Yensid wrote:
Why do they ignore instructions, then lie and say that they read them and followed them. If they actually read the instructions and followed them, I wouldn't have to fix their mistakes.
I have done this. It's so embarrassing. Except I wasn't lying. I really did read the instructions. I really did follow them. But when the person goes over the instructions line by line with me, it always turns out that I missed a sentence. When you are following directions, every sentence matters. I eventually noticed a pattern in myself which is that this happens with directions that are written as a wall of text (a surprising number, actually). Now I re-write all wall of text instructions into vertical instructions. Like so;
Flip the left side switch up. Turn dial to left 3 times. Listen for beep and then disengage switch. Turn dial to right 4 times. etc. etc. etc.
I re-write as this:
Flip the left side switch up
Turn dial to left 3 times
Listen for beep and then disengage switch
Turn dial to left 4 times
etc etc etc
Otherwise the other person (you!) will have to repair the damge that comes from failing to disengage the switch after the beep even though I am positive I read the directions.
Of course this helpful re-formatting is only helpful for people who have the exact same problem as me and are willing to go to the bother of reformatting.