to the Japanese government), peacefully harassing ILLEGAL Japanese, whailers (inside AUSTRALiA's EEZ zone), or I'g be joining the army (which actually is a plan).

I also love dirt, muddy boots, muddy worn out clothes

I was also obsessed with collecting bottles, Like a bottle picker, orginally I wanted to recycle oil bottles properly, When I worked at esso, and found lots and lots of bottles, I'd recycle them for good causes, such as Scouts but they never came, so I gave it to this little girl who was rasing money for ringette and dance, and to my brother's ex who was raising for a marathon in bahamas for Arthritus.

And I'm also the Underware guy at the homeless shelter, we have plenty of clothes, and socks, toliteries, but surprising NO undies. so I copied this idea "Got Ginch". a bunch of volunteers go around in a giant RV and divy out undies to shelters on the West Coast Canada. And i decided go to a dollar store to get as much undies as I can to help THAT supply last.....

Volunteering is fun but you really got to look after the body.