Your funniest Asperger's moment
It took me a couple weeks to figure out in the 3DS game Disney Magical World 2 what a Hot Theme is. I thought it was food that was supposed to be hot so I would look at the food and see if it was hot food or cold food. Anything that was cooked like Pasta or anything that would be heated, I would make it to serve to the guests and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't counting towards my cafe requests. Then I figured out a Hot Theme was a food that is popular for the day and it shows up on the top screen. That is what they meant by Hot. Hot=popular.
Funny story I will never forget from my mother. We were both in London and we were at Kensington Palace. My mom stops a lady who worked there asking her who lived in the apartments there and she said Diane's family did and other families of the Prince and I asked how much they paid to live there because I wanted to see how expensive it was to live in London and she sounded very rude because of her tone of voice. She said "Are you deaf? They're royal, they pay nothing." She and my mom are talking and I learn the city pays for their power and trash and sewer and everything and I go "wait a minute, the taxes pay for their food and their fun and luxuries and their parties and all their bills" and she goes "yeah because they're royal" and I said "That is like paying for the welfare." My mom pulled me away from her fast telling me it was time to go. I was oblivious. Everyone gets a laugh out of this story when I tell it and even some people from the UK have told me online it is like paying for the welfare and to not worry about my comment. But boy did my mom tell me the lady's mouth fell open. She sounded rude to me anyway just by the tone.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
I was watching TV, Food Network. This guy said he used to be a dishwasher. I literally thought he used to be a dishwasher machine.
One time my mom said that one of my guinea pigs were stuck in the house. I said, "Of course, what, you want me to go put him outside?". Took me awhile to realize she meant the house in the guinea pig cage.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 176 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 21 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
AQ: 44
It kept me calm, and I was feeling pretty good about my ability to handle my anxiety in the situation, but after we left, my mom turned to me and said, "She kept tugging her neckline up. Why was she so uncomfortable?"
Then I realized. For the last ten minutes, I had been staring at that necklace dangling directly above her cleavage. I was just staring outright at her chest. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. My mom thought it was hilarious, but I'm still mortified at the thought of returning to that office.
I did that once, to the apartment complex manager, while paying my rent. She was making out my receipt, and talking to me, and when she looked up, she pulled up her sweater. I was just staring into space, waiting for her to finish, until she did that; I had not noticed her cleavage was directly in my line of sight. I didn't even find her attractive, my mind was totally blank.

"I don't mean to sound bitter, cynical or cruel - but I am, so that's how it comes out." - Bill Hicks
So I was over at a friend's (who is an NT) house back a couple of weeks and we were just kicking back and playing video games, watching youtube and telling jokes
So we decided to play Mortal Combat XL and during one of our matches I chose sub zero, then I decided to intentionaly make a very sh***y pun to see his reaction. I said " You need to chill" (considering all of his powers has to do with ice) Then as I expected he gave me this look like he couldn't believe I just said that.
This is where it gets interesting. He attempts to make a shittier pun him self. The charecter he chose was predator (from the alien vs. Predator movie) and said "wait until you see mine" pointing out that pointing out the charecter is a part of his joke because the Predator has a invisibility power he can use. I didn't see the irony behind it so I ask him what he ment. He said "dude do you not get the joke?" Then I made the poor yet hilarious Assumption that he was making a joke about pedophilia. He responded "WHAT THE f**k!?!? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT IDEA!?"
So then I had to properly tell him that I thought that because his characters name is predator and the fact he said "wait til you see mine" made me had my head in the gutter. We both found it pretty funny actually.
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 17 Jun 2017
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Posts: 29
Location: Ontario, Canada
When I was very young I would develop really strong obsessions with certain TV and Book characters to the point where I would try to become exactly like them. One of my funniest and cringiest aspergers moments would probably be when for like 2 and a half months when I was in the 6th grade I tried to become James Bond. I would dress like him, carry around a fake walkie talkie, and try to force my peers at school to play "secret agents" with me. Whenever I said my name I even did it the way Bond does. You know, Bond, James Bond. This lasted until my parents, peers and teachers eventually started to get fed up with my shenanigans and I was forced to leave my second life as a secret spy behind, and join the real world again...
I cringe at this memory, but I still have some hilarious videos and pictures of me from this phase of my life. You haven't lived until you've seen a home video of a chubby autistic kid do somersaults, wearing all black, with a plastic flip phone taped to their bratz belt. Ahhh, so nostalgic...
You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same- Kurt Cobain
I went to my doctor after I'd been diagnosed and asked him if he thought I was autistic enough to be autistic, he seemed more confused than I was, I found it hard to accept and still go through storms, I suppose it's quite humorous when I attempt to look at it from the outside, he couldn't exactly do anything further about it lol.
I dated a girl once and left my hat over at her house. She send me a picture of her holding a gun to my hat (her airsoft gun) pretending she was holding it hostage.
I know she didn't mean to freak me out, but it freaked me out! Guns scare me.
We don't see each other any more, but I hope she can laugh about it now.
I once overheard my mom talking to my father and she was talking about one of our neighbors' homes. She said she wasn't like the *Lowells and I interpreted that as her saying she doesn't like them. So at school on the weekend when they were doing the carnival thing, my mom was volunteering there and that neighbor was there because her son went to that school too and they were just talking and I saw them together so I went up to her and asked "Mom why are you talking to her, you said you don't like her." Mom told me 'I never said that' and I said "yes you did, you said you don't like her so why are you talking to her?" and my mom is apologizing to her saying she doesn't know where I got that from and the neighbor's eyes were wide and she walked away. I made our family an outcast on the block so whenever she and her husband would throw a party, they would invite the whole entire block over but us and she never spoke to my mother again. She never got over it because this went on for two years until we moved and I don't know if she still threw neighborhood parties after we moved. Some passive aggressive behavior there. My mom never bothered to try to her to try and sort out the misunderstanding.But man my lack of social filter caused all this.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
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