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12 Apr 2011, 9:47 pm

Sometimes people treat me like I'm stupid, but they later tell me how smart I am. They know I'm smart but they almost don't believe it because I function so differently than them.

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.


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12 Apr 2011, 10:07 pm

Markmagnum wrote:
I now realise, that most dumb people, judge a person's intelligence not by their actions or intellect, but by their apearance. If you have low confidence or seem depressed, have a slow wit, are slow to anger, or don't have a take charge personality,dumb people will think your stupid. (And if your not white, a man, or good-looking, all bets are off) But if your smug,domineering,bossy, and arrogant,dumb people will think your smart(even though they wouldn't know intellect if it bit them in the junk.

Oh yes, many a research indicates how outspoken you are correlates with how smart you appear to others, regardless of your actual intellect. There may be exceptions in certain environments (Such as the shy kid who turns in tests first and gets a 100% every time.), but that's the general trend.


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02 May 2011, 4:48 am

I think most people are stupid.

Someone I work with is with a control-freak, and she comes into work all bruised and beaten, but still is always defending him. I never look at her and think, ''oh she has Autism then.'' Because she doesn't.

Once someone who had no money and was on the dole was saying to me that they didn't have enough money to buy any food or drink, and that they had to borrow some money from a relative. Then they turned into a shop and brought some cigarettes, which were more expensive than a bottle of drink, also more unhealthier.

Another thing about cigarettes is when we were in the big freeze, back in December, everybody was avoiding going outside at work. Someone even asked me to take some bags out of the back (because I already had gloves on). Then someone pulled a cigarette from her pocket and said, ''I'm just going outside for a cigarette - anyone coming with me?'' And half the workers who smoked went outside with her.

Stupid or what?!

Also, a group of young men were in a car and decided to have a bit of fun, so they decided to drive backwards for more than 3 miles, on busy street roads. They damaged their car, damaged other people's cars and fences, damaged lamp posts, and caused a crash on a roundabout.
Now, where's the sense in that? They didn't need to drive backwards. They knew the problems it would caused, but at the same time didn't, otherwise they would have been scared to do it, and they weren't aware of the amount of money they had to pay for the damage afterwards. And these were NTs. Now, if that ain't stupid, what is?

Why do people here think that NTs are perfect in every way when they bloody ain't!


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02 May 2011, 9:13 am

I've never been looked upon as stupid, but then again. I might as well just be too stupid to realize it :lol:


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02 May 2011, 12:27 pm

Of course neurotypical people think that I am stupid. It is merely because I defy the social conventions of common sense. For this I am severely punished. At work I am given the most lowly assignments and I am never promoted. Neurotypical people thought that Albert Einstein was a ret*d before he came up with his theory of relativity. The neurotypical teachers slammed Einstein and cheated him out of his grades by only giving him a C when he deserved an A.


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02 May 2011, 12:32 pm

Joe90 wrote:
Why do people here think that NTs are perfect in every way when they bloody ain't!

I think "perfection" is the last conclusion one could possibly draw from discussions about NTs on this forum. "NTs are all stupid" seems to be fairly common, in fact. I realize you didn't say that either, but I thought I'd point it out.


Abused partners often experience something like Stockholm Syndrome (or maybe it just is Stockholm Syndrome) and defend and stay with their abusers. This isn't a matter of intelligence, but a matter of mental health. There are also a lot of other reasons as to why someone wouldn't leave, such as worries that the abusive partner might kill them and so on, but they're not going to say any of that. They'll justify staying.

Cigarettes are addictive. Seriously addictive. It's very hard for people to give them up, and I know habitual smokers who won't consider removing them from the budget because the withdrawal is so severe.

Those guys in the car did something completely pointless.

What I don't understand is why, in a thread where people are talking about how they've been treated as if they're incompetent because they were visibly autistic, it's necessary to point out that NTs can be incompetent too - of course they can. But it's also true that NTs treat autistic people as incompetent because they see us do something autistic and think it reflects everything about us.


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02 May 2011, 12:59 pm

Neurotypical people get away with being incompetent because as long as they are following the social conventions they are perceived as being right.


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02 May 2011, 1:19 pm

androbot2084 wrote:
Neurotypical people get away with being incompetent because as long as they are following the social conventions they are perceived as being right.

