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18 Jun 2018, 3:03 pm

I don't have as many literal fears as desires to avoid things (if that makes sense) but I do have some distinct phobias. I'm afraid of police (morbid), of being physically or mentally harmed by others, losing independence, and being talked down to (it makes me scared and then I feel extra stupid. I think it's not that NTs have less irrational fears, they just aren't as reactive? My best friend has a phobia of ears!

Snowy Owl
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18 Jun 2018, 3:56 pm

Alfred Hitchcock had a phobia of policemen. I heard him say in an interview that if he was in a taxi in a Manhattan traffic jam and a police car with a uniformed policeman pulled up alongside, if the traffic jam did not soon clear, he would have to pay the cabdriver, get out, and walk, or catch a cab on another street.


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18 Jun 2018, 4:36 pm

greenheron wrote:
Alfred Hitchcock had a phobia of policemen. I heard him say in an interview that if he was in a taxi in a Manhattan traffic jam and a police car with a uniformed policeman pulled up alongside, if the traffic jam did not soon clear, he would have to pay the cabdriver, get out, and walk, or catch a cab on another street.

That's interesting! It's frustrating because I don't do anything wrong to fear them for. I had to go visit a friend in jail once and about had a full mental shut down.


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18 Jun 2018, 4:59 pm

I was afraid of lots of things as a kid - storms, tornadoes, volcanoes, getting diseases, and terrorists to name a few.

As an adult, I’m mostly just afraid of the dark and loud noises. Sometimes, I’m paranoid and think someone is following me, too.

Dreams and my imagination can be pretty frightening as well.

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18 Jun 2018, 6:03 pm

I'm afraid of losing my mind, and afraid that I'll be accused of something that I cannot PROVE I didn't do.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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18 Jun 2018, 6:08 pm

skahthic wrote:
But Buick Lesabre-sized roaches that need FAA clearance????? NOOOOO!! !

This literally made me LOL!! I've seen those suckers----I think we were in Georgia----they're HUGE, and EXTREMELY UGLY; and, I SWEAR you could hear their "bones" crunch, when we killed it!!

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
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18 Jun 2018, 6:52 pm

blooiejagwa wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
having my feet tucked in bed
conjoined twins
ferris wheels
inanimate objects speaking (on TV)
mail delivery
telephone rings
professional women
emotional discourse
small talk
eye contact
leaving my house
the colour orange

there's more. let me think.

I agree with you on women. Men and women. Both are scary. Makes me think I am neither and just an alien in a women’s body

I agree! I feel the same way most of the time.

I'm also afraid of:
New Year's Eve
The Future
Sundays and Tuesdays

I'm basically an anxious mess.

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20 Jun 2018, 12:38 pm

Birds (especially large ones)
The color green
Odd numbers
Being abandoned
Getting into trouble
Small spaces

"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood

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21 Jun 2018, 7:40 am

The future.

"Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey."


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21 Jun 2018, 1:44 pm

Benjamin the Donkey wrote:
The future.

That's a good one.

With scary old school sound after you said it 8)

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21 Jun 2018, 3:27 pm

I have a fear of roaches. They are horrid and disgusting and make me freeze. Even a dead one. I know I'm capable of fighting the fear and addressing the issue, but I'd rather someone else deal with it.
(On the other hand, spiders don't bother me. I let them hang around my room to deter the roaches.)

I have a sort of fear of balloons. I didn't when I was a kid; I was as comfortable handling balloons as any other kid. But now if I see a fully-inflated rubber balloon (plastic ones don't bother me), I give it a wide berth. Especially if it's in the hands of a young male.
'Cause that thing is going to pop, and I don't want to be near it when that happens.

Is anyone familiar with the "pull string fireworks" Independence Day noisemakers that are a string with a paper wrapped around the middle, and when the ends are yanked it breaks and goes BANG? Well, one year I wanted to see what was under the paper. So I unwrapped it.
And I found the BANG.
I think that was the point I got my fear of balloons.

I also avoid cotton balls and will firmly opt out of assisting with any craft that involves them (sometimes to the confusion of other helpers). I'm not scared of them; they just have a really unsettling texture that gives me the heebie jeebies.

I also have a certain fear of losing friends. For most of my life, I had to keep getting new best friends because the ones I had wouldn't stick around. So I've come to expect it. But I'm starting to get over it now that I have close aspie friends and at least one has helped me feel secure that he won't abandon me.
(I wouldn't even cross my mind that a romantic interest would leave me, though. And I wouldn't be as bothered at that as at losing a friend anyway.)

Joe90 wrote:
I'm afraid of death.

Ah, that's one I'm not. Of course I'm not wishing for it to come early either, but I like fantacizing about different ways it could happen. As Peter Pan said, "To die would be a great adventure."

Claradoon wrote:
In later years, I allowed one spider into my room, the first one of the season. Inevitably she took up an upper corner, spun a web, and spent the night getting rid of all other bugs. I never even got a mosquito bite. I thought it was a fair trade.


StarTrekker wrote:
Actually you reminded me that I'm afraid of balloons too; I'm always anxious that they're going to pop unexpectedly and scare the daylights out of me.

:D So it's actually somewhat common.

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I've noticed that many of my childhood phobias have reversed, and they're now my favourite things. Not all of them, but many.

I found Batman.

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21 Jun 2018, 4:30 pm

StarTrekker wrote:
...they're unpredictable, loud, and have the potential to become dangerous.

Ha, funny, I have to say I can feel that way about people in a general sense.

Good topic though.

I have a fear of things crawling on me. I'm sensitive to touch as it is. I'm fine with spiders and bugs if they keep to themselves.

Years ago, on a blazing hot summer night I was awakened by something lightly brushing my legs. Then it happened again. I searched the whole room to no avail and then just sat on the edge of the bed. Sure enough, a large spider revealed itself. I reduced it to pulp. Yuck.

I'm OK with blood draws if they can get the blood they need from me on the "first stick". If they can't find a vein and keep poking me, I will faint. It's so unnatural to have a needle punctured into my skin, it starts the clock ticking down for me.... So I would say I have a fear of needles.


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07 Jul 2018, 4:12 pm

StarTrekker wrote:

fire alarms, sirens, whistles, etc. all scare me too. The sudden excessive noise is too much to deal with and I almost immediately shut down.

All the troubles of the world today can pretty much be traced back to the invention of those goddamn steam whistles that corrupted the minds of the youth and led our people down the path of damnation.


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07 Jul 2018, 4:29 pm

Grasshoppers! They're my worst nightmare!


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08 Jul 2018, 2:13 am

Not being able to look after myself financially, emotionally, psychologically and in society.
Destroying myself through self destruction.


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08 Jul 2018, 2:52 am

hale_bopp wrote:
Not being able to look after myself financially, emotionally, psychologically and in society.
Destroying myself through self destruction.

Oh, I was going to say just heights, but you reminded me of the actual big one. In addition to what you listed, up until recently I was consistently degenerating in symptoms and meltdowns, and I was seriously afraid that if that went on for much longer I might be at risk of insanity or become completely unresponsive, I think I was greatly overreacting, but that was probably the biggest scare of my life.

After years of self-imposed exile. I am now making an effort to talk to people. So anyone feel free to PM me on any subject, I would love to try to interact with people more!