I cleaned my teeth less than an hour ago. I use salt and baking soda rather than toothpaste. I brush after most meals and floss most days. But this is after years of neglect, so my teeth would still shame a peasant. They're plaqueless now, which they weren't for several years, and that revealed a few areas of decalcification. They were smaller than I'd dared to hope, though. They also seem easier to clean the healthier I eat. They seem to need it less. Like, if I eat a lot of junk, I can't get them very clean at all, but after a healthy meal they barely need brushing.
If there's plaque, I also brush before bed. Because of the decalcification, I use a paste (not toothpaste; it's meant to be rubbed on and then left on) containing bio-available calcium and phosphate every day unless I'm traveling and didn't bring it.
When I don't have a toothbrush, I use my shirt over the outside surfaces and chew gum sweetened with xylitol.
On this regimen and with a couple of visits to the dentist, I've gone from unbelievably horrendous teeth to bad teeth. They're still yellow and mottled, but they don't usually feel like they're about to fall out.
I'm using a non-verbal right now. I wish you could see it. --dyingofpoetry