Syndrome (As in, "All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome.")
1. Follow your own agenda
2. Independent
3. Intelligent
I believe that one of my cats has OCD, but probably not AS.
+ 2.
Well 2/3 ain't bad don't forget some of us are painfully average in the intelligence department (not that theirs anything wrong with that.
Funny how I was repeatedly tormented for my "weird" and "eccentric" hobbies, they are now thoroughly entrenched in the mainstream.
1. Gaming ,only losers and creepy men would go to video game arcades circa early 80's - mid 80's (I still remember the v game crash of that period .) I was one of only 3 or 4 people at my school who gamed and I I was even more out casted by being the only Sega Mega Drive owner.
2. Bicycles , I grew up in a redneck car loving area which only made matters worse, I would often get people hurling obscenities and other projectiles at me, some would even ask me why would you bother riding when you can drive.
3. Cycle Courier Culture, (messenger) I was one in the early 90's
. I used to have stereotypical young NT secretary women make snide remarks such as it must be nice to earn a little bit of pocket money on the side HA HA little did they know a hardcore cycle messenger like myself was earning more than them! said messengers could earn a middle income type wage which back than was around Aus $ 40,000 (gross) sadly these days no messenger on this planet earns a middle income type wage which I think is about Aus $ 70 K + these days ???.
We were seen as quite parasitic (may be they still are ) back than I thought to myself I bet this "culture" becomes "cool" and mainstream ,and it has.
1. Check out all the "fixie" bikes you see these days (no gears) some even have "messenger" or " courier" garishly written on the down tubes.
2. Courier fashions eg the Crumpler bags trendy office people etc have was invented by the man himself Stuart Crumpler a Melbourne cycle messenger.
4. Electronic Music/ dance nobody but nobody would listen to that stuff apparently grunge/ heavy metal was the "in thing" back than
5 Home brew (beer) very very uncool I would have people repeatedly tell me I was a freak why would you make your own when you can buy it at the shop, they would tell me home brew was %$#@! apparently beer with flavour unnerves people. I stand by my claims at the "drinking a beer thread"
when you try a well made home brew you soon realise 97.5 % of the world beers are nothing more than bland fizzy alcoholic water. glad to know Cockney Rebel agrees with me.
Last edited by aussiebloke on 30 Jul 2010, 8:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.