Wow, good idea to put it into a list, it would interesting to hear from lots and lots of people filling this out and adding more to get a general idea of such traits.
- Anxiety -
- Clumsiness -
- Talking a lot/talking very little -
- Talking fast/ loudly -
- Naive/gullable -
- Can't multitask -
- "Rigid" thinking -
- Odd/bad posture/gait -
- "Can't" make eye contact - an official criterion:
DSM-IV-TR wrote:
marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviours
- Poor/odd sense of humour -
- Hypersensitivity/Hyposensitiveity -
- Difficulty with transistion/change - an official criterion though:
DSM-IV-TR wrote:
apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals;
- Dislikes/"can't stand" being touched -
- Difficulty determining proper body space -
- Trouble dealing with/controlling anger -
- Depends a lot on concrete fact, logic, or images -
- Thinks in pictures (spelled-out words or images) -
- Difficulty expressing thoughts and ideas with words -
- Depends on words, rather than intuition, to find out how people think and feel -
- Observes and analyzes social situations (rather than intuitively understanding them) -
- Follows their own inner truth or logic, rather than being easily influenced by others - somewhat an official criterion, because it's part of/result of:
DSM-IV-TR wrote:
lack of social or emotional reciprocity
DSM-IV-TR wrote:
failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
- Feels uncomfortable in emotionally intense situations -
- Tends to analyze/a preference for logical thinking -
- Has difficulty remembering names/phone numbers -
- Arranges and organizes things -
- Mimics socially adept people -
- Doesn't lie/use sarcasm -
- Takes everything literally/doesn't "get" sarcasm -
- Has a strong sense of social justice - partly
- Thinks "outside the box" -
- Gastrointestinal problems -
- Tendency to get lost -
- Trouble falling asleep -
- Stutters/stammers -
- Toe Walking -
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett