Why are so many Aspies on here getting disablility income?

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09 Sep 2008, 12:26 pm

In my case, aside from the sensory problems which are incredibly overwhelming for me, and the general social challenges which are rather extensive, I have limited verbal skills and have taken much abuse in the workplace, I guess because people don't understand and begin to target me for their hostility. I've had people thow food at me off of a salad bar, for example, while I was trying to work, and why I honestly don't know. I had taken enough abuse already and just couldn't take anymore. My skills are better utilized anyway through visual arts. I'm sure you can find fault here too with there being little merit to the work I do. That's okay. I'm sort of used to it.


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09 Sep 2008, 12:29 pm

As others have said, there's a good chance that those "ret*d" people working in ticket booths and bagging your groceries are part of some supported employment program. They might be getting SSI as well, but a much lower payment because they're working.

Despite what you might think, it's actually difficult to get on SSI as pretty much everyone gets denied, so those who have a true disability often win with an appeal. I admit I get SSI after going through the appeals process, but for me, it's still a temporary thing until I find a job that pays better. I have had problems getting past the interview process when it comes to being hired, and the only jobs I was able to get were seasonal ones. I did get hired as a bookkeeper for a grocery store that had been remodeled, but after my training was done, the store got some of their older bookkeepers and other employees to come back, so I was laid off. The other bookkeeper I was training with was also laid off, but this person was NT.

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09 Sep 2008, 12:32 pm

coyote wrote:
Anyone else here took 5 minutes to read the OP's other posts and thread ? Please gang, stop feeding the troll.... there is no way that guy has AS, he stinks NT :evil:

Just as one question his ability to judge, must direct it there as well - to think you can assign a diagnosis based on your impression on someone's posts is simply ridiculous. I don't like his way of thinking, but he has the right to it. There have been some moments of good conversation arising from his inflammatory posts... why don't we focus on expanding that instead of telling people what to do?


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09 Sep 2008, 12:45 pm

...to think you can assign a diagnosis based on your impression on someone's posts is simply ridiculous

LOL!! ! that's what psys do all the time.

btw, he's self-diag, so my opinion about it is as good as his....


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09 Sep 2008, 12:51 pm

coyote wrote:
...to think you can assign a diagnosis based on your impression on someone's posts is simply ridiculous

LOL!! ! that's what psys do all the time.

btw, he's self-diag, so my opinion about it is as good as his....

I'm SD as well, albeit with familial connections to the spectrum, and in process for DX. Psys don't read posts; they read behaviors and patterns... so I don't quite agree with what you say.


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09 Sep 2008, 1:02 pm

and how do they read those ? they open the skull ? they ask you questions to which you answer using (spoken) words and they make you fill forms using your hand and a pencil..... in the end, they're reading what you have to say!


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09 Sep 2008, 2:01 pm

Indeed - but not in a text only environment... there is additional information, and it is often semi-directed to glean additional information. Difference exists, period.


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09 Sep 2008, 2:19 pm

I can't bear to work among others and STRUGGLE to survive financially as self employed. Why the hell don't I get some asistance?? I'm not even entitled to sick pay - I'm never ill - yet a trading estate up in town gets assistance to the value of £100k (hundred k GB pounds) per job created!! ie ten jobs per million. The system is sick / sucks.


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09 Sep 2008, 2:42 pm

nirrti_rachelle wrote:
I've never been on disability but my aunt, who has bi-polar (or possibly schizo-affective disorder) has been on it for years.

She's in her 40s now and relies on my grandmother to take care of her since she's incapable of living on her on. And let me tell you, it's a struggle for her to keep the little bit of benefits she's getting. You wouldn't believe the hoops they make people jump through to prove they're eligible.

My grandmother has to give these folks letters from two relatives and herself, each with a detailed, down to the minute account of what my aunt does all day. My aunt also has to go through several interviews with a social security worker plus get doctors' reports, diagnosis, medical history, symptoms, every single thing about herself. I'm talking about someone who can't even go out on her own anymore and is on dialysis because her kidneys failed (the 10 years on Lithium did it)....and my grandmother still has to file paperwork every year so my aunt can keep her little bit of SSI and Medicaid.

Do not believe that lie about people on benefits playing the system for one second. The government makes the applying process so hard even on the remote chance you get anything, you'll still have to keep proving you need it, even for conditions that are incurable or terminal. And lord help someone who doesn't have a lawyer, advocate or relative guiding them through the process.

