Mw99 wrote:
Suppose that you and some woman have a discussion or some sort of misunderstanding. Depending on how vicious the woman is, she can call the cops and tell them that you beat her up or tried to rape her. The cops will arrive and promptly arrest you, no questions asked. If you are charming and articulate enough to convince the judge that the woman in question is lying, you might get off with just a tiny little stain on your criminal record; otherwise, your life goes straight to hell, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
so yeah, I am more afraid of women than I am of men.
there are very few girls that would do that in australia where i live (accuse you of abuse)........ if they liked you.
very very few.
if they would not want to keep you as a friend they would make trouble for you and tell you to go.
why would they decide that they wanted to accuse you of bad things if they liked you?
the girls you speak of do not like you i think.
and if you are innocent, then you can just sit there in your innocence and do nothing and watch them lie themselves into inescapable corners.
i would choose better girls to hang out with than ones who are so strictly hurt by chronic improvidence, that they have legal things in mind.
there are some extremely beautiful souls in this world that are sitting alone at this minute.
do not waste time chasing randomly cute bodies that may have a mind that is completely incompatible with yours.