Lightning88 wrote:
I was originally diagnosed with AS back in 2003. But the only signs I show of it are the obsessions and the meltdowns. Otherwise, I can easily pass as a 'normal' person. I don't do any of the stims, I don't speak in monotone (not that everyone does or anything), and I'm very social and outgoing.
Well, the obsessions, vocabulary, knowledge, and some social issues were all anyone would have noticed when I was younger. MOST social issues were just because I should have been taught harder material, and were things that someone with NVLD would have. The meltdowns were always subtle and somewhat hidden. Some other things were just avoided, or mitigated.
The SPD things were ALSO subtle. I can stand much colder temperatures, and don't like some hot temperatures, but can handle things like HOT water pretty well. Noise was ok unless it was LOUD, like an alarm, or hit certain frequencies. I called tech support just yesterday for a company and every couple minutes their music hit a note that caused me great pain. I felt like STRANGLING someone. It didn't even add to the music. For some reason, FIVE companies I have called in the past 6 months have added these kinds of sounds to the music the use on hold. Normally, I can go for DECADES without hearing cacophonies like that!
Nobody accused ME of being autistic. I was in a normal school all the time.
As for stims, I never considered them as such. As for monotone? That happens only sometimes, and it is more towards a lack of emotion.
If we ever met IRL, you would probably wonder why I am on a site like this.
Anyway, NVLD DOES have a number of autistic traits, and even wikipedia seems to have a hard time distinguishing between NVLD and AS.