That is one of the main reasons why I've finally decided to get off the fence, take the plunge and apply to law school, with the approval and support of my lawyer husband. I've been a paralegal for many years and I now represent clients in the tribal court of the reservation we live on (in tribal courts, you don't have to be an attorney to represent tribal members in court). I'm tired of knowing what to do for people and not being able to do it 'cause I don't have J.D. after my name. I'm tired of seeing so many people get screwed over all the time and so many people in such desperate need but who are without any legal assistance. I'm tired of knowledgeable attorneys using their skills only for corporate defense and enrichment, the defense of vulture insurance companies, collection agencies (especially medical, those are the worst) and governmental policies that screw people over big-time and think it's just peachy 'cause they make tons of money doing it. And I'm tired of seeing so many employers screw LD and AS people over time and time again and get away with it, while there are real people suffering.

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09 Sep 2008, 2:48 pm

westernwild wrote:
I'm tired of knowledgeable attorneys using their skills only for corporate defense and enrichment, the defense of vulture insurance companies, collection agencies (especially medical, those are the worst) and governmental policies that screw people over big-time and think it's just peachy 'cause they make tons of money doing it. And I'm tired of seeing so many employers screw LD and AS people over time and time again and get away with it, while there are real people suffering.

AMen- and once you are on- I stiill find it incredible that you care not even allowed to MARRY! THat's so anti- Freedom, etc. So Anti-American. You can't work, marry, own a house......you are dependent for life. All for health care. That is so evil it's almost Nazi style.


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09 Sep 2008, 2:53 pm

Sorenna wrote:
westernwild wrote:
I'm tired of knowledgeable attorneys using their skills only for corporate defense and enrichment, the defense of vulture insurance companies, collection agencies (especially medical, those are the worst) and governmental policies that screw people over big-time and think it's just peachy 'cause they make tons of money doing it. And I'm tired of seeing so many employers screw LD and AS people over time and time again and get away with it, while there are real people suffering.

AMen- and once you are on- I stiill find it incredible that you care not even allowed to MARRY! THat's so anti- Freedom, etc. So Anti-American. You can't work, marry, own a house......you are dependent for life. All for health care. That is so evil it's almost Nazi style.

I'm a bit confused. Do you mean not allowed to marry if you're on disability? Because there are lots of people on disability who are, indeed, married. It's just that the spouse's income is usually taken into consideration as well. At least, I'm pretty sure it is, would have to double check on that.

Queen of the anti-FAAAS. FAAAS does NOT speak for me and many other families!!

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09 Sep 2008, 3:04 pm

westernwild wrote:
Sorenna wrote:
westernwild wrote:
I'm tired of knowledgeable attorneys using their skills only for corporate defense and enrichment, the defense of vulture insurance companies, collection agencies (especially medical, those are the worst) and governmental policies that screw people over big-time and think it's just peachy 'cause they make tons of money doing it. And I'm tired of seeing so many employers screw LD and AS people over time and time again and get away with it, while there are real people suffering.

AMen- and once you are on- I stiill find it incredible that you care not even allowed to MARRY! THat's so anti- Freedom, etc. So Anti-American. You can't work, marry, own a house......you are dependent for life. All for health care. That is so evil it's almost Nazi style.

I'm a bit confused. Do you mean not allowed to marry if you're on disability? Because there are lots of people on disability who are, indeed, married. It's just that the spouse's income is usually taken into consideration as well. At least, I'm pretty sure it is, would have to double check on that.

WesternWild, I am sure you are correct about that. After all, it becomes the spouse's duty to provide the support. Government support is intended for those who cannot support themselves AND do not have someone else legally required to support them that can financially do so. A spouse, of course, alters that equation. Although, I can see it leading to some bizarre results ...

After reading this and a thread on the parenting board, I've realized that as a parent I cannot in conscious expect my AS child to stand alone once he is 21. He will need me for a while after that. May as well accept that now and start preparing. I think he will stand a stronger chance of becoming his best self without the handcuffs that can come with government assistance. He has amazing gifts and he should be able to make a good living off of them. It just may take support and channeling, just as shinning in school does. While having someone else pay the dime would be a relief, I don't want to do that at the cost of him never achieving his career dream (he wants to be an inventor). So ... it's a long road ahead. And knowing what might prevent him from earning his own living is important to choosing support, services and training at this young age, and to helping him choose courses, etc. No parent raises their child with the intent of having them go on disability, after all. We're just grateful it's there if it turns out to be needed. And I'll do my best to help my child so it won't be.

But I can't control the future, even though I've got tools that weren't there 10 or 20 years ago, things may not be what I have hopes for. I'll just do my best and, truly, all your stories help me with that.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).

