calandale wrote:
I'm of the opinion that this is an honest statement,
and NOT a matter of some sort of trolling. I think
aspie17 has some real difficulties, and those of
you who are just taking offense at the nature of
some of his statements should probably lay off.
This is very sensible. I really find it appalling how so many people here will pick on an individual just because he doesn't tow the line, and is perceived as an easy target. People with AS have a wide range of abilities, and I think those who've posted in this thread will find the IQ criterion of "average" or above refers to 85 or above, as "average" is a range that starts one standard deviation below the mean, in this context. Furthermore, it would be quite possible on that basis for someone to have a verbal component below 80 with a full-scale figure in the "average" range, and really struggle here with communication; maybe the original poster is having that problem.
As for the gripe the original poster has, I do have some sympathy, though even I would have worded it a little more diplomatically. I think there are too many self-diagnosed people who come to these boards then carry on as if they're some bloody authority on AS, when they don't know if they have it, and have never met anyone who has. In fact, there's at least one contributer to this thread who has "diagnosed" in his profile, yet has previously stated he doesn't have a diagnosis.