Responding to the OP, in case there has been any digression:
Probably like most people with AS, my answer to this question is yes. My teachers called me "brilliant"; everyone I've ever known has, to my knowledge, regarded me as at least intelligent (this was always my label in social circles). However, this is coupled with an almost disablingly bad short-term memory and extremely poor language skills (writing skills considerably better, speaking skills in 'comfortable', one-sided situations also considerably better), so I would not have been surprised if the opposite was true. Its strange how people can hold such opinions of somebody who is so generally low-functioning .
I certainly have always felt (up until suggestions that I might have AS and correspondingly did a bit, and then a lot, of research on it) that this is a sign of my basic and total lack of intelligence -- I long thought that I was simply so unintelligent that it had come full circle, and couldn't be measured on IQ tests (or detected by my peers and seniors).