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08 Jan 2013, 2:26 pm

Teredia wrote:
I have a wager going with a NT friend, she wont believe me that Coffee actually relaxes Aspies.....
What do you think?

Also Energy drinks make me bounce off the walls....
but i can drink a ton of coffee and it never effect me.

I also never get cravings for it if i havent drunk it so im not addicted.

SO yeah does coffee relax you? and its not an addiction?

It's weird because I don't feel the effects of caffeine ( or at least, I don't think so). When I first had a cup of coffee, I was very sleepy instead of jittery and tea usually calms me down. As for caffeinated soft drinks or energy drinks, same thing applies. As for cravings, I don't think I couldn't live without tea or coffee and sometimes I don't even drink it when I've made it because I'm doing something else and forget. Plus, I don't get withdrawal from not drinking it, so it can't be addiction.

I know that some people with ADHD find that caffeine has a relaxing effect on them, so I guess it's not too far fetched to think it would apply to other mental disorders.


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09 Jan 2013, 12:29 am

I had a cup of coffee once and fell asleep for about half an hour afterward....although that could just be bcuz it was decaf and I was feeling sleepy to begin with.

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09 Jan 2013, 1:05 am

Teredia wrote:
I have a wager going with a NT friend, she wont believe me that Coffee actually relaxes Aspies.....
What do you think?

Also Energy drinks make me bounce off the walls....
but i can drink a ton of coffee and it never effect me.

I also never get cravings for it if i havent drunk it so im not addicted.

SO yeah does coffee relax you? and its not an addiction?

Yes. It relaxes me and helps me focus. Puts me generally in a better mood, and this is even if I haven't had it for weeks.


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13 Feb 2013, 6:22 pm

I've always loved coffee. Just makes me happy, relaxes me. I've over done it before, but a few cups a day really has a really good affect. Never gonna stop ;)

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13 Feb 2013, 6:42 pm

MindBlind wrote:
I know that some people with ADHD find that caffeine has a relaxing effect on them, so I guess it's not too far fetched to think it would apply to other mental disorders.

Nature's Ritalin!! ! :twisted:

Coffee is the most relaxing substance in the world to me, I can drink a few cups and curl up for a nice nap. It calms my nerve, slows the rapid multitasking I'm prone to, and eases tension and aggression into manageability. It also helps my neurological function, my dyspraxia is HORRIBLE before that 1st cup. I often tell people I'm spilling my coffee and shaking because I haven't had my coffee yet. I walk like a drunk before coffee even........... 8O

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15 Feb 2013, 1:59 am

I don't drink coffee but I like Pepsi Max and I get no effect from the caffeine in that.

I was very surprised when I heard that cocoa was supposed to invigorate you. I have always become relaxed and drowsy by drinking cocoa. That's kinda similar. (and no, I'm not diabetic).

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15 Feb 2013, 2:39 am

Why am I so sensitive to caffeine? I hear of people downing 5+ cups a day and just shake my head and ask how?

I can only handle drinking 1 cup of regular strength coffee a day, and the cup lasts the WHOLE DAY (I'm serious the whole day) I am to bothered to reheat it every hour I spend the day sipping cold black coffee. It is so disgusting I have switched to tea hoping I can finish a cup in one day but I have the same problem with the caffeine even if there is less in tea. Cold tea tastes better though! I can handle that.

Why am I so sensitive? I drink tea everyday now but I can only manage a cup that lasts the whole day...12 hours right up until I go to bed and I usually don't finish the whole cup.

If I do try to drink one cup of coffee/tea in a reasonable amount of time (Before it gets cold, in 20 minutes) I feel very uncomfortable, on edge, difficulty focusing and speeds up my digestion in a bad way.


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15 Feb 2013, 11:02 pm

When my nine year old son was younger, he would have some killer meltdowns in public. Based on a rumor, I gave him one of those tiny caffine energy drinks with vitamin B. Those little drinks would do wonders for his behavior for about 3 hours.

I do not know why it worked, but, it worked. I would only give him the drink once a week at most because I was feared possible side effects.

People with ADHD seem to drink lots of caffine.

