White self-flagellation drives me nuts. I don't take any particular pride in the fact that I was born with a certain skin color, or that my family came from this, that or the other country how many generations ago. However, nor do I think that what certain people did centuries or decades in the past reflects on my character, mindset or behaviors. I try to be nice to everyone regardless of these arbitrary qualities, and that's all someone should expect, not that I take on the guilt for everyone acting according to the mindset of their period for centuries. It's rather pointless.
At one point, after some big hullabaloo at my school about race, we had this schoolwide meeting about racism - which consisted of educated members of the faculty, all but one of whom were white, getting up and talking, one by one, about how bad white people are. Apparently, we're so evil, we don't even know how evil we are! At the end of it, I was shaking with rage. No, not because I'm some white supremacist or even white pride advocate. I was offended because they, these "tolerant," "open-minded," "politically correct" people claimed to know who I was, what I was like, what my life story was in terms of how "privileged" I had been, and who I valued as an equal human being and for what reasons, all based on the color of my skin. Racism is racism, no matter what skin color you're talking about, and just because I don't consider "white" to be my foremost identifier doesn't mean I have to despise myself for it either.
So as an answer to the question, no, I don't hate or feel shame for my race or any ethnic group I might belong to. People of said groups might have done bad things, but have done good and valuable things as well. And I am me, and I can choose to do good things rather than bad things independent of my skin color or ancestry.
About all the general misanthropy in this thread - I like humanity as a concept and overall; I often don't like society, or at least its execution; and I generally find myself liking people as individuals once I get to know them. I don't know what that makes me. However, I have no illusions about nature being wonderful and caring and perfect - I know full well that if I hadn't been a human, amongst other humans, I would be dead. Besides, I like having a mind that can conceive of things beyond instincts and continued survival. I certainly think aspects of humanity are bad, but we have so much capacity for good, and just the capacity for the recognition that some things are evil (allowing us to refrain from doing them even if we want to), that I couldn't possibly condemn the entire species.