Anyone emotionally abused growing up?
Joined: 10 May 2012
Gender: Male
Posts: 3,700
Location: Beautiful(?) West Manchester Township PA
Yeah, I was abused verbally, physically, mentally and emotionally. Mom and dad came from dysfunctional families. On mom's side of the family, both her father and grandfather were the town drunks. She got the full brunt of her father's abuse, except being sexually abused. Her mother was also quite cold. Although she was never diagnosed, I suspect she was bipolar, as my brothers and I constantly were walking on eggshells, as she had a hairpin trigger on her temper. Heaven help anyone that set her off.
Dad's side of the family wasn't much better. His father was the town giggolo. He left grandma when dad was about 10. He was also a sadistic SOB. Many are the times that he would strangle a beagle to death in front of him is that particular dog was gun-shy or wouldn't hunt. He was also, what I'm finding out, as I'm pushing 60, a heckler. Any wonder Dad got his jollies by heckling me. Dad, also being a milkman, was used to being a wisenheimer among other sales people, who were oftentimes wisenheimers themselves.
As abuse by other people, mom and dad were of the opinion that I'm the one responsible for all the abuse other people heaped on me, and they would beat the living sh!t out of me for allowing it to happen. Besides, I tried being sociable. They'd beat me again for being sociable, especially with people they didn't approve of (and they wonder why I never dated or got married). Any wonder I have acquaintances, but next to no close friends?