I am not autistic or ADHD. Coffee will turn me into a nervous wreck. I usually only drink it if I absolutely need to stay awake.

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15 Feb 2013, 11:05 pm

Coffee is a gamble for me. I havve approx. a one in three chance of it having no effect at all, knocking me out, or working like it's supposed to. The only thing I've found that consistently gives me energy is Nos.


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16 Feb 2013, 12:40 am

There are gender differences as well as individual. Boys are more sensitive to caffeine than girls. ... girls.html

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16 Feb 2013, 1:13 am

Skilpadde wrote:
There are gender differences as well as individual. Boys are more sensitive to caffeine than girls. ... girls.html

Interesting article though the sample group in the study might be a bit small. I must be an exception to that (I don't feel any effect of caffeine), though the article is mostly concerned with the effect of caffeine on blood pressure.

I've been consuming coffee since my teenage, but never experienced any effect of caffeine at all. Long time ago I tried a few cups of coffee to stay awake for my study, but ended up sleeping at the desk. Nothing except alcohol works (causes blood rush, mild breathing difficulty and/or sleepiness). Energy drinks, antidepressants, sleeping pills (5 tablets did absolutely nothing at all) etc have no effect on me.

I drink coffee only for the taste and as an accompaniment to my relaxing moments. Sitting with family/friends at home/in a cafe with good coffee is one of the best moments. Reading a book while having an iced latte is another blissful moment.

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16 Feb 2013, 3:47 am

coffee gets me wired like crazy

The only caffeine source that somewhat relaxes me is low grade green tea.

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16 Mar 2013, 9:44 pm

I was diagnosed twice with Asperger's between 2011 and 2012, but way before that, I have been struggling with coffee addiction for 20 years to the point where it makes me very crappy and lethargic all over. I normally drink for 6-8 hours straight from the moment I wake up, I even tried cereal but makes me drowsy and light-headed even after I've had a good night's sleep.

However, one of the psychologists who diagnosed me had suggested to try yogurt, because it's very binding. Needess to say, she was right. After my day-long coffee fix, I'll have my yogurt with either pancakes/toaster strudels, a fruit and some juice, so it does give me somewhat of an energy boost. PLUS, about that same time I also came across a YouTube video on the effects of long-term coffee consumption: it gets to be to the point it blocks your B vitamins, which are necessary for memory and concentration, so I have been going to my local vitamin store just for that, have it with dinner with three glasses of water. That way, I have been gettting up less during the night to use the washroom, so I can avoid feeling drowsy throughout the day. (Don't laugh, it DOES work, seriously, for me, it does.) :)

But then again, I have been trying like crazy to stay off coffee, because there are certain times during the day my energy level feels so low, so lousy, but at the same time, I just have this uncontrollable craving for caffeine. And lately, I have been feeling constipated. Besides, I have been drinking bottled water on and off during the day to help boost my energy levels, but somehow I need caffeine to help keep me focused at work, and take my mom and grandma to wherever they want to go during my off days. Plus, I want more energy to keep my mind focused on whatever I read, (I don't have any patience for reading a book or magazine when I was younger, nor can I retain what I read from memory anymore. And, believe me, I DO love to read.)

Any ideas or suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated.

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16 Mar 2013, 11:05 pm

Coffee has no effect on getting to sleep but if I am drowsy when I am driving it keeps me awake. I need at least 2 cups a day to prevent headaches; I get withdrawal headaches if I have no coffee. However, I understand it can help prevent Alzheimer's and as my mother couldn't stand coffee as she developed the disease I prefer to stay with my slight addiction. I can only drink fresh coffee too - can't stand instant.

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17 Mar 2013, 8:51 am

I think it can be in your head sometimes. Some kind of placebo effect... It's hard to tell if it really has an effect or not :?


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17 Mar 2013, 9:16 am

Speaking as a bit of an expert, as coffee and tea are the only things I drink... Coffee doesn't put me to sleep. It has a slightly "wakening" effect while I am drinking it, but as soon as it's gone, that passes. That said, if I do a venti straight espresso (My Starbucks manager loves me. That is all.), I'm wired like an adderall, but only for about 45 minutes. I think I just metabolize caffeine quickly.