In my school district, ninth grade was at the junior high! Mine was the last ninth grade class at that school - after that ninth grade was at the senior high!
That year, I had one class at the senior high up the street right after lunch! I hated going to the lunch room, so I high-tailed it up there and asked if I could sit in the library until class time. The librarian I asked was a lady who was at my elementary school when I first transferred there in FIRST GRADE
She said I could.
So I noticed that during the lunch hour, there was a table of upperclassmen - four of them, who sat in there talking and laughing. My junior high school years were miserable and I longed for that type of friendship. I often spent lunch in the junior high library to avoid being bothered with other students who called themselves trying to make things hard for me.
So the next year, I was at the senior high and began making friends and stuff. I told a couple of them that I never go to the cafeteria, but to the library instead. I said, "Hey, let's meet up there." So after they ate, they would come on up and meet me. It became a regular thing with me and a couple of guys. Then a curious thing started to happen. More of my friends were joining us - one I reunited with from knowing each other in middle school (we had a class together at HS) plus others I met through her.
And then people I didn't even know started doing it. After a while, the library looked more like a student lounge than anything else! Drove the librarians CRAZY! When I graduated, the school declared that students could no longer go to the library without a pass from a teacher!
THOSE were the days!
I did not go looking for Asperger' found me by way of my Higher Power. Once we became acquainted, I found out that we had quite a bit in common and we became good friends. And then I landed on WrongPlanet!