asperience wrote:
One of the big areas I struggle with these days is hiding my AS life from NTs. These days a large portion of my socialization is with other Aspies, and many of them are "closeted" high functioning Aspies. They don't want their NT friends to know they are AS, so I live in constant fear of having an NT friend of my AS friend ask "so how did you meet [the AS friend]?" And having to lie to avoid the truth that we met at an AS meeting. Even if I have days to think of an excuse, I just can't bring myself to say something false, and I can't figure out a way of avoiding the question, so I really feel trapped.
Any suggestions from those who say you're good liars on how to answer "where did you meet so and so" if you don't want to say?
For me, I talk around the question till I find a better question that I can actually answer. People do know I'm beating around the bush tho, so I wouldn't say it's convincing, just makes life easier for myself. I use another tactic if my brain's running quickly-the art of half truth. If there was coffee being served there, maybe you could say you struck up a conversation while getting coffee. Perfectly true, eh? Leave out the details, and you can jump straight into the discussion you had, and totally leave that nasty little question behind. My mind isn't that quick all the time tho, but this has worked to avoid many a question.
Still grateful.
" you really think you're in control...?"
Diagnosis: uncertain.