I have a fear of roaches. They are horrid and disgusting and make me freeze. Even a dead one. I know I'm capable of fighting the fear and addressing the issue, but I'd rather someone else deal with it.
(On the other hand, spiders don't bother me. I let them hang around my room to deter the roaches.)
I have a sort of fear of balloons. I didn't when I was a kid; I was as comfortable handling balloons as any other kid. But now if I see a fully-inflated rubber balloon (plastic ones don't bother me), I give it a wide berth. Especially if it's in the hands of a young male.
'Cause that thing is going to pop, and I don't want to be near it when that happens.
Is anyone familiar with the "pull string fireworks" Independence Day noisemakers that are a string with a paper wrapped around the middle, and when the ends are yanked it breaks and goes BANG? Well, one year I wanted to see what was under the paper. So I unwrapped it.
And I found the BANG.
I think that was the point I got my fear of balloons.
I also avoid cotton balls and will firmly opt out of assisting with any craft that involves them (sometimes to the confusion of other helpers). I'm not scared of them; they just have a really unsettling texture that gives me the heebie jeebies.
I also have a certain fear of losing friends. For most of my life, I had to keep getting new best friends because the ones I had wouldn't stick around. So I've come to expect it. But I'm starting to get over it now that I have close aspie friends and at least one has helped me feel secure that he won't abandon me.
(I wouldn't even cross my mind that a romantic interest would leave me, though. And I wouldn't be as bothered at that as at losing a friend anyway.)
Joe90 wrote:
I'm afraid of death.
Ah, that's one I'm not. Of course I'm not wishing for it to come early either, but I like fantacizing about different ways it could happen. As Peter Pan said, "To die would be a great adventure."
Claradoon wrote:
In later years, I allowed one spider into my room, the first one of the season. Inevitably she took up an upper corner, spun a web, and spent the night getting rid of all other bugs. I never even got a mosquito bite. I thought it was a fair trade.
StarTrekker wrote:
Actually you reminded me that I'm afraid of balloons too; I'm always anxious that they're going to pop unexpectedly and scare the daylights out of me.

So it's actually somewhat common.
IsabellaLinton wrote:
I've noticed that many of my childhood phobias have reversed, and they're now my favourite things. Not all of them, but many.
I found Batman.
Logical Sensory Extrovert (ESTj) . Enneagram 1-6-2
Protestant . Female . Asexual . self-diagnosed Aspie
I enjoy charts, knitting, gaming, and interacting with real but atypical people.