Sometimes, but not always. There are other elements of privilege and social standing that have a bearing here.

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02 May 2011, 3:56 pm

Two small thoughts.

As we're (in general) not seeking (or directly awoiding) eye contact, we send signals that we're submissive.
And also the lack of, or querky, facial expressions gives us a stamp in our forehead.

I'we had a colleaque that insisted on talking down to me, based on my lo social skills, even thow he knew id outrun him in any tech matters.
After some months he confessed that he needed to bully, simply to reaffirm his selfrespect...


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02 May 2011, 5:27 pm

I have had neurotypical people insist that I was the most gullible person on Earth.


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03 May 2011, 6:33 am

In past often.
My brother call me 'stupid' somethimes.
When i went to school i have been called 'stupid' many times... not only, on bathroom of the school someone has wrote 'long life to A. that is stupid' (A is the initial of my name).
I have been called stupid even because i could not understand jokes.

Vaccines can cause cancer in cats. Think about that, before vaccine yours (I'm owner of a VAS survivor cat)
- Sorry for bad english (and bad norwegian), I'm italian -
2012 - år av nordlys... og sørlys.
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03 May 2011, 10:37 am

Yes, very often. One girl when one boy didn't invite me for his party, said him, she is also human being, poor she, invite her. I didn't care for invintation, i feel insulted from that girl. Many similar case like this one happened me.


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03 May 2011, 2:47 pm

When I was a child, everybody thought I had very low intelligence. They called me "backwards". But now people don't think that (unless they're just not telling me!)


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03 May 2011, 6:06 pm

My football coach in high school once called me the "dumbest smart kid he ever met". I liked him though. He made the most unintentionally funny quote I have ever read in the school newspaper.

They asked him: "who do you think will win the game this friday?"
His answer: "well both teams are evenly matched offensively and defensively. I think it's going to come down to whichever team scores the most points."


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03 May 2011, 6:18 pm

I was refused by all the local primary schools for being stupid - joke was on them, I was FAR smarter than my peers throughout school and by the time I left high school my headmaster was begging me to stay.

Now people think I'm stupid - not sure if it's the asperger's or the unemployment that makes people think I'm stupid, I don't exactly act intelligent and often try to prove that I am intelligent only to fail miserably...due to lack of communication and social skills. Since my 'attacks' (suspected minor strokes) a few years back I swear I'm working at half capacity, I'm just not as smart as I used to be, so perhaps I'm just noticing people treating me differently to how they used to or maybe I'm projecting onto myself. Who knows.


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03 May 2011, 7:22 pm

Unfortunately I was one of the people who were seen as dumb. In kindergarten, a teacher noticed something strange with how I bounced the ball and contacted my parents to indicate that she thinks I am challenged. After some tests at a local University, it was determined I wasn't mentally challenged. I didn't know what a "ret*d" was until some classmates kept calling me one and I asked my parents what it meant. I constantly had social problems in school and teachers were confident that I was at least mentally handicapped and I was sent of to a "special" school. I was in special education classes for most of my school years. I didn't have the wheelpower (still a problem) and instead of doing homework, wanted to play. Teachers saw my lack of participation in class and avoiding homework as a sign that I couldn't function at my grade level. At the special school, I was held back academically as I started learning Math, English, and other subjects that I had already learned so in the sixth grade I didn't even know how to divide! When I was sent to Junior high school (a normal school but I was in special ed courses), my teachers felt that I could learn Math and English and allowed me to study the basics that I missed in grade school and I took 7th grade algebra in the 9th grade. Since I had low self esteem and was told I would never be able to grasp such concepts, I struggled. In high school I started doing better and even was a teachers pet in a math class because I seemed to be the only student who did well in my teachers class. So I was considered dumb most of the time but there were times where I was considered at least of normal intelligence by teachers but classmates labeled me as dumb throughout school and even if there was evidence proving I wasn't dumb, they would ignore it. They remember me for the stupid mistakes I made in Physical Education and other courses and it got to the point I was fearful of going to PE and other classes where I was being made fun of. I went to college but struggled but it wasn't that I was dumb, it was because I was not motivated to do schoolwork. It took me longer than normal to graduate but a lot of my classmates were surprised with my skills when they saw me doing coursework because they weren't expecting me to be smart. Sorry for the long, lifetime story, but I tend to explain too much.