Last edited by DW_a_mom on 09 Sep 2008, 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Sep 2008, 3:06 pm

ProtossX wrote:
actually having done both school and work

school is actually much harder socially with peers and meeting expectations of a teacher is almost equally or more so demanding then a real job.

teachers ask you to do group projects together is much more demanding then a job where you do a simple task like store books or boxes or what have you with little to no socialization at all which your complaining about

in fact all uve done is complain

you people are lazier then anything ive ever seen before and no you are not disabled like most of the people who i think should get it

YOU CAN LIVE ON ur own in ur own apartment pay bills and feed yourself but you can't WORK? ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU ARE NOT DISABLED


I Hope the government personally visits some of ur apartments an finds out how really able you are when you have to live on the street instead of gettin these free pay checks handed your way of course you can't handle working when its not life or death but u can go to school an spend spend spend on yourself an who cares if u cant have a car or tons of money in ur bank ur GETTIN money for doing absolutely nothing at all an it just keeps funneling in an out so what does it matter

ProtessX I find your posts self-centered and ignorant. Grow the f**k up and shut up. You don't know s**t.


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09 Sep 2008, 3:10 pm

ChristinaCSB wrote:
ProtossX wrote:
actually having done both school and work

school is actually much harder socially with peers and meeting expectations of a teacher is almost equally or more so demanding then a real job.

teachers ask you to do group projects together is much more demanding then a job where you do a simple task like store books or boxes or what have you with little to no socialization at all which your complaining about

in fact all uve done is complain

you people are lazier then anything ive ever seen before and no you are not disabled like most of the people who i think should get it

YOU CAN LIVE ON ur own in ur own apartment pay bills and feed yourself but you can't WORK? ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU ARE NOT DISABLED


I Hope the government personally visits some of ur apartments an finds out how really able you are when you have to live on the street instead of gettin these free pay checks handed your way of course you can't handle working when its not life or death but u can go to school an spend spend spend on yourself an who cares if u cant have a car or tons of money in ur bank ur GETTIN money for doing absolutely nothing at all an it just keeps funneling in an out so what does it matter

ProtessX I find your posts self-centered and ignorant. Grow the f**k up and shut up. You don't know sh**.

I am no longer responding to anything that he says, especially reading the other posts that he writes and responds to on other forums.. just as obnoxious, if not more.

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09 Sep 2008, 3:22 pm

Hi SPOKANE GIRL!! ! I saw benny and joon when it first came out in theaters and the guy behind me said 'cool song' in the theater..

AS to the post question: You tell me! We were turned down for disability.. i have seen 'mentally disabled' people who are better able to hold a grocery clerk bagger job than i.. the distractions and noise are terrible for the hypersensitive and i ended up usually quitting or being fired.. secondly, I was TURNED DOWN for disability and labeled 'some anxiety'. uh huh, they asperger spectrum issue was never even a part of the diagnosis ..i took my OWN barron-cohen test and scored 26 out of 32, 32 being asperger adult.. i diagnosed myself correctly in 1997 and got zero suppport from anyone in getting or maintaining a job and still managed to work over 40 jobs since age 16.

Spokane_Girl wrote:
ProtossX wrote:
I've seen mentally ret*d people doing ticket booth's in movie theatres and serving/cleaning things and doing basic task's

Why is that so many aspies on here are on disability income and don't work at all?

I'm not talkin about the people who are getting some on the side im talkin about the ppl just using disability for there income when they know they can work as much as someone who is mentally challenged or what have you being asperger or autism is realy no excuse for not working if you take look at what other people with even more problems are able to do, what makes them entitled to welfare?

Are you Shleed?


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09 Sep 2008, 3:28 pm

ProtossX wrote:
actually having done both school and work

school is actually much harder socially with peers and meeting expectations of a teacher is almost equally or more so demanding then a real job.

teachers ask you to do group projects together is much more demanding then a job where you do a simple task like store books or boxes or what have you with little to no socialization at all which your complaining about

in fact all uve done is complain

you people are lazier then anything ive ever seen before and no you are not disabled like most of the people who i think should get it

YOU CAN LIVE ON ur own in ur own apartment pay bills and feed yourself but you can't WORK? ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU ARE NOT DISABLED


I Hope the government personally visits some of ur apartments an finds out how really able you are when you have to live on the street instead of gettin these free pay checks handed your way of course you can't handle working when its not life or death but u can go to school an spend spend spend on yourself an who cares if u cant have a car or tons of money in ur bank ur GETTIN money for doing absolutely nothing at all an it just keeps funneling in an out so what does it matter

Let's look at this, shall we... First, you still haven't given any explanation of your age and experience. Second, school is more challenging than working FOR YOU as an individual. Sorry to break this to you, but you are not the standard bearer or gleaming example of how things are supposed to be or how they work for others. Third, what work experience do you have? In my own, I had more group work there than ever in school. Fourth, how one is impaired can vary greatly - I function well at home, but poorly around others. My personal opinion of what you said is something I shall keep private - if you wish to know, feel free to PM and I will explain it to you. But you need to step back, stop thinking you're the center of the universe and quit judging others. Seemingly, you're the one with the problem with others, so perhaps your efforts would be better spent there instead of trying to dictate to others how things are 'supposed' to be.


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