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22 Mar 2008, 9:48 pm

nirrti_rachelle wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
I would bn paying people to do NOTHING! That INCLUDES "teachers" that are simply baby sitters or teach "art", etc...

I would ban the misconception that teachers are essentially high-end baby-sitters who only work 8-3pm and get two months vacation......says a future special ed teacher.

I'm doing 30 hours of field observation this semester and the things teachers have to go through would traumatize Freddy Krueger. And if you want to work your butt off like you've never done in your entire existence, become a teacher.
Agreed! Most teachers have to deal with verbal abuse, and when a student doesn't have a good parent in their lives, the teacher gets ALL the consquences.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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22 Mar 2008, 9:49 pm

I've thought of some more...

Real Player. Enough said.

Postage Stamps. Too expensive.

Teenagers hanging out at the mall in groups of 4 or more.

Anything related to that movie "Cars". It looks so stupid, especially that tow truck.

Shaving. Laser hair removal would be better than losing a ton of time to standing in front of a mirror with a razor.

Pizza parties. Some of us can't eat pizza because of stomach conditions (and can't drink soda either because our tongues are hypersensitive).

Burger King. Hudson Meat Recall, anyone?

The song "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie. I have to hear this one at work all the time. For one thing, the Four Seasons have a far superior song by the same name and this song tarnishes that excellent piece of Frankie Valli excellence. Also, the song sounds like it was written and sung by a middle school girl who probably dresses like Britney Spears.

Britney Spears with a shaved head. It's just freaky.

Incandescent light bulbs. They're depressing. Oh wait, they are going to be banned in four years anyways! (high fives the government)


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22 Mar 2008, 9:50 pm

Averick wrote:
Golf Courses and the Yuppies who use them.

And Religion again.
Not all of them are Yuppies :(:(:( My mom's boyfriend relaxs by golfing, and it's good exercise.


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22 Mar 2008, 9:51 pm

And one of my favourite songs is "Big Girls Don't Cry".


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22 Mar 2008, 11:02 pm

I would ban US companies that employ illegal workers. I would also ban companies that move workers overseas.


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23 Mar 2008, 12:07 am

Any US company that outsources or buys foreign goods
kids under 16 from wearing Hollister/Abercrombie/Victoria's Secret PINK and the like, one thing that drives me up the wall are prosti-tots.


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23 Mar 2008, 12:14 am

there should be a dumb person ban, when I say dumb, i mean the kind of people that are so dumb that they are blind to what is around them
over pronunciation of constenants
rap music that is played so loud that the person five cars behind them can understand the lyrics


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23 Mar 2008, 1:48 am

Ignorance. Completely impossible, but I can dream. (In a hypothetical manner at least.)


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23 Mar 2008, 2:24 am

Bad music.

People who like bad music.

People who jump at the chance to take offense at anything, even if it's for something that doesn't apply to them.

People who think all dark humor is MEAN and NOT FUNNY because suffering and humor could not possibly coincide ever.

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Snowy Owl

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23 Mar 2008, 2:35 am

Pharmaceutical Commercials -- your doctor should prescribe what is best for you without you feeling like you should beg the doctor for some drug that probably hasn't even been sufficiently tested because it has an entertaining commercial. Doctors shouldn't be allowed to be bribed by the pharmaceutical companies either!! What happened to integrity in the medical industry?

Reality gameshows that involve the public suffering of poor people for the entertainment of the masses.

Giving 100's of billions of dollars in federal aid to illegal immigrants.. instead of the citizens of the U.S.

A lot of the excessive violence on broadcast television. Every time I turn the tube on it's bloody. I hardly ever even watch it anymore..

I just read on the internet that some sex offender is running for mayor.. A registered sex-offender shouldn't be allowed to run for mayor.. if there is some extenuating circumstances concerning the conviction, then they need to get that cleared first...

Edited to add: O.K, I just responded to the title of the thread and just read some of the posts, including the opener to the thread and realize this was more of a light-hearted thread. I kindof just answered the topic title with whatever came to the top of my head.... Now, it's all of a sudden.. a "serious thread" hmm.. didn't mean to be the "party-pooper" Ha, I tend to do that sometimes in real life too.. Since someone has already quoted my post, I won't alter it though.. It IS how I really feel and i'm sure there's alot of other things I'd ban too if I gave it more thought.. ;)

Yeah, like someone here said -- The cars that blast the rap music so loud that it shakes items in your home as they pass by... that is a good one to ban!

Last edited by MusicMaker1 on 23 Mar 2008, 3:32 am, edited 2 times in total.


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23 Mar 2008, 2:42 am

MusicMaker1 wrote:
Pharmaceutical Commercials -- your doctor should prescribe what is best for you without you feeling like you should beg the doctor for some drug that probably hasn't even been sufficiently tested because it has an entertaining commercial. Doctors shouldn't be allowed to be bribed by the pharmaceutical companies either!! What happened to integrity in the medical industry?

Seconded, thirded, and fourth...ted...

That's something I b***h about any chance I get. It's wrong on so many levels. It should not be legal for drugs to be advertised the way they are.


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23 Mar 2008, 4:18 am

I would ban people from banning things.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Mar 2008, 4:28 am

I would ban people who wants to ban things.

They obviously lack perspective. Nuff said.

Narrowminded people suck :?


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23 Mar 2008, 5:30 am

Narrow minded people don't want to ban anything because it's too hard.

I'll ban wilful narrow mindedness (the above two posts are great examples of this) on top of other things.

Hey - maybe someon should do a count because there has been a lot of similar lines of thinking through this thread!


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23 Mar 2008, 5:46 am

I would ban people lacking a sense of humor who jump onto a thread on their second post on a forum, to say something like "BANNING IZ WRONG OMG!" without first checking to see that most of this is all tongue in cheek.

Dismount from the high horse guys, mkay? :roll:

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Mar 2008, 5:57 am

ford_prefects_kid wrote:
I would ban people lacking a sense of humor who jump onto a thread on their second post on a forum, to say something like "BANNING IZ WRONG OMG!" without first checking to see that most of this is all tongue in cheek.

Dismount from the high horse guys, mkay? :roll:

Dont get humor a lot, no?