Rainbow_Belle wrote:
I am not up to speed to work any job in any field. I am a slow paced worker and I am unemployable. I barely passed my college degree and college was the biggest mistake of my life. Fast food or retail job full time may have been better than wasting years on a worthless college education leading to 10 years on welfare. I have applied for 10,000 jobs in total since finishing college and not a single response or a job interview. It is a requirement that I apply for jobs to stay on welfare.
You are not unemployable. You have managed to jump through the benefits hoops for ten years, that's difficult, particularly with social anxiety. And you finished your degree.
There are very few full time jobs in shops and fast food and the hours go to those who cover the most hours
when needed, so you would only get full time after years of doing extra hours whenever asked and often
without warning. Flexibility is really important to most employers in these industries in part because they never
cover all shifts properly in case business is slow. They don't want to pay people to do nothing. If they are busy
they then call in those who are off to do extra hours or ask people to stay longer. To do a good job in retail you
have to be able to talk to people,not in detail, it's a very surface interaction, a sort of patter, but with social
anxiety it would be very difficult. I don't know the main skill necessary for fast food because whenever I tried
to apply for McDonald's I failed the pre application test and was told I had the wrong personality. I think it was
because I refused to say that I enjoy surprises at work. I have had to cope with surprises at work on many
occasions and I coped well but did I enjoy it when a drunk threw a glass ashtray at my head (I was a barmaid
and she missed)? Did I enjoy it when someone died of a heart attack? And what about the surprise of being
made redundant with no notice? No! because surprises at work are NEVER good, I just couldn't bring myself to lie
on the test and ended up in a much nicer job where I don't get asked trick questions.