Good idea Millie,
After the warning you have posted about how some people have passed themselves off as "Artists," and on further study have been shown to be in fact, not our best examples of good citizens, there should be tests and standards enforced by the government to keep such things from ever happening again.
Some of these "Artists" have even shown people naked, and dared to call their pornographic filth art.
We need strict testing, mental health evaluation, IQ testing, home inspection, family history, and then a judging by a board of trained professionals, such as Psychologists, Social Workers, Religious Leaders, to prevent any subversive filth be shown to the public, under the claim of Art.
We owe it to the future generations to only show the true best of ourselves to the public to assure they will think of our time as being morally upright and Progressive.
All art should be government sponsored, board certified, and approved for content before being seen.
It should reflect the Noble Statesmanship of our leaders, the self sacrifice of government workers, Captains of Industry, and Teachers of Religious Truth.
All other forms of Media have voluntarily accepted these truths, and report what is in the best interest of the population to hear, clear and simple ideas about how we live in the best possible of all worlds.
The "Arts" must be made to see the wisdom of following God's plan for mankind, brought to us by Our Nobel Government, or they must be banned, nay, made an illegal act, subject to the most harsh of punishment.
IQ testing is a good start, then Loyality Oaths.