skibum wrote:
strings wrote:
But, as has been said, the power of suggestion and imagination in the human mind can be very strong. A mundane psychological explanation seem to be much more likely in a case like this.
I don't think so. As someone who personally experiences this, and as someone who has traveled and lived all over the world, I know that this is not power of suggestion or imagination or mundanely psychological.
Well maybe the sound you are hearing would indeed be picked up by a sensitive microphone or seismometer. Have you ever heard sounds that are definitively not picked up by measurements, I wonder?
My comments about the psycho-acoustical explanation apply only to the cases where the microphone or seismometer does not pick up any signal. Under those circumstances, where some people claim to hear something even when the sensitive equipment says there is nothing there, I think the psycho-acoustical explanation is the most likely one. In other words, I tend to trust measurements more than people's anecdotal reports of hearing things that most people don't hear and that measuring instruments don't detect.
Of course if the equipment does pick up a sound, and somebody says they can hear it, there doesn't need to be anything surprising about that!