I was looking on Facebook at my NT cousin's page and all her friends (they're aged around 17 to 21 or older), and most of the things they write on each other’s wall makes no sense. One of them wrote to another, ''love da way u punched me in da face todayy
x lol xx'', and I thought why would you like it if somebody punched you in the face, even as a joke? If I punched a friend in the face as a joke, they'll be sure to act shocked. And they're always swearing at eachother and abusing eachother, but as in joking, but if somebody joked to me saying, ''are you sleeping with that really weird bloke again? lol haha'', and I put back, ''f**k off lol xx
'', they'll think I really mean it, even if I wrote, ''luv u'' aswell, and added ''haha'' and ''lol'', and all the other little signs to tell you that they're just joking. If a friend on Facebook wrote back ''f**k off xx
lol....love u'' to me, I would subconsciously know that it was just in a joke form, and would not get offended (and I'm an Aspie!) But if they just wrote ''f**k off'' without no kisses or any other sign of humour, I would get offended.
I would have thought NTs knew better with all this humorous messaging.