ChangelingGirl wrote:
The MBTI is completely unscientific because it is based on a dichotomous idea of personality. There is very little test-retest reliability. I remember from my college psych textbook there was a study where the administered the test to the same people once and then a month later, and many had changed personality type. I always score as introverted, but all the other variables change depending on when I'm taking which test (the official test is nowhere online because it is very expensive and you need special training to administer it, all the online ones are somewhat based on the MBTI). Most common type for me to score is INTJ, and I neve rheard there was an Aspie personality type. Would seem strange to me also, as the traits only sperficially appear to relate to AS features (and in that case the most logical AS type, ie. that which most corresponds to the AS stereotype, would be ISTJ).
I don't know much in Psychology that is scientific. Either way, I always score an INTP on the Myers Briggs, and I've taken the actual one once in school, and again years later in the military. I have gotten other scores on online ones, but I can tell they really didn't understand the Myers Briggs theory too well. I did find one on facebook I liked that got me the same results. To be honest, you shouldn't really need a test to know what your results are going to be. I am usually pretty accurate at guessing people's results if I know them well enough.
I don't think there is an Aspie personality type because the things that define Aspies are not in the Myer's Briggs, but I do think it would almost be safer to consider Aspergers a personality type in of itself as opposed to a disorder/syndrome. Either way, I think many Aspies can be very extroverted and either learn to become introverted because they weren't accepted by society, or they can remain extroverted because they were able to make friends. My daughter is diagnosed PDD NOS (because of the speech delay only, otherwise she'd be Aspergers), and she interacts with other people very well. Her diagnosis comes from more the repetitive behaviors and other oddities of Aspergers. Because Myer's Briggs is a scale, it's hard to say they would be more sensing than intuitive just because they can have heightened senses. It's more about how you base your decisions rather than what you use the most. My senses are heightened more so than the next guy, and I'm still an N because I also believe I don't have to sense it for it to exist. The same can be said for the thinking/feeling. Someone can be really logic based and still base many of their decisions on emotion. As for the JP, you can still have routines and not follow a strict schedule and be spontaneous. I have my routines I have to have (especially when I first wake up and right before I go to bed), but I'm still very spontaneous as long as I can still do my routines that I require. Actually, i think my Aspergers special interests is what keeps me more spontaneous because I like waking up, doing my morning routine, and then start my day with whatever I feel like doing at the time, and then when I feel like stopping, I stop and do something else I just feel like doing. Either way, I think the whole purpose of personality is to come up with aspects of a person that doesn't change much over time (it can change, but generally speaking type thing) and be universal (meaning it doesn't matter what culture you are a part of, it will still pertain to you and still show similar diverse results between cultures...and that same cultural concept can be shared with people with disorders).
"In the room the women come and go talking of Michelangelo." J. Alfred Prufrock